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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 1 week, 5 days ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

A new discussion about the HPD… Please behave this time.

This topic contains 48 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jake Anonymous 15 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of ethaniel-morrisey



Alright, since we have to wait a week for the meeting with Nadir, Bebe and Stu, while some of you seem to be keen to continue the discussion or is likely to just flare right up again into an argument, i thought we might be able to address some of the points brought up in recent days and try to defuse some of the issues, before continuing a discussion about any constructive and positive ideas you have for the HPD. Now many of you might be thinking i am shooting myself in the foot, but i am prepared to give it a go, if we can manage to do this in a somewhat civilized manner.

Now most importantly, these are the rules of this thread, yes i know the forums are meant to be for discussion and sharing ideas, but there are a few limits. Firstly, none of what i addressed below is to be discussed. You all seem to have a fair few complaints about things, so i have simply answered you as best i can to get it over and done with. Second, no individual, rank or position is to be singled out for comment, especially negative and all of your ideas should be constructive and positive. While finally, if you cannot do this, i will not hesitate to delete your post.

Firstly to Hakkon getting demoted. i didnt get a complaint from Asher, the complaints were made by another Officer, the staff of Lou's bar and a member of the Ace's, who's alt is a RP Manager and member of Security. Second, i discussed the matter with Stu at the time, those who were present, even Asher as well, although Hakkon had already logged. While it is no secret that the HPD has a set of rules and always had, since long before i even joined, which restrict the use of firearms. So confronted with at least 3 complaints and questioned what was going to be done about it, i could either fire Hakkon as the rules said, ignore it and also confirm the specific complaint I had received, which was that Hakkon seemed to be exempt from the same rules as every other officer and was never held accountable and allowed to do whatever they liked, or as I decided to do, I compromised and in this case, Hakkon was demoted to Officer. There wasn't any need for discussion or debate, I had a log that showed Hakkon quite clearly fired more than 2 rounds from their gun in one emote and emptied the entire magazine, with everyone in the scene RP'ing only 2 bullets being fired and voiding that particular part of the emote. I simply sent Hakkon an IM telling them they were being demoted and considered it over and done with. Nadir wasnt online at the time, but when i told him of this, he said that was fine and he didint have a problem with Hakkon being demoted. In addition, there had been several notices sent reminding everyone of the rules regarding firearms in the weeks previous to this, as this problem had occurred several times already. Finally this will be the first and only time an issue regarding the promotion/demotion or dismissal of any individual will be discussed. It isn't any of your business, nor your decision to make and when the officer involved still hasnt bothered to talk to me about it, i don't see why all of you are so upset about it.

Now when it comes to the rules, they are there for a very simple reason. The HPD is meant to be a fictional and corrupt department, above the law and not accountable to anyone, I can assure you that no one is ever fired or demoted or disciplined for beating suspects, raping them or even shooting them. Unlike a gang, no one can arrest a HPD Officer and they cannot be held accountable. Yet the HPD is given special privileges in comparison to other groups, such as being able to carry guns and make arrests, just like normal police officers can. This creates a conundrum and double standard, so there needs to be some balance. The answer being, even if the HPD is corrupt and above the law, they are held accountable and have to follow the rules, instead of the law and is as simple as that. We are above the law, but there is simply somethings we cannot do and have to be restricted, so we are not above the rules. Absolutely the only reason a HPD officer is ever disciplined, which results in the IC punishment of suspension, demotion or dismissal, is when they break the rules. While if your curious, i haven't booted anyone from the PD for probably at least 2 to 3 months.

As to ideas and RP getting shot down... firstly if it was that ridiculous legal complaint( here, as i have said, the police are not accountable, i dont care if they beat a lawyer,we are a corrupt department and above the law, i am not going to do anything about it, especially when the Officer involved is Lt Stoneage and his explanation was the girl involved was simply upset he didnt rape her. While as to any other ideas getting shot down, that has nothing to do with me, Nadir made the decision to get rid of the anti gang unit, along with K9s, a SWAT team or any other special positions or assignments a long time ago and you shouldnt simply assume, i am making every single decision unilaterally, or that i am not regularly discussing HPD matters with Nadir. I can assure you in fact, there isnt that much i can do, without Nadir's approval first. While if you want to talk about voiding the RP with Ava, i will quite happily ask who did and didn't agree with my decision and i am almost certain that again, i wasn't acting unilaterally and i think you will find most of the HPD, would say i made the right decision.

While I dont have anything against say a anti-gang unit, but i am sorry to be completely blunt and honest here, but i know for a fact, that many of you would not be welcome in an anti-gang unit, the gang leaders would not be interested in role playing with you and would not cooperate. Why? The anti gang unit used to exist when the department was allied with the gangs, they didnt police the gangs, they worked with them and cooperated with them, as they were paid off by the gangs and did what the gangs wanted, not the other way around. Basically it was a cop, who for all intensive purposes, became a gang member themselves. Since we have ended the bribery and any alliances or cooperation between the gangs and the HPD, basically every HPD officer is now a member of an anti gang unit, because everyone now arrests the gangs and investigates them. While the gangs are not going to happily include you in their RP plots, if you are going to arrest them, as they want to try and avoid the HPD as much as possible. However, since you are all interested, i will approach the gang leaders and see who they would be prepared to work with in any potential AGU position, but note, the decision is going to be up to Parnell, Ace, Rippen and the other gang leaders, not me.

When it comes to the HPD you have to understand as Nadir pointed out, that the role is simply what you make it. If you want to go investigate or arrest someone, then just go and do it. You have to make things happen for yourself. We cannot make people call 911 or invent emergencies or crimes, we mostly respond to events, rather than being proactive and generating RP ourselves. If you are bored, go out on patrol and meet people, get to know them, see if you can find a weapon to confiscate, a dealer to search and so on. Preplanned serial killer plots is not what the HPD is about at all and before Ava came along, there hadn't ever been a similar situation while i had been a member of the HPD. You should be all out hassling the gangs and hookers, which is how you make RP for yourself. Nothing is planned, nothing is organised, you have to go and make it happen yourself. I know Parnell, Ace, Rippen and pretty much most of the other criminals in this town already, i have met them, investigated and arrested them, now it is your turn and you cant count on anyone else but yourself to do it. Challenge yourself like Nadir said.

While finally to tone, again to be honest, apart from Stu, Nadir, Bebe and Kate, many of you have absolutely no idea what it is like for the Lieutenants or any RP Group Manager, when the group is the size of ours. We have close to 100 Officers, unlike a gang or a gang leader who has to worry about only a handful of people. While my attitude to the role and position is directly related to how you all approach your own RP and roles within the group. It is not a right to be a member of the group or even to be able to RP in CD, its a privilege and if you are given that opportunity and accepted into the group, it means i trust you to behave appropriately and hope that you will not let me down, by for instance going and breaking the rules, causing a whole lot of complaints and drama, which simply increases the workload and stress levels for me. Do you think a gang leader lets just anyone join their gang and do whatever they want? Well we are CD's largest gang and really it is no different. We are also absolutely the most controversial and complaint causing group within CD, no one likes the police or to be arrested, they of course complain and for example, you have absolutely no idea how much trouble it has sometimes caused me.

For example, none of you have had to overnight alter your RP with your friends, character, plots and stories, even your partner, because it has suddenly been decided the HPD no longer has any links and alliances with the gangs. None of you have had to explain to your girlfriend or wife, sorry you better leave the gang you are in and leave behind the RP and plots or stories we have created and RP'd for over a year because of the HPD. None of you had to deal with 20 new recruits per week that are your responsibility, before we had the wiki which answered all your questions and the requirement you had previously role played as a civilian, which saw complaints literally stream in constantly by the dozen. So while you might complain i have to deal with these and blame me for being too harsh. Just remember that of course the criminals all blame me as well, because i am the one who lets any cop into the group and gives them the gun and uniform in the first place. Finally i am the one who sat down in my office and spent weeks writing Penal Codes and coming up with the wiki content you are all using in your RP, so if you want to complain i am busy or not able to RP very much, especially considering Ben and Kate's absence for the past month or so, at least please consider why.

While In real life i am an university lecturer and teach, so while on the one hand i am quite prepared to help you and explain something, i am just as willing to tell you off for doing the wrong thing at the same time and if you deserve it, i will fail you without second thought and sleep soundly at night, if you want to think of it that way. Really if you dont do anything wrong and say weren't breaking the rules, or for instance, parking other people's cars in, so that they cannot use the vehicle they are paying for, yes i will not hesitate to point it out and im not going to sugarcoat it. Take some personal responsibility and take care of it yourself, so i dont even have to worry about it.

Alright, now hopefully that has gone some way towards defusing some of the emotion out of this debate and gotten things back on topic. Please again, dont discuss any of the above details, individuals or your opinions about things, such as who gets to be the Lt's, if we should have any rules or what they should be or similar, that are not up for discussion. Nadir simply wanted some positive and constructive ideas for helping the HPD move forward, so can we perhaps at least try to do that and in a way without having to have the thread locked, moderated and censored in the process?

Thanks, in advance, lets hear your ideas...

June 18, 2009 at 3:24 pm
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June 18, 2009 at 3:58 pm
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June 18, 2009 at 5:25 pm
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June 18, 2009 at 5:45 pm
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June 18, 2009 at 8:48 pm
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June 19, 2009 at 10:18 am
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June 19, 2009 at 12:30 pm
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