#VoteClover Fordyce Campaign

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Clover cloverfordyce resident 10 years ago.

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cloverfordyce resident


((I obviously don't actually expect Clover to win due to the nature of her character, but running for election is something she would definitely do IC. If by some miracle she does end up elected, it would result in utter madness and I will gladly RP it out!))

ICly released on Monday the 23rd:

Clover Fordyce has been nominated for the position of Mayor in her own independent party. After a recent stint in jail the now-reformed felon had this to say:

"Vote for Fordyce, it's a vote for the future and all the good that'll come along with it! The city'll be f***ing amazing. Believe me, alright? It'll be f***ing awesome. I might only have one eye now, but believe me, I can still see how G*****n miserable y'all are. And y'know what? No drug laws because that s*** is stupid. All your tax money will go to amazing causes. Title of Mayor will be changed, because 'Mayor' sounds f***ing stupid, like I'm an old fart or something. Queen is better. It's fancy as f***. It'll make Hathian seem like that much less of a s***hole. No jail. Hasn't helped me one f***ing bit! Jail just made everything worse. People get f***ing raped and tortured in there, yeah? No more jail. No funding for the d*** HPD. Instead, we'll replace it with an underground spa. Sometimes you just gotta', y'know, relax. You know why people attack one another? Anger! And what better to make that s*** all better? A f***ing spa, man. A vote for me means your Queen-Mayor will be pretty as f***. Free nice shoes for everyone, I'm f***ing sick of seeing people with s*** shoes. Your feet deserve better. I'll take all unusable body parts, especially eyes... we seem to have like, an overcrowding of... people... I'll make everything better! Yeah! Uh, a spider conservatory... f***... I'm FULL of good ideas, I'd make a really good Queen-Mayor. Vote for me!"

Promptly after this speech she donned a paper crown to exemplify how she'd look in one.

February 20, 2015 at 1:38 pm
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