Vodou Urban Estates
Land For Sale!
Thanks for taking a moment to check this post. This listing is for a property located on our class-5 private sim, Vodou. The sim is urban-themed with properties situated between a network of roads and high-quality cityscape.
This sim is also connected next to Hathian, The Crack Den, a strict urban role-play sim. Vodou serves as it's quiet, low-lag suburb.
Take a moment to visit the property below and explore the sim. Please read the covenant on the land for more information 🙂

Area (sq.m.): 2048
Allotted Prims: 468
Zone: Residential OR Commercial
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vodou/161/111/35
This lot is at the intersection of two roads - an excellent location for either a home or store! Contact Nadir Taov for more info!
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