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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 2 weeks, 6 days ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

Draft Memo left by mistake on downstairs table…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of ethaniel-morrisey ethaniel-morrisey 15 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of Benjamin Stoneage



# HPD Draft Notice
# 9/12/09
# Cpt. Stoneage


- Improve coordination on RP between officers
- Have more "regular" expected RP that newer officers can expect/join
- Make life/regulations simplier for police
- Keep this brief


- Re-Introduction of the "Anti-Crime" team, lead by Ethan/Kate(?) -
- still need: short description of role, requirements to join, number of spots

- Re-Introduction of Detectives, lead by Maxx/?
- still need: short description of role, number of spots
- requirements to join: must be partnered to another officer, you are road patrol when not working with your partner

- Weekly Road Patrol by all Ranked Officers
- all Sgt+ who are "active" should be able to put aside 20-30 minutes to lead a road patrol
- I'd like to setup some sort of schedule either on the forums or google that any officer can view
- The nature, distance and length should be mentioned at the start so that any who can't complete don't join
- Attendance should be taken/noted in forums

Distributed to: Lt Morrisey, Lt Doseburg, Lt Pera
cc: Cpt. Taov


Note, I don't have a ton of time to debate things on the forums, please keep your comments very brief and to the point. I like bullet points.

This NC also doesn't address a communication breakdown we seem to be experiencing, I will start another thread on that in the next few days.

September 12, 2009 at 4:26 pm
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