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Hathian General Hospital

Public Group  |  active 3 weeks, 5 days ago ago

Life saving staff of Hathian General.

HGH rules refresher

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of ɪɴᴅɪᴀ 'ᴅɪᴀʙʟᴏ' sᴛ.ᴅɪᴀᴢ laramae crystal 3 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of james-matfield



Hey all! This forum post is just to remind players of some of the various rules that has been added/changed over the years. If you have any questions, please hit me up. These line up with what has been discussed with admins and the guide.
NPC charts:
NPC charting is not allowed at HGH. This isn’t to say that you can’t NPC. It just means that you won’t get a chart or cred unless you rp the scene with either HGH staff or EMS (as they now can chart players into the hospital that they’ve treated in the absence of doctors). If you are in a hurry and need the scene done, my suggestion would be to do at least a round of posting with a provider. If none are available, you can contact any of us in the provider portal (in this forum) and we can do a “follow up exam” that will enable us to chart the scene for you.
ALTS in scenes:
While there aren’t sim rules specifically against using 2 alts in a scene, please be mindful of how this can be abused. If your two characters are gaining some sort of advantage over another player, this can be construed as power gaming, metagaming, ETC. Best to avoid drama by being aware of how it starts. If a patient needs restrained, you don’t log on more of your alts come help. You can page for help or you use the NPC’s (but be careful in how you use them as well. Talk to the player and get permission).
NPC use in scenes:
Like above, NPC characters can be used inappropriately. We must be mindful of how this impact the players, gives unfair advantages and can cause drama. NPCs are meant to be a support and to enhance a RP and should be neutral. If a rowdy patient comes in and you need NPCS to help, hit the player up and run it by them first. The theme with most rp is consent! Most players are okay with it and will roll with it. They appreciate being asked! Also, keep in mind that NPCs shouldn’t be handing out thought insults or trashing characters. That’s just drama.
Charting yourself/ALTS:
This one has been around a while. You cannot chart your own character or ALTS. This is true for HPD and HGH. It is considered gaming the cred system.
Minor characters in HGH and sex scenes:
In CD, a minor is not allowed to be in range of a sex scene. Minors are not allowed in adult zones. HGH is open to everyone. We generally look at it as a first come, first serve thing. If 2 players are having sex on sim and a minor approach, the minor is expected to exercise caution and leave the scene. HGH is different because we must be open for all players and characters. Is it fair for a minor character to not be able to receive treatment because Nurse R and Doctor Penis are banging? What if the minor is in the hospital bed riding out the cred time remaining? Is it fair for us to make them leave? No, it’s not. This all being said, please be respectful to minors when they come around. They are just as entitled to medical rp as anyone. If there is a sex scene going on first, the kid may still have to leave but please consider taking the scene to IMS and clothes on so that the kid can receive the RP. Also, don’t start sex scenes if the minor is already there. They are not expected to leave just because your characters are unable to restrain themselves. You are expected to take the higher ground and respect that they are there.
Minor characters working in HGH:
I’ve been asked about this one a few times. There are no rules saying kids can’t volunteer in the hospital and there will be more of that coming. The Candy Striper Role is open to kids. They shouldn’t be in the room if there’s a naked patient, but they can be in the hospital delivering supplies and guiding patients. The hospital is not an adult only zone. Please respect this.
We generally do not fire players OOC unless there’s drama or a good reason. Under most other circumstances, we will never fire you without permission. The same is true for all jobs on sim. The only exception would be if your character just did something so bad that realistically we MUST fire you. Your doctor character goes on a murdering spree or raping spree and lands in the jail. Well, we probably need to at least RP a short-term termination but we can find storyline ways to get you back in.
Yes, there are cameras in HGH, and the notecard has been shared around quite a bit. I will post it here for a reminder so that people can see it all the time. Be mindful that unless your character knows where these cameras are, you are probably being videotaped. Those sex scenes, violence against patients, police actions, ETC…all recorded unless you know the shady areas where dark RP is well encouraged!
locations of cameras in HGH

(Note about cameras. All cameras are considered working unless noted in the statements below. However, CD admin or HGH admin are the only ones allowed to approve camera malfunctions or having them turned off. If you have a scene that you need to be off the radar, ask staff. We are always willing to support but consent is always the key to good RP!)

3rd Floor and Break room:

-1 camera pointed above the locker room door and angled toward the elevator. (Can't see inside the offices because sometimes naughty staff gets spanked in there, important paperwork, ETC.)

2nd Floor:
-1 Camera above the nurse’s station pointed down.

-1 camera above the OBGYN room pointed toward the nurse’s station and two exam rooms. (No cameras are in exam rooms so you can only see in if the doors are open.)

-1 Camera above the elevator pointed straight down.

-1 Camera in the right corner when you walk into the recovery ward. (Hits across the three beds but not all beds are visible. This is done to mostly just monitor safety.)

-2 Cameras in the far-left corner pointed across the beds on the left. (1 points down toward the beds at the bottom. The other across the beds and entry was straight ahead.)

-No camera in the locker room or shower. Though these are co-ed due to budgets so expect the chief of staff to join you.

1st Floor:

-1 camera on the wall above the glass doors that is angled to catch sight of the elevator and partially down the hall. (Cannot see into the OR due to the limited field there)

-1 Camera in the lobby that sits above the double glass entry doors opposite of the reception station. Can see the whole lobby and partially into reception where the window opens.

-1 Camera in reception that sits in the back corner and points toward the reception desk and lobby. No camera in the hall leading to reception.

-1 camera in the records room. On the back wall pointed at the records.

-1 Camera sits above the OR room and points down the hall toward the records office and that hallway. Cannot see into exam rooms. No cameras are in exam rooms. Period.

-1 Camera pointed down above each hospital entryway.


No camera in the morgue.

-1 Camera in the nurse’s station. Fuzzy and barely works due to faulty wiring.

-No cameras in the group therapy or therapy rooms.

-1 faulty camera in the waiting room. Works’ 50-60 percent of the time. Other times, fuzzy or snowy.

-1 Camera that works in the hallway in front of the psych rooms. Points down the hallway from above the wall beside the reception station.

-1 Camera in each psych patient room. These works and are there primarily for keeping tabs on patients on suicide watch and other high-risk situations.

April 7, 2021 at 4:57 pm
Profile photo of ɪɴᴅɪᴀ 'ᴅɪᴀʙʟᴏ' sᴛ.ᴅɪᴀᴢ

laramae crystal


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