Wanted: Bookies

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Terry terrytall-resident 9 years, 11 months ago.

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I am working on creating Hathian's Lottery. Or, as it's called in RL, a numbers game. This is a rather simple concept, in that bets get sold, then people go out to collect after the number was drawn to either collect from losers, or pay winners.

This is being advertised IC in the observer and by word of mouth.

This is, of course, strictly RP, no Lindens! What I need right now is people willing to sell bets in RP to real players (and for some players to bet). It's easy:
Example RP:

[Bookie] "Hey Joe, how you doing today." she smiles as she leans forward on the counter. "Say, you want a couple of numbers?"

[Gambler] He looks at her and nods slowly. "Sure Trixie." scratching his head he thinks, then says. "Put me down for a hundred bucks on 3 and 6." He can afford to lose the hundred, and if he wins that means four hundred in his pocket.

[Bookie] writes down the bet, making note of his name the numbers 3 and 6 he is betting on, and the amount of $100. "Ok great, just sign here." She offers him the book to make his mark on. Collecting is easier when they make some kind of mark.

[Gambler] writes his initials in the book, then goes back to drinking. No money changes hands at this time.

On Wednesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is 17,312.66 which give a winning number of 2. Looks like he lost his hundred. So the collectors will get his name, with a note he owes $100.

This is just an add-on to your RP, and might be a great way for players new to CD to have a reason to talk to people. This is also ideal for anyone at a retail outlet. I already have a few bookies out there, but so far no bets. I am hoping it will generate RP for lots of people. And since the money in CD is all RP, being a winner gives reason to celebrate IC, and being unable to pay is a player choice.

With all the vices in CD, I think a few impulsive gamblers might be a nice addition.

Please contact Taree (TerryTall Resident) if you are interested.

March 30, 2015 at 1:44 pm
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