POKER at the TNL spa

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Fri, Aug 20 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Come and visit THE NAKED LADY Spa for a POKER match!!!
when and where, Friday, 20th of August starting 11 am SLT, game starts at noon!

We will host a POKER match (dealer + 9 people can sit at the table).
Is there a glitch? Yes there, is! The winner can choose one of the losers for their fun for the day and a date after the match. The others can continue to play to have another winner to choose another loser. So be beware of the risk when you enter the game. No dress code that day, but losers lose also their clothes of course.

((so it is a scripted poker table for the game, so winning and losing happens in a fair way,
no betting on real money or Lindens allowed of course, only game chips,
winners have to negotiate possible limits for their date with the loser))

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