Home Forums Roleplay Discussion THIRD INTERN ABDUCTION IN A MONTH!!

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Jasmine Slade is the third hospital intern abducted with in the last month. This is what Lance Amat had to say at the press briefing:

"my house being wrecked i can deal with.. but if the intern has been abducted that will make it the thrid in one month"

Lance Amat of the Hathian General Hospital had this statment to make:

"Tragedy Struck .. I returned to my house in Devil's Pocket to find the door had been busted. A note telling me my good friend Doctor Slade's daughter who lives in my house had been abducted. There were bullets hole in the wall, my desk was foced open and important papers and valuable were missing. A picture of the Intern in captivitiy was left in my mail box during the night. Anybody who has seen anything and can help shall be rewarded . I was told that the Intern Jasmine Slade was seen leaving the Hospital escorted by a former patient named Brielle Beck.. Perhaps somebody knows their whereabouts.."

Mr Amat seemed to have no idea why anyone would do such a thing, but did mention all three interns spoke of "body parts missing for the morgue".
He had this final warning "well these girls .. i am sure they were raped and beaten . who knows what part of their bodies the abductor saved for retail in tanzania"
No Tanzanians were available for comment.
More to come as news breaks!

January 2, 2008 at 8:11 pm
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