Tracy – Brit going bad

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"You can't stay in England Tracy," her mother had said with no sadness in her voice, "there's nothing here for you."

Tracy hadn't been wanted ever since she could remember. More of an accessory than a daughter, she'd been paraded and shown off by her parents, and hated them for it, but having no choice she'd done her best to fit in.
She was born to a rich family, her father a politician and her mother a model... she'd been an accident and was reminded of it in private regularly.

She'd grown up, done well in school, and tried her hardest to be the perfect child, but every accomplishment had been ignored by her parents. Instead, they were too busy having their own lives and ignoring her need for attention. Her childhood was filled with missed birthdays and constant digs about her being useless and ugly, making her shy and always hiding from her parents when they were at home.

Then, when she was 18, she'd learnt of her mother affair with her Uncle James, her fathers richer, younger brother.
"You'd better not breath one single word of this to your father" her mother had demanded, pinning her against the wall when Tracy had told her she knew. "or you'll regret it you little bitch."

After this, Tracy retreated into her shell. She'd never been confident, but this made her even worse. She tried to forget the event but her mothers intense stairs and angry looks made it impossible. Her mother made her life a living hell, attacking her verbally and physically whenever she could. But unlike others, who toughened up with this amount of violence, Tracy just got even more shy and subdued.

Then one day, just after her 21st birthday, Tracy's father had arrived home drunk and walked straight into the kitchen where Tracy was sitting opposite her mother trying to find the courage to tell her she was leaving home.
An adult now, Tracy could have left years before, but her mothers control over her, and the way she made it clear Tracy would never be allowed enough freedom to possibly ruin her double life, stopped her from attempting.

Her fathers voice was the first thing she heard, "YOU WHORE" he'd shouted, storming through the door and pinning her mother to the table face first. "YOU FUCKING GOOD FOR NOTHING WHORE!"
He'd found out about her affair, which by now had been going on for years. He smashed her face down onto the table by her hair and carried on yelling at her.
Tracy was terrified and ran out of the kitchen, not sure whether to find help, or run as fast as she could before her mother was released and would surely blame her.
The families housekeeper, Mrs Adams, was standing in the hall looking shocked at the commotion through the kitchen door. She stepped aside slightly as Tracy's father came running through after Tracy "Where do you think you're going?"
Tracy froze, tears streaming down her face and no words coming.
"Leave her be.. " Mrs, Adams said quietly, not wanting to anger her employer more, "Go to your room Tracy."

Tracy dashed up the stairs, followed by Mrs adams, and her father. But stopped when she heard a scream. As she turned she saw the elderly housekeeper hit the bottom of the stairs and a pool of blood start forming around her head. She was dead, and Tracy's father had pushed her.

Everything stopped.

The next thing Tracy remembered was her mother in the hospital. Her father had been arrested, and jailed for the murder of Mrs Adams, and the assault of her mother.
Her mother was soon to live with Uncle James...
And Tracy... well she was shipped off to columtreal university... unwanted, un needed....


Tracy's first week at Columtreal changed her, some say for the better, others say for the worse.
She met a few new friends, the closest was Isis, who'd arrived the same day.
On her second night she got mugged in Hathian City. It was a vicious mugging, but in fear she refused to go to the police. "You're going to the hospital" Isis had said, and took her there.

The city, although scary at first, became home for Tracy.

She sat down one day of that first week and made a decision. Her new found confidence helping her, she dialled her mothers number and awaited an answer.
"What do you want?" Her mother had answered with her usual spitting anger.
"Mother... or should I just call you June?" Tracy had asked, knocking her mother off balance. "I have never been so happy as I am now... so I wanted to tell you." She thought for a moment, making sure she had the correct words... "YOU AND... AND ALL OF YOUR STUPID FAMILY... YOU'RE ALL DEAD TO ME NOW." she shouted. Shocking her mother to silence, until...

"Tracy, stop this nonsence or you'll lose all of your inheritance, you'll never cope without me, you know it."

"I don't want your cash, and I don't want you.. " Tracy had said calmly... a happiness relaxing her whole body. She looked out of the window over Hathian as she hung up the phone.... she was home, finally wanted... and finally happy.

May 24, 2009 at 5:57 pm
Profile photo of ava-delacroix



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May 26, 2009 at 5:14 pm
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