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This topic contains 23 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by perina mcginnis 15 years, 8 months ago.
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perina mcginnissaidPresenting... a freakout by Keri & Lissa... poor Flo. [19:12] Lissa Strom raises both brows at the idea of walking around with a sheriff star sticker on fucking awesome new jacket. Or better yet a little pin like you got from the cockpit of planes. She continued to stare down at the blank spot on her jacket where such an honor would have been placed and looked stellar with a frown. Damn it...where was the mayor when you needed one of those quick thrown together cermonies? She now huffed before looking up. "We so deserve one..." She muttered before shaking her head. "But you know...this city needs more help. Heard something about the salads at the diner. Something about the inhumane ways they pick the lettuce...shock 'em with a prod before pulling 'em free. Sick I tell you..." [19:16] Keri Watkin glanced down at her own chest, dusting the spot where she was convinced that a little badge or pin should be placed, "I'll have to talk to Ethan or Nadir... or else I can prolly talk one of the rooks into givin' us some" she says with a quick nod, turning her attention to Naz, "A hat? Ooo thats brilliant... the kid needs one of them straw hats and we can call him Mr. Ed... force him to sing 'a horse is a horse of course of course'" she replies with a nod, laughing again at the mental image, which is abruptly cut short by Lissa's statements, her eyes going wide, "Are you fuckin' kidding me? That's not right at all... ain't they heard that plants are living things too? Not some dead thing you can treat however ya want. I've got a right mind to march my ass down there and have a lil chit chat with the owner [19:19] Nazeeya Yven took another small crumb from her pocket and fed it to her pet as she began looking for a clock; it had gotten late and she had a fucking curfew to worry about now. She didn't quote know how to take the salad talk, she was still a kid and extreme sarcasm was still somewhat hard for her to decipher. But she decided it had to be a joke, still she would choose to remain quiet on the subject. Besides, Nic like lettuce, she could give two shits about it; again, heavy sarcasm was somewhat wasted on her. [19:21] Lissa Strom brought her head up, still in a go-gooder, save the fucking town from the scum that always gets over looked. People always stick up for the chickens and cows...but who was going to be the voice of the carrot? Well damn it, they would be! She nodded her head towards Keri. "We really should. Just because you can't hear them scream doesn't mean they aren't feeling the pain on the inside." [19:24] Keri Watkin wasn't being sarcastic at all, she was pissed about the injustices that the produce of Hathian were facing. Stomping her foot, she nods her head, "Fuck yeah we should. Who are they to think they can get away with choppin' up innocent produce. Ya know, my mom told me once that if ya have a real strong sound ampifier, ya can hear the plants scream when you cut em. It just ain't right... they can't even defend themselves" she says, shaking her head sadly [19:28] Nazeeya Yven really didn't know what to say, so she would just stay quiet. Plants, killing, injustice, it all sounded crazy to her. She just smiled at the two and nodded as they exchanged comments about the genocide of produce and how it would not be stood for. “Well, I have to go home now, I do not wanna miss cerfew on the first night,” she smiled as she waved to the two and began making her way down the street. Her boss was one interesting lady who kept funny friends; she liked it here. [19:36] Lissa Strom opened her mouth in horror at the idea of what she was told. She just couldn't get past the images of the lettuce screaming while its head was chopped, the tomatoes bleeding on the cutting board as they were diced, and onions being fried. "Those poor, poor plants..." she spoke in a small voice before looking up towards Keri. Both hands came up to pound a fist against her other palm. "Then let's go!" She shouted. "Those carrots don't have to be silent anymore!" [19:39] Keri Watkin gulped, nodding her head slowly, the sad truth about the horrors that the vegetables of Hathian had to face everyday was enough to make her sick. "And the potatoes... they're seperated from their babies... WHO'S LEFT TO RAISE THE BABY SPUDS?!" she screams out, wiping a tear from her eye, "We need to restore the tiny voices of the fruit and vegetables of this town!" she says, getting pumped up as she thrusts one fist up in the air, "C'mon Lissa" she says, marching off angrily toward the diner [19:43] Lissa Strom stomps after Keri, making sure that she made the most possible noise in her sneakers as possible. Because everyone knew the louder you walked, the more business you meant. "THIS IS FOR THE SPUDS!" She called out, not bothering to think if anyone around her would even know what she was talking about but they should. That was the whole point. As she stomped after keri she shouted again. "THINK OF THE STRAWBERRIES!" [19:47] Keri Watkin stomps down the street, glancing behind her occasionally to make sure Lissa was still following, and still as pumped about this as she was. Reaching the door, she pauses, turning to Lissa, "I think we got to get a plate or two of these for ourselves... ya know, just see what kind of horrors the lettuce is REALLY facing. What do ya think?" she asks, pulling the heavy door open, pausing to wait for Lissa's answer, before she'd head inside to sit down [19:49] Lissa Strom nodded her head slowly as she looked up at the doors, prepared to follow Keri inside. She was already taking deep breathes, preparing herself for the murder scene images she was about to face. "We shall." She answer Keri with a slow nod. "We must get the facts so later we can make a webpage and blog about this place. Let other's know the truth of the vegicide." [19:51] Flow the Diner Waitress smiles merrily as the two new customers come in. She bobs her head to and fro as she watches them walk, the sun shining just a bit brighter today, cause she has it on midday. "Well, howdy thar, ladies! What can I wrastle up fo' yas?" [19:52] Keri Watkin takes one final deep breath before heading inside, trying to stay calm. She quietly saunters across the floor, taking a seat on one of the stools, nodding to the waitress behind the counter. Gulping hard, she glances between Lissa and the waitress, her voice quiet and saddened, "Umm.. do you think I could umm.. get a large tossed salad please? With the works" she nods. Her heart was breaking for the innocent veggies that were about to lose their lives for this cause, but it had to be done, she needed to see for herself the murdered vegetables the place offered up. [19:56] Lissa Strom knew that in order to get ahead, sometimes you had to scarifice the innocent. Even though the idea made her slightly sick she had to choke back the guilt as she climbed onto the stool, looking up at the waitress. "I'll have a...oh god..." She trailed off, almost loosing the resolve she had mustered to do this. She had a child now and all she could think of was the poor baby tomatoes at home asking their daddy when Mommy Mater was coming home. Still...she had to do for all the future Mommy Maters. "...I'll take a chief salad...hold any meat." She didn't need the damn meat in the way...they had enough crusaders to their cause already. [19:59] Flo the Diner Waitress makes a mental note of the orders, because as a career waitress, she's fully capable of remembering orders of all kinds, from Bloodhound in the Hay to a Zeppelin in a fog. The obvious nervousness of both women is not unnoticed, but at this point, she thinks it more the serious need for Louisiana's finest than anything else. "Two cow feeds with extra protein, light on the red.. coming right up!" she says in her chipper way, turning to go back to the 1-star chef, Enrique. [20:02] Keri Watkin frowns as their orders were taken, the horrible deed was done, but this was all for the cause. Sadly glancing towards Lissa, she raises her hands to cover her ears, an obvious look of dismay on her face, "I can almost hear the lettuce screaming... 'no no... don't rip me, please... not my leafy petals' do you hear it Lissa? do you?" she asks, in almost a whisper, though her tone frantic, as it took everything within her to not jump over the counter and tear off Enrique's leafy petals so that he'd know how the lettuce felt [20:05] Lissa Strom lowered her head so that it resting on the counter so that she could fight off the sick feeling. Of course she could hear the lettuce screaming. And somewhere there was carrot that was preforming last rights for a pepper. It was like the holocaust in that kitchen and she had to hold back every part of her telling her to jump over the counter and grab the vegitables and run home with them. Max had told her no more dogs, but he'd said nothing about a couple vegitables. She'd just promise to take care of them all on her own. [20:09] Flo the Diner Waitress hears nothing of the talk on the other side of the counter, her own ears too filled with the sounds of chicken screeching as it fried, the celery crackling as it broke and crunched, and the faintest little yelps rolling down from the head of lettuce Enrique was working now. It was like a work of roadside sadistic art. It was.. her calling. As he finished the masterpieces, she grasped them carefully, not wanting to move even the tiniest of vegetable corpse before its intended diner could see it, moving carefully and placing the plates in front of each woman. "Here's your grub!" [20:13] Keri Watkin covers her mouth as the plate is set down in front of her, turning away from the porcelin casket to dry heave a few times, her other hand wrapped tightly around her stomach. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, she forces herself to look at the plate, a single tear, similar to that of the Indian who hated littering, rolled gently down her cheek. Reach down onto her plate, she solomenly picks up one of the pieces of lettuce, it's body now limp, its life gone. Sniffling quietly, she mutters to the waitress, "how could you allow this to happen? It had a family... a whole life ahead of it, and you allowed to be plucked from it's home, and it's life cut short... so so short..." she says quietly, wiggling the limp bodied lettuce in her finger tips, as she waves her hand, speaking to the woman [20:17] Lissa Strom looked down at the plate as it was placed in front of her, her eyes filling with tears at the very sight of it. A plateful life reduced to nothing more then 'grub'. She looked over as Keri picked up the piece of lettuce, eyes filling with tears the moment she saw that there was no way to revive the poor thing. Looking back to her own plate she shook her head. "May you find happiness on the other side..." She whispered before looking towards Flo. "Don't you have any feelings....any heart? Where is the remorse...the concious?" [20:22] Flo the Diner Waitress grows confused as the first woman heaves. Was this not what she ordered? Was she not pleased with with the wide array of leafy green? And as the woman spoke, she furrowed her brows, a finger diving to point inappropriately close to the woman's food. "What in tarnation are you goin' on about? That thayr is the finest leafy green in the whole of Louisiana, grown specially for your fine dining experience." her gaze then turns to the other woman, who seemed to be having the same predicament. Must be city folk. "It has no purpose other to be ate-in', to be devoured.. it has no other God-given journey!" [20:26] Keri Watkin's face twists into a horrified expression at the waitress, her heart beating harder in her chest, her hands moving to cover her veggie's tomb, whispering into the plate, "Shhh, it's okay... she doesn't know what she's talking about", her vision focusing on the same piece of lettuce she'd been holding only a moment ago, now laying lifeless on the counter. In a stroke of brilliance, she decides that perhaps she could revive the green that she'd grown so close to. Splaying it out ont he counter, she stands up, the stool tipping backwards as she begins to do compressions, counting out loud, "and one and two and three and four..." counting up to thirty, before pressing her lips down onto the leaf, blowing on it to give it air, the sound when you give a raspberry on someone filling the air from the vibration of lip to leaf. Pausing for a moment, she puts her ear near the veggie, listening for signs of life, pounding her fist on the counter, "BREATHE DAMMIT" she screams, before going back to vegetable CPR [20:34] Lissa Strom watched as Keri jumped up to begin trying to save the lettuce. With that avenue covered she took another approach. Diving her hand in her plate, she flinched as her fingers dug around through the carange. She tried her hardest now not to heave as she grabbed at sliced tomatoe, bringing it up to hurl it at the side of Flo's face, wanting her to feel the moisture on her cheek. "How do you sleep at night?!" She hollared, voice high. "You feel that...its bleeding! You spilt its blood! Are you going to be the one to have to tell its children that its never coming home?! Support its husband while he cries over the bio-degradable green safe coffin?! No! And how does that make you feel?" She reached down to hold up another portion of the slice tomatoe from her plate. "HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL!?" [20:42] Flo the Diner Waitress steps back, her face puzzled by the first woman. She'd always thought them city folk were very prim and proper, and at least ate with knife and fork, or one of those sporky contraptions. But this woman looked content to eat that fine Louisiana leaf right there on the table and using her hands. Like Flo did when she lived on the farm! Her mind starts to wander to those days.. when she wrastled with baby cows and bathed in the pig feeds. It was the happiest time in her life. But that happiness soon faded as the sting of a freshly cut tomato hit her in the corner of her eye, hearing it flop to the floor as she flung herself forward. "Now what in the hay-el are ya doin' thayr? Y'all need to be in a loony bin!" she screams, her body running towards the phone. "Or at least for the shay-riff to come down 'er and taych y'all some manners!" Dialing 911 the woman yells into the receiver, "Hay thayr, y'all need to send a county sheriff or at least one of them deputys to come wrangle up the crazy women throwing my salad masterpiece around the Diner. Yellin' somethin' about killin' innocent vegetables. Who y'all raisin' in this town?" [20:45] Keri Watkin's mascara runs down her face along with her tears, the veggie CPR proving to be completely ineffective. Upon realizing the lettuce was gone, she buries her head on the counter, "why..." she whimpers, slowly getting louder, "OH GOD WHYYYY?" In a fit of rage, she grabs the mustard, beginning to spray it at the waitress, "THIS IS FOR ALL THE BABY MUSTARD SEEDS THAT NEVER GOT TO KNOW THEIR PARENTS, YOU IGNORANT BITCH!" she scream, her cries breaking through the yells [20:48] Lissa Strom brought both hands up to the sides of her face when she realized the lettuce wasn't going to be revived. Death...veggie death and they had helped cause it. "NO!" She cried out, watching Keri begin her mustard assualt. Grabbing the ketchup she ran over to the large picture window, using the tomato blood to further their point. As she wrote the words she shouted them out at the top of her lungs. "SALAD IS MURDER! VEGGIES ARE ALIVE TOO! WE MUST SPEAK UP FOR THE MOTHER TOMATOES OF THE WORLD!" [20:52] Sarrah Carlucci steps inside the diner with her fellow oficer right behind. Sarrah would take a look to see hat was going on inside that had caused them to have to respond. Seeing two women at the counter, Sarrah got the sence something was about to happen. [20:56] Mira Yuhara gave a nod to Sarrah as she followed behind her when entering the diner. Her eyes widened. Her first shift and this is what she had to deal with. A bunch of crazy ass white people spraying condiments all over everything and crying out about veggitables. Only Americans... [20:57] Flo the Diner Waitress jumps back as the yellow condiment came hurling at her, wondering what the woman was even talking about. Seeds? Mustard came in a bottle, not from seeeeeds. Damn, these city folk were all mixed up. She flails her arms some, as if she could bat away the supposed seed-born mixture, catching out the corner of her eye the darker-haired woman spraying tomato paste around her shop. It was like they were pissing all over the very life's work she'd been born to complete. Hearing the officer then, she turns her head, still flailing her arms, "Er you the Sheriff? These women are crazier than the rooster pickin' a hen for the night. Scraymin' something about dying vegetables and life purposes!" [21:00] Keri Watkin didn't even notice the officers walk in, nor did the woman care, she was on a rampage, far too many veggies had died at the hands of these monsters, and she wasn't about to put up with it anymore. Carefully she climbs up onto the counter, picking up her salad, tenderly stroking the vegetables before crying out, "Peace be with you, be free, you're free to go to veggie heaven in the sky" she screams, reaching into the bowl, and throwing up the vegetables in the air, "be free, fly away!" she calls out, before taking the empty bowl and hurling it across the room, the glass shattering as it hits the wall, "You think you can get away with murdering vegetables? THEIR VOICES HAVE BEEN SILENT FOR FAR TOO LONG, AND WE'RE NOT TOLERATING IT ANYMORE" she yells at the top of her lungs [21:06] Lissa Strom turned in her spot on the table, message now written on the window and held the ketchup high up over her head as she saw the top cops walk in. It didn't matter. She bet they ate veggies without thinking of their families either. So they needed to spread the message. Holding the bottle above her head she squeezed it and began swing it over her head to spray the red substance about the diner. "BATHE IN THE BLOOD YOU SPILT!" She shouted before throwing the emptied bottle towards the window that lead into the kitchen, wanting to hit Enrique. "WE SPEAK FOR THOSE THAT CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES! WE ARE THE VOICE OF THE VEGGIE!" [21:10] Sarrah Carlucci scratches her head and looks over to the rookie saying " Only in Hathian rook......only in Hathian. " The waitress could be heard yelling out about her problems with the two women customers. Giving the waitress a nod and a small wave to acknowledge her complaint, Sarrah let out a long sigh and took a few steps forward, making sure to stay out of the range of the squirt bottles. Sarrah woul not even flinch as Keri tossed her salad. ( no pun intended ^.^ ) The veteran officer tried her best not to grin as Keri continued to flip out smashing the bowl against the wall. Clearly the woman was one of three things in Sarrah's mind. First a salad loving tree huger. Second, the woman had lost her marbles. Third, she was doped up on some realy good drugs and taking the ride of her life. Looking over at Lissa and watching her take a stand for carrots and peas aroun the world, Sarrah steps to her and says " Mam, how about you step down and we talk about this. " [21:10] Mira Yuhara rolls her eyes at the sight of these two crazy women. And Mira thought asian women were insane. She folded her arms in front of her and smirked. They were crazy, but still a bit funny. "Alright, what's going on here?" She quickly spoke up but paused. Her fair lips curling into a soft smirk as she spoke up once more, a heavy japanese accent showing. "What is this, PETA reversal?" She looked back to her superior officer as she had spoken up about this only happening in Hathian. Bullshit. Crazy people all over this damn country. She snorted and spoke up again. "No, only in America..." [21:12] Flo the Diner Waitress thrusts her arms down to the ground, trying to fling off some of the yellow-y mess, her face contorted to show her utter confusion. She winces as some of the lettuce flies over her head and onto the floor, fountains of red creamy goo shooting past her face. It was becoming the great war of her time; everything she'd known was crashing down around her.. literally. The floors were only supposed to be mildly disgusting to the eye of a mouse, not the eye of a tiger! The food was to be eaten, not sailing through the musky Southern air like dust in the wind! [21:16] Keri Watkin heard a cackling, snapping her head towards it, seeing Enrique, the fat cook, laughing in the window. "Don't you laugh you pompous prick!" she screams, pointing her finger at him, "You get to go home to your wife and kids at night, right? well what about the fucking vegetables? HUH?! who is providing for their families now that you murdered them?!" she yells, before hopping off the counter, climbing through the window leading to the kitchen. Who needed doors at a time like this? Bum rushing Enrique, she makes her way past to the refridgerator, pulling out all the sliced up vegetables, and began throwing them through the window towards the outside portion of the diner, "YOU WILL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN! WE WILL DEFEND YOUR HONOR! NO MORE WILL DIE THE BRUTAL DEATH YOU DID" [21:19] Lissa Strom raised both brows at the mention of PETA. "FUCK PETA!" She roared back at them, not bothering to remove herself from the table. She figured she could get her message across better as she was standing up here. "They protect the animals that can voice their distress! What about the veggies and their families?!" She turned back around to grab the condiment bottles on the table and hold them up. "WHAT ABOUT THOSE THAT CAN'T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!? YOU'RE COPS!! ARREST THAT WAITRESS FOR MURDER! A DOZEN COUNTS OF VEGGICIDE!!"Seeing the vegetables come sailing out into the rest of the room, she dropped off the table and rushed over towards the counter, tossing the mustard and ketchup bottles over her shoulder as she made the dash, standing amongest the carange of leafy green. "LOOK AT THIS! WE SPEAK FOR THE FAMILIES OF THESE LOST, NUTRITIONAL, SOULS!" [21:21] Sarrah Carlucci watched as the salad flew through the air landing on and around the waitress. It floped down onto the floor creating an even bigger mess than usual. Seeing the waitress was covered in mustard, Sarrah contemplated taking a picture with her cell phone to show the rest of the HPD while they stood around the water cooler the next day. Figuring it was a bad idea, Sarrah eyed Keri as she jumped down off of the counter and headed for the kitchen window. To her amazement, Sarrah watched Keri climb up and through the window. A few seconds later, the sounds of pots, pans, and other kitchen items being thrown about could be heard. Looking back at the rookie , Sarrah says to her " Please attend to the lady in the kitchen. Be carefull and dont get hurt. You need me just call me. I'll handle the one on the counter. " Sarrah then slowly steps her way through the slippery mess and walks over to Lissa and says " Come on now. Settle down and we will talk about it ok? Just step down from the counter please. " [21:22] Mira Yuhara: skip me for now [21:24] Flo the Diner Waitress whips her head around as the first woman who'd tried to give a piece of lettuce CPR lept over at Enrique. The secret burning passion inside her for the Latino Songbird rose up inside her, and she hurled herself towards the window, trying unsuccessfully to grab at anything. She leans over just screaming incoherent Southern insults at the woman, turning back towards the rest of the diner only as she hears the accusations. "I ain't been marderin' a soul! I swear, they come in 'ere all calm and askin' for salads, and as soon as I whip them suckers up, sure 'nuff they start pitchin' a fit, and destroying my spring crop!" [21:26] Keri Watkin continued hurling the vegetables out across the main room of the diner, before she hears a low laugh, and the sizzling scream of innocent onions being tossed into hot oil, Enrique, the hand behind the evil torture. "Not the onions! No no no... you heartless bastard... leave them alone!" she screeches, rushing to a stack of clean plates, hurling one after the other at Enrique's head, glass busting all over the place as they shattered. Finally one hitting it's intended target, Enrique goes down, Keri rushing to toss the pan of hot oil and onions off the burner and onto the floor, fearing it was too late for them. Rushing back to the fridge, she grabs the uncut veggies before making a dash for the door back out to the main room, "Rot in hell you murdering piece of shit! You'll pay for the injustices you imposed upon the vegetables of this world" she hisses. [21:30] Lissa Strom watched the cop come up to her before, one she's seen around before. The one that had arrested Jake the other night. She only looked back down at the counter and shook her head, defiant to the end. "I ain't coming down until she's in cuffs for murdering these plants!" She hollared, turning to see Flo diving towards Keri who was taking care of the head killer in the back room. She reached down to grab a handful of the veggies that had landed near her feet. She began throwing them one by one at the waitress. "Who's going to tell that tomatoes husband?" she screeched. "This cucumber's brother? This pepper's mother? Huh...WHO?!" She turned, arms still full of the last of what she'd picked up. "WE CAN STOP THIS INJUSTICE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!" [21:33] Sarrah Carlucci sighs hearing the rediculous accusations being thrown back and forth. " A sallad killer and the anti-veggie brigade. Never thought I would see this. " Sarrah thought to herself. Looking through the kitchen window and seeing the dinner plate smash into the cook, Sarrah turn to the rookie and says " You wanna....do that sometime today rookie? That womans going to tear that kitchen apart. " Looking back at Lissa she is reminded of the event and how the Sergeant reacted to them harassing her. Taking a second to think, Sarrah turns to the rookie and says " Belay that order rookie. I believe we are needed else where. " Sarrah was not going to end up like the last officer that got in the womans way. Pretending to hear a call on her radio, Sarrah says " Mam, sorry but we have a murder call, got to run. " as she turned to leave the condiment filled diner. [21:36] Mira Yuhara folded her arms in front of her chest as she looked at the two women running about, throwing veggietables and yelling out about it like they'd lost their minds. Ridiculous. She nodded to Sarrah as she spoke up about another call. Good, Mira really didn't want to deal with this. She turned to face the door and gently push it with her hand to make her way out, rolling her eyes and speaking muffled profanities in japanese as she did. [21:38] Flo the Diner Waitress blinks and looks up as another tomato hits her ear, turning in time to catch another now square in the eye. She screeches as the juice stings along her iris, spreading quickly to every part of the white orb, the pain shooting down to her toes. ((dramatic!)) "What in the hay'el, woman, ya'll know you can't marry no fruit! In this God-fayring state, it's human and human only, I chay'cked twice!" She senses the Sheriff heading for the door, wondering now if the 911 operator hadn't taken her seriously enough, and only sent the meter maid. "Hay'el lady officer, ain't you gonna nab them for assault with a deadly weapon? My eye are about to fall out!" [21:42] Keri Watkin bursts out through the back doors, making a b-line right for the outside door, slipping right past the officers. Shoving the door open with her ass as she backs into it, she steps outside, and starts hurling her armload of vegetables out towards the street in all different directions, one or two tomatoes slamming into the police vehicle, "You're free now! You're free! Run away!" she screams, as her arms are finally empty, produce splayed across the street as she holds her arms up above her head victoriously, spinning in a slow circle in the doorway as she belts out, "Born free, as free as the wind blows As free as the grass grows Born free to follow your heart Live free and beauty surrounds you The world still astounds you Each time you look at a star" [21:43] Lissa Strom watched as the cops turned to leave, anger flushing through her. "There is murder going on right here and you turn your back? This is way we must spread this message!" She pulled back with one arm to hurl a cucumber at the back of Carlucci's head. "SALAD IS MURDER! OPEN YOUR EYES AND FIGHT FOR TRUE JUSTICE!!!" She looked back as the waitress continued her hollaring. "Silence you vile veggie killer!" [21:48] Sarrah Carlucci takes a large cucumber to the back of her head. Stumbling forward a bit, Sarrah sees the cucumber land on the floor beside her as she lookd at the ground holding her head for a second. Looking back from the floor, Sarrahs face was a bit less relaxed. "Looking in anger at Lissa she says " Why? Why in the hell would you throw a damn cucumber at me? " as she walks back to Lissa and scowles. With all the politeness she can muster up, Sarrah grits her teeth and says " Mam, i want you down off of that counter now. If you do not comply, I will be forced to help you down. In the interest of your safety, and mine, I suggest you calm down and get down off of that counter. " [21:48] Mira Yuhara let out a deep sigh as the woman ran past and began tossing the food at their SUV. A frown curled it's way upon her lips as she pushed her way out the door, eying the woman and then speaking up. "Ma'am I am going to have to ask you to stop. If you do not comply you will be arrested...and I have a list of charges ready for you..." [21:52] Flo the Diner Waitress looks up and puts her arms down to her side as she feels no more veggies fly past her face, or bean her in the head. Hearing the police doing what they do best, she charges at the counter, making no attempt to get physically involved, but she'd be all uppity about it. "Yeah, that's right! Y'all ain't no ladies throwin' round my food in my diner! We're gonna rope ya up 'n tie ya to the hogs 'n parade y'all round town 'n stick ya in the county fair 'n y'all ain't gettin' no blue ribbon!" It was all she knew: country life. And no blue ribbon was a big ass deal, yo. [21:55] Keri Watkin continued her slow, victorious spinning, singing at the top of her lungs, relieved that the vegetables she saved would live to see another day and not be eaten by the monstorous herbivores of this town. Hearing the officer in front of her, she stops her twirling, her eyes narrowing, "Arrest me for what? WHAT?! For caring about the lives of innocent plants? For speaking up for the voices that go unheard? Huh?! Is that it? How would YOU feel if someone ate your mother and she never came home?" she snaps, before bending down to pick up a cantelope that had rolled back towards them, hurling it as far as she possibly could, calling after it, "I know you're scared, but run! It's a big world out there and you're safe now!" [21:55] Lissa Strom turned to look at Sarrah, eyes narrowing in return at her words. She leaned back down slightly, looking as though she were about to get off the counter and comply. Instead she waited until she was closer to Sarrah's face before shouting. "I'm the one fighting on the side of justice here! What are YOU doing!" She hollared, pulling back with what appeared to the bend and snap straight out some awful bleach blond movie. As she did she threw the remaining vegetables in her arms over her head. "SAVE THE VEGGIES! THEY ARE LIVING CREATURES AS WELL! WHERE ARE THEIR RIGHTS!?!?" [22:00] Sarrah Carlucci looks to the waitress with a look of fustration " Mam, please....let me do my job. By the looks of the diner, you have enough to take care of with out trying to handle my duties. Please, find something to do and I'll hadle these veggie vigilantes. " As the last words escaped Sarrah's lips, a load of veggies came crashing down on her. Not quite enough to make Sarrah fall, but enough to anger her a little more. " My patience grows thin man, and would like to resolve this with out further recourse. You leave me no coice man. I fear that you will injure yourself or another. I hereby order you to surrender and lay on the ground. i am prepaired to deploy my electonic immobilization device if you do not comply with my orders. This will be your third and final warning before I use force. Please mam, please step down and surrender. " [22:00] Mira Yuhara places her fingertips of her right hand upon her cuffs on her belt. "Ma'am there is a couple different things I can arrest you for...disorderly conduct for one, vandalism secondly and there are a few more." She paused, letting out a sigh as the woman tossed the cantelope. She talked about saving these poor veggie souls but yet the cantelope would splatter in the road. Lot of help she was...She spoke up once more, a bit annoyed at the situation. "Calm down...now...or I will place you under arrest." [22:04] Flo the Diner Waitress stops in her tracks as the officer speaks, feeling both abruptly scolded and duly insulted at her diner. She immediately turns on to the side of the defense. Not the defense of the veggie vigilantes, but of herself, and her precious. "Now you listen 'ere, lady, this here is a fine establishment and it was as clean as newborn bull until 'ese two came in 'ere 'n started throwin' my food." she says calmly, but very matter of fact. Seeing both cops somewhat handling the two crazy birds, she turns to the sink to grab a rag, kneeling down to start wiping up the floor, grumbling about city folk. [22:05] Keri Watkin stomps her foot hard against the stoop, "You'll arrest ME for disorderly conduct, yet let those bastards inside get away with MURDER? Where is the justice in that?! I'm here to protect those who cannot protect themselves, yet I'M the one getting arrested, not the bastard in there who FRIED that family of onions?!" she pauses for a moment, her cheeks flushed with anger, as she throws her hands up out of frustration, "If some sick fuck fried a family of humans, would you be arresting the person who was trying to defend the dead and make sure it doesn't happen again? would you?" she screams, moving out onto the road, as she begins to start rolling the round vegetables full force across the ground, hoping that they'll somehow reach the sea and escape the horrors of this town [22:12] Lissa Strom looked back down at the officer and shook her head. "I'm helping you do your job!" She hollared, pointing at the empty spot on her chest where she still thought the honorary deputy star should be from their actions earlier. She jumped off the counter and pointed at the spot on her chest where she was imaging the star to be. "I came here with good intentions in mind!" She reached down to grab at some of the lettuce on the floor and held it out to Sarrah. "Their lives were stolen! Their children orpheaned! If we don't speak up for them who will?!" She turned to throw the lettuce over the counter at the woman crouched on the other side that was one of the one's responsible for the murder. "MURDER! YOU BE SILENT UNTIL JUSTIVE IS SERVED FOR THE VEGGIES!" [22:14] Sarrah Carlucci hears the complaints of the waitres and allows them to pass in one ear and out the other. Sarrahs focus was on Lissa as she stood on the counter and towered above her. Taser ready at her side, Sarrah would hold it at the low ready position so as not to fire it accidently. Sarrah watched as Lissa decended from the counter. The whole time Lissa would continue to rant about the veggies and their demise. As Lissa bent down to pick up the lettuce, Sarrah would rush Lissa and attempt to tackle her to the ground. [22:15] Mira Yuhara rolled her eyes as the woman only continued and walked past to continue rolling the veggies down the road. She turned to face her, this time her hand hand drifted to grip her baton. She slipped it out and extended it and began to wave it towards her. "Ma'am this is your last warning. Stop what you are doing and place your hands behind your back. The next warning will result in me pulling my taser." Mira was already getting sick of this. Her first arrest would be that of a crazy woman tossing 'poor' veggies around. This would make a great conversation piece. [22:18] Flo the Diner Waitress focuses on the task at hand: getting her diner back to the tip top semi-gross state it had been in before these two came to run a-muck. As she swirls the rag along the red and yellow splatters, she starts to think of the last time she'd been down this close to the floor. It was then she thought of Enrique, who'd been screaming in pain all this time. Her love! She rushes up and over to the back kitchen, kneeling down to cradle him.. "I'm 'ere, sweatpea... I can be your hero, baby..." [22:20] Keri Watkin looked up from her work, locking her sights on the officer, she'd comply, but she wasn't about to be happy about it, though after Duane's tasing of her 'just for fun' some years earlier, she knew she didn't want to go through that again. Turning around, she dramatically puts her hands behind her back, stepping onto the sidewalk, her mouth continuing to run, as she'd done what the officer had asked of her. "There ya go, they're behind my back, ya happy now? I did what ya wanted, so now ya can get this over with" she snaps, she'd save the surprise of who she was until she was in a cell. Still muttering under her breath, she goes on, "Fuckin vegetable hatin' mother fuckers. Like to see what you'd say if it was you're fuckin' family gettin' murdered up for dinner. Gonna arrest me for tryin' to help those around me, human or plant, fuckin' bullshit..." [22:23] Lissa Strom just as the lettuce left her hands, she felt something crash into her side. She let out a yelp as she landed with a thub amongest the scattered vegetable corpses. Her greens flashed around at the chopped lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and cracked celery. "NO!" She cried, trying to scramble to her knees and scooping the vegetables closer to her. "We care...even if they don't. You won't have died in vain...there will be justice for you in the future! You have a voice wee ones!" [22:24] Sarrah Carlucci falls to the ground with Lissa. Sarrah tried her best to quickly get on top of Lissa and secure her in handcuffs. Watching as Lissa grabbed for the scattered veggies, Sarrah slid out her handcuffs and attempted to grab her arms saying " Give me your arms mam. Stop resisting. " [22:29] Mira Yuhara gave a small sigh of relief as the woman did what she had instructed of her. She put away the baton and gripped the cuffs instead. She wasn't intending on hurting the woman anyway. Slowly she approached her, the cuffs open and ready to be slipped onto her wrists. "Ma'am I apologize for this, but your conduct was awful. I am placing you under arrest for disorderly conduct, vandalism, obstruction of justice, assault, willful destruction of property, and public nuisance." Mira stopped as she stood behind her, attempting to hook the cuffs onto her wrists. She would read her rights as she did so. She hoped the woman wouldn't go crazy again and resist, she really would have to zap the shit out of her even if she didn't want to. [22:32] Flo the Diner Waitress continues singing to her Latin lover, "Amare è dire la cosa che tu non diresti mai...camminare con lei per l'eternità...quando resto e penso dove sarai...quando non capisci più cosa fai..." [22:32] Keri Watkin feels the cold metal snap around her wrists. it'd been years since she'd been in this position, and the last time, it was Ethan arresting her. "Assault?! What about the FUCKING MURDER THAT HAPPENED?! Why the fuck aren't they getting arrested?? This is bullshit, absolute bullshit." she growls, "RUN VEGGIES... I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU! I'M GETTING ARRESTED FOR YOU! SO GO BE FREE... WE LOVE YOU" she calls out, as if the veggies could call back to her [22:34] Lissa Strom tried not to cry as her arms were yanked behind her behind her back, still hunched over slightly so that she could talk to the veggies. Even if the officers didn't see the true injustice here, she did and she'd left the message on the window in tomato blood. Grusesome and morbid, yes, but effective. "You fought the good fight. Your death will not be in vain." She told them. [22:36] Sarrah Carlucci locked down the handcuffs around Lissa's wrists. The clicks of each notch echoing through the diner as she tightened them down. " You are under arrest for disorderly conduct, vandalism, obstruction of justice, assault, willful destruction of property, and public nuisance, and assault of a police officer for hitting me in the head with that damn cucumber. " Sarrah stands and lifts Lissa up to her feet. Brushing the dirt, condiments, and lettuce off of her uniform, Sarrah looks up at Lissa and says " This way please. You get a free ride back to the station. " Laughing a bit, Sarrah tugs Lissa toward the waiting SUV outside and says " You're in luck. I think they are serving salad with Italian dressing with tonights meal. " [22:37] Mira Yuhara attempts to gently takes the woman and leads her to the SUV as she speaks to her. She didn't know if the woman was insane or just making a pest out of herself but either way she would talk kindly to her. Being mean would only make this worse. "Ma'am..." She began as she would lead her. "...we will handle the...'muder' of the veggies. Even if you think something is wrong do not take the law into your own hands." She flashed her a friendly smile. Friendly for the HPD? Of course. Mira was being trained by Sarrah, Hathian needed some more friendly, non-crooked cops around. [22:38] Flo the Diner Waitress continues crooning, "...quando la proteggi della pioggia e dal vento...quando tu l'abbracci e dimentichi il tempo...quando lei ti racconta e ti va di ascoltare." And as she finishes the part of her lovely song, she perks up, being the Southern gal she is, and waves, "Y'all come back now, ya'hear!" [22:39] Keri Watkin walked with the officer towards the SUV, gently kicking the veggies in the street towards the ocean as she went, "go... GOOOO" she hisses at them, before climbing into the SUV. "Don't take the law into my own hands? I assisted Officer Greybeard with an arrest earlier! Did I get any thinks for that? Or a pin or even a damn sticker for my help? NO! And how do you thank me? BY FUCKING ARRESTING ME" [22:39] Keri Watkin walked with the officer towards the SUV, gently kicking the veggies in the street towards the ocean as she went, "go... GOOOO" she hisses at them, before climbing into the SUV. "Don't take the law into my own hands? I assisted Officer Greybeard with an arrest earlier! Did I get any thinks for that? Or a pin or even a damn sticker for my help? NO! And how do you thank me? BY FUCKING ARRESTING ME" [22:40] Lissa Strom was pulled to her feet, turning to look at Sarrah and glaring at her. "That was a kamakaize (sp?) cucumber...he died for the greater good. What are YOU doing for it? NOTHING! You're arresting the only ones who speak for them!" She did raise a brow at the mention of the salad at the prison. She really hoped they weren't going to give her and Keri more veggies in jail. "I'M NOT A CRIMINAL! I'M A CRUSADER!!!" [22:41] Sarrah Carlucci laughs walking bak to the SUV saying " Yeah, and Superman was the caped crusader. Maybe he can visit you in jail and you two can talk about carrots. " |
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