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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 1 week, 5 days ago ago

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Creating Deeper Plots in HPD RP

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of lilith Anonymous 13 years, 1 month ago.

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Profile photo of tiberius-modan



Alot of the Patrolman sometimes ask me about what does one do when arriving to a Homocide or scene where evidence gathering is a nessecity for the investigation to happen. This is something I've contemplated about and wanted to give some tips to you guys when you cant seem to find a Detective or just want some Do's and Donts.

When arriving on a scene or OOCLy asked to respond to a Special case (Homocide, Sexual Assault, Kidnapping Etc) communication is Key with the person running the scene. I cant stress this enough. Talk to the person about what is left at the scene, what would they find, what THEY are ok with us finding. What I mean by this is, Investigations runs mulitple test be it Foresenic, Database searches, or even Survellance. We need to know what the Perp is ok with revealing or not. If you arrive at a scene, Homocide lets say. No DNA, No witnesses, no plausible weapon traces, but the Victim was raped, clawed at, and done out in the open...You got yourself a pickle. Talk it out and find whats cool and whats not.

Notes. Reports should be detailed as best they could. Alot of the time Investigations dotn get forwarded to us, and patrol division wants to handle. This is encouraged, absolutly. If a detective if reading the reports and its lacking certain things, He/ She is going to get with you and try to fill in the blanks. The more notes you take, the more interesting the Rp is and the more immersive feel the report has. When Details are explained, your bringing to life the event for the onlookers to read. Also the more notes you have the easier it is for the the DA (district attorney) to prosecute once we have done all the fact finding.

Scene Ettiquete:
Arriving on Scene, Call it in to Dispatch. Request Detective if Applicable.
Tape Scene off and Examine the immediate area.
Do all your IC Fact Finding thru police methods. (Remember just cause you discussed it OOC, does not mean you know it IC)
Gloves (If Investigations arrive on scene, and you dont have those on. Expect a Ass chewing IC 🙂 ))
Adherence to Scene (Dont step in blood piles, dont move objects untill they were noted where they were and listed in the report)
Note everything of interest, and bag everything applicable.
Call in to Dispatch anything of interest and File report SAME DAY.

Following up: Now that you have all this information, how would you determine the prints. IC search in the precint. DNA, Get with HGH to have them run Test. Body Evidence, Get with the Coroner Taka. Abandon Car? Run Plates and VIN Numbers and speak to the owners. Follow up is the most important and to me FUN part of the investigation. Your crime is the puzzle, the follow up is making the pieces fit. This also gives the Crack Den community Oppurtunity to RP as Key witnesses/ Assist with investigation, creating more dynamic and interesting RPs.

Just something I threw together and something that is not endorsed by the Captain or HPD COC. Just some Ideas to give the Patrolman to consider.

December 28, 2011 at 9:06 pm
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December 28, 2011 at 10:31 pm
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December 28, 2011 at 11:17 pm
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December 30, 2011 at 5:45 pm
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December 31, 2011 at 3:34 am
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January 3, 2012 at 1:03 am
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January 3, 2012 at 3:32 am
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January 3, 2012 at 4:26 am
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January 9, 2012 at 10:34 am
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