The return of the old man with one eye…

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Profile photo of Dax Carver



Dax stepped off the bus in front of Gein Burger, and choked on the exhaust fumes with his first breath back in Hathian. Once he finished coughing he sighed, yeah seemed about right. He hoisted his bag up onto his shoulder and looked around for a few moments before his worn out boots, the same he had worn on duty for ten years before his departure, took him down the road towards the police station. He hadn't seen the place since shortly after it was blown up while he was inside. As he stopped in front of the building, it did look good in comparison to the crumbling, smoking mess it had been after the bombing. Dax would light a cigarette as he stared at the entrance, hoping that a friendly face would walk out. By the time the cigarette was burned down and was smashed into the sidewalk that hadn't happened. He slowly shook his head and spoke quietly to himself. "It wouldn't ever be the same..." He was remembering his time at the top, one of the Captains of the HPD, along with the legendary Hendrich Andel. No, there wasn't going to be any returning to that rank, not without years of work, and he was already 40 years old. Ten years he had given, from officer almost immediately to detective, then all through the rest of the ranks to Captain, running the investigations division the whole time. He was proud, and from his various dealings he was also rather well set for at least a modest life. He headed away from the station towards the red light district of Hathain, he'd gotten a call from a friend who was involved in a new 'business venture' that could use Dax's unique skill set. Slowly, a wide smile crossed his face as he looked up at the bridge he'd 'accidentally' driven a busload of criminals off of. The one eyed bastard was back, and he'd get to the top again, only this time it wouldn't be with the aid of a badge.

January 20, 2014 at 9:19 pm
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