There’s a new hero in town

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Profile photo of yvaarshay



She slipped into the alley, her feet padding quietly in the darkness, dark eyes sliding round the filthy back street to finally locate her target leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette.
Pausing where she stood, pressed to the wall, hidden in the shadows she watched him, her long slender fingers slowly moving to the jeweled handle of the blade hooked over her belt and with a smile curling her lips she began to move slowly forwards once more, hugging the wall, her white hair falling across her face as she dipped her head, a vicious look flooding her eyes.
She drew close behind the man, so close she could smell the whiskey on his breath and without a second thought she plunged the blade deep into his side, holding it there, gritting her teeth and twisting it as he seemed to freeze, shock holding him in place.
"Rapist" she purred softly, almost sounding like an affectionate term the way she said it, and she pulled the knife out, stabbing it right back in, to give it another twist, before pulling the blade out and stepping back, letting him fall.
As his eyes turned to her she smiled and crouched down beside him, using the bloody blade to slit his t-shirt right up the middle, pushing both sides of it out the way so that his chest would be exposed, and then she lifted her eyes to his face and smiled, just watching him a moment as she slid her blade back into her belt, reaching her slender, gloved fingers to the bleeding wound in his side.
Slowly she lifted her gloved hand, covered in his blood, and tilting her head to the side, she slid her eyes to her own hand, a frown of concentration on her face as she painted the word 'Rapist' in large letters on his torso, clear to be seen when.....if....he was found.
Then slowly she stood, smiling as she blew him a kiss. before backing away, retreating back into the shadows, leaving him to bleed, and think over why he had just been stabbed in a dark alley.

Nemesis is the alter ego of Yva, the dark haired Filipino bar wench and stripper.

The death of her lover, Luz, at the hands of a corrupt cop sparked off a chain of events within her and now she has adopted an alter ego, a second persona, so that she can make him, and others like him, pay for their bad deeds.
She is simply....a vigilante, a normal citizen who is tired of all the corruption within the city and who plans on trying at least, to clean the place up a little.

Her main theme will be revenge attacks upon both cops and criminals that physically hurt the innocent.
Though of course, being the hero type she will try and save anyone she sees in trouble, possibly delivering the bad guys to the cops for locking up.

The idea actually came about (don't laugh), when i was watching Elektra, the movie with Jennifer Garner. I have noticed a few other people toying with the idea of becoming vigilantes, and i had a thought 'Wouldn't it be interesting to have a kind of....hero, to do that whole saving thing in Hathian, with all the mystery of -who are they-lets unmask the hero- thing', a bit like spiderman or Batman.

She's more like Batman though in the fact that she has NO super powers, just a desire to clean up the city.
She'll only be targeting the bad guys.

Things to note about Nemesis are her skills in martial arts, her strength since she works out daily, and her skilled use of blades. She is also quick and light on her feet, and has the ability to slip into the darkness quickly and watch people from a rooftop (since she's good at climbing), she also will not speak much, and will maintain the mysterious thing she has going on by remaining simply in the background mostly, unless something draws her attention.

Yva is not and never will be a ninja and any that have RP'd with me and know me, knows i don't RP as one. She will be a simple human girl, with simple human abilities, and yes there is the possibility of actually beating her, which in itself would be an interesting concept for her to deal with mentally.

*Obviously there is a danger of scenes being ruined with this storyline, but i'd like to assure you all that OOC permission will be obtained of course, before any interruption of scenes, or revenge attacks are done*

For now i'll just have Nemesis roaming the streets, mostly at night, letting you all see her out and about, as her name builds she may take on actual jobs of revenge for people, but that will be after iv'e developed her character a little more.

I'd love to hear feedback on this, so please, leave your comments. 🙂

July 6, 2012 at 8:42 pm
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July 11, 2012 at 12:28 am
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August 7, 2012 at 2:44 pm
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