Tracy ' Trixy" Azuma

Home Forums Introductions Tracy ' Trixy" Azuma

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Profile photo of FlixTrix Resident

FlixTrix Resident


Tracy, Trixy as her friends use to call her, Was born in Kyoto Japan to he American Military Father and Japanese Beauty queen mother. At the tender age of 11, Her father in a fit of delusion brought on by PTSD,  shot and killed her mother, in front of herself and her older brother Justin. Being rejected by their Japanese Grandparent since they where deemed "Un-pure' for their Hispanic heritage, They flew across the world to Queens New York to live with their fathers Mother. In that tiny 2 bedroom apartment is were she remained for her formative years. Abuela had her hands full when Justin started showing signs of mental illness, hurting animals and bringing home their corpses'. Leaving Trixy to fend for herself, She tried staying on the right track. A few misdemeanors for stealing; but nothing to serious, at least she finished high school.

Her Father, left behind to rot in a Japanese prison finally succumbed to his PTSD and hung himself in his ceil.  That was days after her 21st Birthday.   Her Abuela passed a few days after from her grief but Trixy had a sick feeling in her gut Justin had something to do with it. At her grandmothers funeral Justin just stared at her muttering obscenities.

When it was time for the reading  of their inheritance and Trixy was rewarded mostly everything, her brother finally lost it. Vowing to end her. Finding animal body parts at her door , threating messages written in what she assumed was blood and strange notes left on her locker at work. Trixy went to the police but they claimed there was no evidence it was her Brother.  When  women started going missing, Women that eerily looked like her where found dead she knew it was time to leave. She fled Chicago and LA places she new she could make a living as a exotic, attractive young woman, but the deaths just kept on following her.

She finally decided to try the south. Justin knew Trixy was a city girl. There is no way she would be in the country, Let alone Louisiana............

January 12, 2024 at 10:58 am
Profile photo of Lamia Derryth

lamia derryth


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January 12, 2024 at 2:39 pm
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