As Jhoney says, "The CDPD is the den's largest gang!"
This is true - it's a very popular organization which gets a lot of applications. In our focus this new year to improve RP, there will be a lot of attention given to the PD. New changes include:
1.) revision of "Police Guide" - I'm getting Ben & Jhoney's help when revising this note. Jhoney did a great job getting it started. It will be made simple and to-the-point so that newbies will understand what kind of duty, style of RP and conduct is expected of officers before they apply.
2.) revising the PD building architecture with the help of Paulo / Ben. When this project is started, suggestions will be welcomed.
3.) new responsibilities for PD (ie. managing gun permits)
4.) promotions / awards - a key aspect of the PD is it's structured RP and rank system. Good RP = measurable reward through status gain & recognition. We'll be fine-tuning this system.