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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 3 weeks ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

Off-Duty & Firearms

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kevin Grant adammcbain-stratten 13 years ago.

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Profile photo of Esperanza Hernandoz



This is from the view of the sim and administration, meaning that Andel, Dax, and Aven may require officers to adhere to more strict criteria of how officers use their firearms on and off-duty. They can levy both IC and OOC consequences. Losing your gun tag as an officer permanently will result in the loss of all gun tags if being an officer was the only qualification you met.

Are you allowed to carry a concealed weapon while off duty? Yes!

Is this realistic? Yes! Here is why...

Under LEOSA, Active Officers or -QUALIFIED- retired officers are allowed to carry concealed weapons. After the 911 attacks, it was seen that its imperative that officers be allowed to handle situations even while off-duty, though, there are regulations surrounding it (coming up). Criminals are never off-duty... thus officers are never truly off-duty. This does not give qualified officers any special enforcement or arrest authority or immunity when off-duty... If these weapons are used, there is no special protection from arrest and investigation if needed. We will act accordingly if a cop makes habit of using their gun and then using their status as officer to try and cover it up or get out of trouble with his fellow comrades. This (as well as all the following) does not mean every once in a while a corrupt cop can't mess with people using their firearm, it just means.... don't take advantage and don't do it on a consistant bases.

Limitations - Realistic and RP Specific.

LEOSA allows officers to carry concealed firearms, but limits what kind. For our purpose, those firearms are limited to HANDGUNS that the HPD is allowed to carry. If your character chooses to use a personal handgun not listed in the HPD firearm policy and gets caught then it will lead to the law looking at the officer in question a regular citizen carrying a firearm. Your character can be arrested and that will count as a strike against you (As per the guide all players are subject to criteria regarding how many times they are arrested for using a gun).

LEOSA does not supersede state laws permitting private property owners from limiting or prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons on their property. If an off-duty officer is on private property and uses his gun - he can be arrested and investigated if warranted (Obviously, saving people and self defense is allowed). This includes public bars, private clubs, and places, such as amusement parks, planes, etc. It also doesn't override any state laws prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on state or local or federal government property like courthouses, schools, or parks. For our purposes ALL of those restrictions apply, so literally... do not walk into a bar with a loaded gun unless you are sure you want to accept the possible consequences if you are there to cause trouble.

Basically, we don't want you guys to abuse the power you are given. ICly, a lot may be overlooked... OOCly a lot will be overlooked as long as the play is fair and the intent is not all about winning. Once we start hearing complaints, IC gun suspension or complete revocations can occur.

Here are some sites that can help you gage how cops in the real world have to go about these iffy situations

and of course for any law nerds like me:

February 8, 2012 at 2:25 pm
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