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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of ace Anonymous 16 years, 3 months ago.

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This exchange just amused me, so I wanted to share.

[15:04] Jupiter Ducatillon: I think we have the wrong entrance hunny
[15:04] Misti Ruska moves behind the counter, coming to a sharp halt on seeing the two in the small kitchen, "Ummm...."
[15:04] Jupiter Ducatillon: and where are the kids?
[15:05] Jupiter Ducatillon nods his head humbly, "our apologies!"
[15:05] Misti Ruska smiles, instantly relaxing, "Yer alright, come on through... aint no worries. I'm just glad yer aint 'ere ter rob de place."
[15:05] Jupiter Ducatillon: come, hun, we need to find them
[15:05] Jupiter Ducatillon: aww you're most kind
[15:05] Jupiter Ducatillon: Have you seen two kids? A boy and a girl?
[15:06] Jupiter Ducatillon: Oh my god! What happened here?
[15:06] Misti Ruska tilts her head to one side in thought, "I can't say I 'ave. I'll keep an eye out for 'em if yer lemme know what dey look like." She starts to frown as they react with disgust at the state of the floor.
[15:06] roxella Jie: it looks like your daughter was here again
[15:07] Jupiter Ducatillon: girl is 9 and about, raises his hand to his chest, this tall. Blonde.
[15:07] Jupiter Ducatillon: Boy is five, holding his hands at stomach, this tall
[15:07] Misti Ruska runs her hand through her greasy hair and nods solemnly, "Right.. n' if I find 'em, I'll tell 'em their Ma n' Pa is after 'em?"
[15:08] Jupiter Ducatillon: That would be most kind, ma'am
[15:08] Jupiter Ducatillon: Come honey, let's get out of here before the blood stains your white boots
[15:08] Misti Ruska gives the man a friendly smile before turning to face the lady, "I don't remember yer orderin' anyfin' Miss."
[15:09] Jupiter Ducatillon nods again,points to Roxy, "she is in shock over the kids, forgive her please"
[15:09] roxella Jie: it was some time ago.. sorry.. we need to go.. * back out of the door slowly
[15:09] Misti Ruska waves a hand then calls out after the two, "Ere.. I'll go over n' check de morgue for yer!"
[15:09] roxella Jie: what????
[15:09] Jupiter Ducatillon places his hands in front of his eyes, covering his tears
[15:09] Misti Ruska adds as they start to leave, "Yer can call it a favour like.. it aint no trouble. I wus goin' over dere anyhows."
[15:10] roxella Jie: the the morgue?? no thank you.. theya re not in tehre... mutters as she leaves
[15:10] Jupiter Ducatillon wipes his tears away
[15:11] Jupiter Ducatillon: Honey? Have you seen a toilet?
[15:11] roxella Jie: why do i want to see a toilet
[15:11] Jupiter Ducatillon: Cause I need to pee, honey
[15:11] Misti Ruska starts to head for the doorway herself. The place was quiet and she needed to check the morgue for fresh... meat anyway.
[15:11] roxella Jie points to the kerb
[15:11] roxella Jie: go where every one else goes.. you think your so much better than every one else
[15:11] Jupiter Ducatillon nods, and stands behind the wall of the cafetaria
[15:12] Jupiter Ducatillon takes out his little weener and urinates against the pillar
[15:12] Misti Ruska heads across the road, giving the couple a friendly nod.
[15:14] Jupiter Ducatillon: oh look honey, it's that friendly woman again!
[15:14] Jupiter Ducatillon raises his hand, "heelllo"
[15:14] Misti Ruska returns to the Gein, looking a little disappointed. She huffs softly as she steps up the kerb, "Oh.. eh.. ello again. Yer kids aint in de morgue, 'ave yer tried de police?"
[15:15] Jupiter Ducatillon turns his head to Roxy, "that's a very kind suggestion, ma'am", "we didn't think of that"
[15:16] Misti Ruska chews her lower lip before adding, "Cus.. I really wouldn't go ter de station if I wus you, dey will probably arrest yer, n' yer can spend a good few weeks in prison 'fore dey get round ter fetchin' yer a lawyer."
[15:16] Jupiter Ducatillon: Prison, why would they put us in prison? We dids nothing wrong!
[15:17] Misti Ruska lifts her hands up in supplication, shrugging her shoulders, "Ere.. mate.. yer don't gotta prove yer innocence ter me. I aint no cop. I didn't see nuffin' dontcha worry!"
[15:17] Jupiter Ducatillon smiles awry, "erh, than I am glad we understand each other M'lady"
[15:18] Misti Ruska lifts a hand and makes a shooting gesture, "Oh aye.. not a fing.. Yer good yer know dat. Yer been round dese parts fer long?"
[15:18] Jupiter Ducatillon: Nay, my wife and I were just visiting this city. Took a wrong turn at the highway
[15:19] Jupiter Ducatillon: We've never been around these parts before!
[15:19] Misti Ruska rubs the back of her head and smiles sympathetically, "N' yer kids are round 'ere? Yer musta smacked 'em around real hard fer dem ter run away ter ERE!"
[15:20] Jupiter Ducatillon: Take that back! I would've never smack my kids. Hard.
[15:20] Misti Ruska spreads her hands out, "Alright alright.. keep yer 'air on.. umm.. well.. why 'ave dey run away from yer den? Yer musta done somefin' bad. I only ran away when me step-dad got a bit too frisky wiv 'is hands."
[15:21] Jupiter Ducatillon: anyhoo, gots to get the car repaired, and... where is my wife?
[15:21] Misti Ruska giggles suddenly, "Looks like she's run away as well. Dat means yer never 'hit HER hard enough."
[15:21] Jupiter Ducatillon scratches his head, "I hate this place!"
[15:22] Jupiter Ducatillon: There you are honey!
[15:22] Misti Ruska puffs out her chest with a long exhalation of breath, then rummages for her cigarettes, "Yer want a smoke? Sure look like yer need it."
[15:22] Jupiter Ducatillon: I thought.... nevermind
[15:22] Jupiter Ducatillon puts his hand to his head
[15:22] Jupiter Ducatillon: "The kids are not around, honey
[15:23] roxella Jie: picking up street workers again????
[15:23] Jupiter Ducatillon: and this woman is inssinuating I slap them around!
[15:23] Misti Ruska grins cheerfully at the woman as she returns, "'E thought you'd gone runnin' off wiv de kids."
[15:23] roxella Jie: i will when i find them!
[15:24] roxella Jie: this is a rough area
[15:24] Jupiter Ducatillon: nods, not a good place to get stranded, love
[15:24] Misti Ruska looks quite pleased with herself, having jumped to a wrong conclusion which may infact have been right. "Don't yer worry about nuffin' round 'ere love, just don't look at anyone - den you'll be fine."
Jupiter Ducatillon sighs a bit, scratches his bald head...
Jupiter Ducatillon: "We'd better go to the police, dear"
[15:25] roxella Jie shoots her husband a look aof distain, wondering why he finds disgusing night workers so attractive
[15:25] roxella Jie: you go, i will get on the next train home
[15:25] Jupiter Ducatillon: But... but... the kids!
[15:26] Misti Ruska frowns at the mention of the cops, shaking her head, "Cops aint a good idea.. trust me.."
[15:27] roxella Jie wonders idely if he realises the kids aint coming back, as she chews on a nail that broke off in her teeth
[15:27] Jupiter Ducatillon: I.. I have no other options
[15:28] Misti Ruska rubs at her nose, feeling sorry for the Hathian newcomers. She shrugs her shoulders up, "Well, if dats all yer got, den go fer it. Suppose de cops would be better den talkin' to a gang.. If a gang 'ears dat yer lost yer kids, dey will be out lookin' for 'im. Sign 'em up, give 'em a gun, n' dey got demselves a cheap recruit."
[15:29] Jupiter Ducatillon feels tears coming to his eyes again, takes a deep breath, and fights the tears back
[15:29] roxella Jie pulls on his sleeve thinking the female is completely insane
[15:29] Jupiter Ducatillon grabs his wive by the arm, "come"
[15:29] Jupiter Ducatillon: Thank you for your kind help, ma'am
[15:29] roxella Jie nods to her as she passes
[15:29] Misti Ruska smiles cheerfully, "It wus my pleasure, good luck ter yer both!"

November 29, 2008 at 11:34 pm
Profile photo of ace



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November 30, 2008 at 1:22 am
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