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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 3 weeks ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

Dress Code

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jake Anonymous 15 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of sirus



I would just like to raise the issue, once again as I am seeing more and more of this from officers/rookies alike. It is stated clear as day in the Hathian Police Department guide that facial piercings/uniform add on-s are not allowed under HPD guide lines.

All Officers are to maintain an appropriate level of grooming, including neat and tidy style of hair and facial hair, both of which are to be kept short and businesslike. Alternative hair styles, colored hair of unnatural appearance or facial piercings, are not permitted.

Standard Equipment
All Officers are permitted the following for use while on duty as standard equipment. These provide a range of options in order to react to various events appropriately and without excessive force. Weapons and equipment other than those stated below are not normally permitted.

1. A Kevlar vest, either concealed or worn over clothing
2. A sidearm either a pistol or revolver, fully loaded with two additional magazines or reloads
3. A Taser
4. A Pepper Spray dispenser
5. An Asp (Extending Baton)
6. A flashlight (Maglight)
7. A pair of Handcuffs
8. A small folding Knife or multipurpose tool
9. A radio

All Officers, apart from Detectives, are required to wear a uniform at all times, whilst on duty. Suitable shoes are also always to be worn with the uniform, generally a leather or other appropriate style of black boot. Please note that sneakers and casual footwear are not acceptable. In addition, a Kevlar or ballistic vest may be worn, when appropriate or required.

Although not directly mentioned as saying don't do it, it is known that things such as cowboy hats and generally all hats with the exception of the duty hat that comes with the uniform. And although its not something that i believe will result in this huge immediate OOC action, Senior Officers and above are or should be correcting these things, and its something I try to do but not around all the time.

Although our police department does not conform to the standards of what would be considered as a "normal" department, we are at the end of the day still cops, thugs with badges depending on your path but none the less cops. With that being said, every police entity, even fire/medical or other business setting are going to require some conformity on some level or another.

August 22, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Profile photo of Kyben Ferraris

kyben ferraris


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August 23, 2009 at 3:53 am
Profile photo of kate-pera



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August 23, 2009 at 7:02 am
Profile photo of jake



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August 23, 2009 at 2:26 pm
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