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Letter to CUPD and HPD – Intrusion into Academic Freedom

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demanturner resident


Subject: Unwarranted Police Presence and Intrusion into Academic Freedom

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to express my profound concern and disappointment regarding the recent incident of unwarranted police presence both inside my classroom and around the vicinity of Columtreal University while I was engaged in the noble pursuit of teaching.

As a dedicated educator at Columtreal University and a fervent advocate for free speech and the exchange of ideas, I was shocked to witness law enforcement officers encroaching upon the sacred space of academic discourse. This incident not only violates the principles of academic freedom but also raises serious questions about the sanctity of democratic values we hold dear.

It is disheartening to witness an environment reminiscent of oppressive regimes where the mere act of engaging in open dialogue is met with intimidation and surveillance. The presence of law enforcement not only stifles the free exchange of ideas but also sends a chilling message to students and faculty that their academic pursuits are subject to unwarranted scrutiny.

Academic institutions, especially universities, are meant to be bastions of free thought, where diverse ideas can be explored and debated without fear of reprisal. The intrusion of law enforcement into this academic space is not only an affront to these values but also a dangerous precedent that echoes the tactics of dictatorial regimes.

I implore you to reconsider the necessity and appropriateness of such actions in the future. Upholding the principles of free speech and protecting academic freedom is not just a responsibility; it is a moral imperative that defines the character of our institutions.

I trust that you will address this matter with the seriousness it deserves and take immediate steps to ensure that the academic environment at Columtreal University remains a space where ideas can flourish without fear.


Deman Turner
Lecturer at Columtreal University

Full article at the Observer:

November 12, 2023 at 11:33 am
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