Took me a bit, but..

Home Forums Introductions Took me a bit, but..

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of zairaash Anonymous 16 years, 4 months ago.

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Zaira is finally introducing herself! Terribly sorry to the other Zaira, I know I'm kind of stealing your name..hehe...Sorry again =]
My characters name is Zaira Ash. Zaira loved her family to death, but they had impossibly high standards for her, and even though Zaira did everything she could to live up to their standards, she was frowned upon by her family, and considered a disgrace. Zaira moved away from home the second she turned 17, and traveled, living in her car. At the age of 18, one of her stops ended up being Hathian, where her beloved car was stolen. Zaira weighed her options and decided she would try to be optimistic about the situation at hand. She decided to get a job, in hopes that maybe she'd be able to make a living here.

Currently, Zaira is out of town, with all her expenses paid by her oh so loving family...We'll see how that goes! 😉

(That is just a little random thing I came up with to explain my absence in SL lately, though I'll be back soon hopefully!)

October 23, 2008 at 2:51 am
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