Tre’s Trevails – Diary

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Have been in Hathian a long time now, and have set my way on a career path that even I never knew I'd fall into.

Having left the convent by promising Daddy I'd not hurt the family rep in any way, and setting up home in this city, bringing my sister dizzy along with me. We've had some great times and some horrible times. Dizzy's been taken from me a few times by the rejects and that asshole Parnell, who seems to think hurting my sister is going to hurt me. He may be right, but it won't hurt me in the way he thinks it will. He'll end up paying, one way or another, at my hand or not.

So here I am, a city social worker and head of HR at the new juvie center. Hated by most of the kids in the city, and their families, for what they believe I have the power to do to them. Do they not understand that I have no power at all, none, and can only react to the power they have over their own lives. I didn't force these kids to do what they've done, to end up off the streets in Juvie or in foster care.

Maybe I am in the wrong profession, dunno for sure, but I don't want to believe I am, I love what I do. I love watching the kids, even the troublesome ones, as they grow and expand their lives. How their families interact with them, how they interact on the streets. It's very telling, it's something that for someone who is a voyeur, is very interesting to learn from.

My personal life is as good as ever, when things get to be too much for me, I can sink into Noble's or Drops arms, a time out from the pressures of the job, the threats from the kids and their families. My kids are not in Juvie, thank god, though who knows, growing up in Hathian, if they will ever end up there, or how I will react if it comes to that.

Drop had some issues last night, dealing with his anger at the guards last night during intake. He spent so many years in prison himself, that he has trouble dealing with seeing it aimed at other people.I will help him deal with that as I can. I may not have an affect on too many, but I know Drop responds to me, in a very calm manner, just as he has the ability, with a touch, to calm my angst and worries.

April 29, 2009 at 8:05 pm
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