Sun, Feb 23 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This coarse is the basics of any self defense as well as proper gun safety and care. These tools can be used to help protect yourself, your friends, and your family. The coarse will include instruction on the following;
- A version of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP).
- Close Quarters Combat (CQC).
- Disarming Armed Combatants and use of edged Weaponry.
- As well as the US standard Pistol Safety Coarse
This coarse will be supervised and run by Cirden Fang, An Officer of the HPD, Master Sergent in the USMC, Former Fire Fighter of the HFD. Students are expected to dress in their normal clothing. Each Bullet will be between 2-3 lectures long to cover all of the details in the basics of self defense in a harsh urban environment like Hathian. Expect Physical Activity.