Urges a.k.a "Why I am a Really Bad Person"

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Personally, I don't think anyone sets out to take advantage of other people. However, I also believe that if you have a natural talent for something, you should make use of it to its fullest....

Selfish, amoral, twisted, perverse, hedonistic, greedy......sociopathic. Those tags have been justifiably hung on me over the years and in all fairness, I deserve them and worked very hard to earn them. Reality is that I habitually put a lot of urgency into getting what I want, and if people get hurt, hearts get broken and cash goes missing; that's fine with me so long as I get what ( and who ) I want.

I was adopted as a toddler by a well meaning ( and infertile ) young Minister and his wife, who proceeded to take me from mission-post to mission-post around the USA and the world.

What I learned from all those hell-holes I grew up in was decidedly NOT what mommy and daddy had hoped. What I took from their sincere effort to Save the World was that (a) most people are suckers for a sincere face and a sad story, (b) that most people who are idealistically out to Save the World are just as horny as anyone else and less likely to suspect that you have evil intentions until you have them in a very bad spot, (c) that desperate people are much more fun to manipulate than non-desperate ones, (d) that relationships are much more fun if the other person knows you are in charge and (e) that sex is best when your partner has no choice in the matter.

Yah, I know....I'm a very bad girl.

My parents were nothing but relieved when I left home at eighteen, probably because nobody really likes being blackmailed by a teenager. I drifted for a while, Grifting and generally enjoying myself on other people's dime. I experimented with all the usual side-lines, stripping, hooking and other fast-money tricks. I sold dope, guns and made a small pile of cash before I was 21 - but I also discovered something else, I like bars.

Really, I like bars. I like hearing all the gossip people tell their bartender, I like the smell of booze and cigarettes, cheap perfume and the musk of people looking for some other piece of meat to take,home and fuck. What I like most is the steady stream of broken people who make their way through the bar, desperate people who are all set to be a steamrolled by the lil old Taker also known as "Me". Some of those desperate people are allowed to take care of my personal needs, others end up as unwilling cash-cows or just the beneficiary of a lengthy lesson in what their real position in life should be.

Like I said earlier, I like my relationships best when I'm in charge, and sex is better when the other party has no choice 🙂

That brings me to Hathian.

My last spree out in Miami left me decently flush with cash, and I decided to take the money and find a bar someplace REALLY depraved. Someplace where the supply of desperate people would provide months of entertainment and satisfaction for all those Sinister Urges that my foster parents feel so guilty about.

I think I'm going to like it here.

February 5, 2013 at 7:40 pm
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