body shots and charity auction

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Sun, Jul 11 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Visit THE NAKED LADY Spa for body shots party and auction!!!
when and where, Sunday, 11th of April starting 10 am SLT at the TNL in Vodou!
Adding to the pleasurable options of the spa like sauna and pool today drinks as body shots from the bodies of our staff has 50% discount ! Spa visit is free that day.
Also some of our staff will not only tend to your needs to relax in the spa, but some will even be auctioned at request to the highest bidder for two days to take them out for a date, have them as toy for your party or some romantic fun, well we are sure you will get an idea or two. The money goes to the Hathian animal shelter, so it is invested for a good cause.
((no real Lindens of course and remember Hathian is a poor city, so please keep the money offered reasonable))