Knox had jumped the gun again on things, like he did with many aspects of his life. After going through the books when making his business proposal for lease on Murphy's, he saw that the staff was definitely under paid and that previous management was skimming from the top for most, if not all of their short tenure at the bar. Being an all or nothing typeof guy, he had taken out a second mortgage on his place in the bayou and set the books even to include a meager 3% raise for each of the employees before he was even approved to take the lead role. He put a notice on the board by the timesheets for all staff to pick up an envelope with their name on it behind the bar. Each envelope had their check and a note that read:
'After reviewing the books, it was deemed that the staff of Murphy's was woefully underpaid and missing out on checks for a number of weeks. This check covers all missed wages up to Friday the 24th. Going forward, a 3% pay raise will be in effect for all employees as well. While the (hopeful) new management regrets it can't be more, Murphy's needs to be reestablished as a successful business. This includes charging customers for alcohol consumed and not slipping people free drinks when you feel like it. Each bartender is allowed to give/drink a total of 4 free drinks per shift. Any missing money/alcohol during a shift will be taken from wages earned of those on that shift.
<<wet signature>>
'Knox McGregor'