The Return of Orly…

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This is long, so I understand if one doesn't want to read, but it is definitely a good read for a rainy (or bored) day. A basic synopsis is that one of Gypsy's assistants, Carpe was given the challenge of finding a new way to get into people's heads. Need I say- a new way to torture victims, and she had skillfully done her research until she found out about the nerotoxins in the common Blowfish. It had never been tested and finally, Gypsy offered herself up as a test subject to it. The results were haunting. For the record, the lag was super bad this night so please excuse the typos from both ends. Enjoy!

[20:17] Gypsy Queller seemed to be out of it tonight. As if her mind was on something else. It was. "I tell ye', Carpe... It's lonely at th' top..." she started to mumble, deep blues staring off at the open field behind her house. It was such a nice back yard. She shook her head. "Everyone's too fackin' scared shiteless te' come afte' me... Ye kno'..." she paused to turn and glance at Carpe. "...I can't recall...-eve'-...gettin' captured an' tortured... If it'd happened, anywee', it wasn't good 'nough te' remembe'... tha's sad, really..." She looked away once more, back out to the field. A moment of silence fell before she suddenly stood to her feet. "C'man..." she mumbled and started leading the way towards the tree.

[20:24] Carpe Diem “Isn't that a good thing though, I mean would you want some one to do that?” she asked as she joking Gypsy in the back yard, knowing full well the answer, but she had never heard somebody upset about not getting attacked. “Most people just talk........just full of fucking shit..” she trailed off as she walked toward the tree, stopping just in front of Gypsy. “they haven't come after ya because they cannot handle ya, they cannot back their shit up....they are just full of it.” she shrugged.

[20:29] Gypsy Queller listened to Carpe carry on and she simply nodded with a shrug, stopping in the grass. She dropped to her knees and got comfortable. "Sure, tha' may be th' case... but it doesn' change th' fact tha' me facked up mind doesn' miss it..." she mumbled. Her eyes drifted aimlessly toward Midas as she mindlessly followed him around the yard, then finally, "...'ere..." she reached down to her belt but nothing appeased her. She glanced back up to Carpe. "Did ye' bring yer' blowfish shite?" she asked casually. Indeed... she was about to risk her life for the mere thrill of it, even if it the end result had the potential of haunting Carpe's wildest dreams. She prayed that the girl was carrying it around just waiting for an opportunity to use it.

[20:38] Carpe Diem “Its still here actually, its in my bag....did Memphis happen to find it last night in his quest for a cig?” she said with a small smile forming on her face. Her boss was one interesting Lady. “Good thing you know who isn't here,” she turned, not waiting for Gypsy to answer her question, she knew it would not take long to find it, which it did not. “found it,” she called gleefully as she jumped off the side of the porch while holding her bag up, before she skipped back to Gypsy, joining her on the ground before pulling a small wooden box from her bag.

[20:41] Gypsy Queller "Goodiegumdrops..." she mumbled low under her breath and watched her move, calmly, casually, emotionless, as she made her way onto the dirt with her. Gypsy was already glancing down at her syringe garter and pulled out one of the empty ones, holding it between her fingers, she brought it up to her eyes, checking to make sure it was clean inside. This was a new one. Not a used one. Perfect. Without another word, she handed it over to Carpe, holding it out for her to take. "...hope ye' remembe' th' math..." she mumbled, but in all honesty, in this moment, she could care less if she'd gotten the math wrong and ended up killing the woman.

[20:50] Carpe Diem “no more than 750ml” she said reaching out to grab the syringe from her, even though she knew it did not matter. Carpe had not seen Gypsy this way before, it perplexed her a bit, but did not surprise her. “trust me.....I wouldn't do this other wise,” she said opening the box and pulling out a small vial before she plunged the needle into it, paying careful attention to the a to the amount of liquid she drew into the syringe as she pulled back in the handle. Ok,” she said, motioning with her eyes towards Gypsy's arm, hoping she would it extend it to her.

[20:53] Gypsy Queller moved her arm forward as she extended her legs to get more comfortable in the event of her falling over, without any form of hesitation or fear. "Do we kno' how long it'll take te' kick in?" she asked in an eerie calmness, her deep blues in awe at the liquid now in her syringe. Her arm was stretched far enough for Carpe to take hold.

[21:01] Carpe Diem “Should not take long since we are injecting it....... no longer than 5 minutes” she said holding the syringe in front of her face, squirting some of the liquid out to make sure there are no air in the tube. “You will start too feel a numbness in you face and limbs, that when you will know it is starting to kick in,” she grabbed Gypsy's arm and slapped her forearm a few times with two fingers. “Your gonna get sick too, so its a good thing we are outside,” she smirked, her composure remained calm as she carefully brought the Needle to Gypsy arm. If she did not pull it back, Carpe would carefully inject the neuro toxin into her veins.

[21:12] Gypsy Queller offered her first form of expression as Kizzie approached and simply grinned. "Oh, this yard's used te' vomit." She winked at Kizzie before drawing her eyes back to the needle as it was injected into her arm. She was in a sort of awe as she watched, tilting her head to the side for a different visual angle to watch it from. Almost immediately, she began to feel the numbness Carp spoke of, starting in her arm first, where the needle was, and moving up, almost like a wave, through her system, her limbs, then finally up to her face. Her deep blues began to drift off as she looked away, past Carpe, past Kizzie, past the house... and she released a slow, slllooowww blink... her lips hanging open lifelessly as she breathed through her mouth. A lazy tongue reached out to lick the crevis between her lips on the right side. This was an interesting feeling. It was amost as if it was the time between living and dying... strange. It began to produce a type of pain she'd never felt before in her limbs, it (CONT)
[21:12] Gypsy Queller (CONT)travelled down to her stomach. "Mmm..." she moaned low in a raspy voice, almost not enough energy to even release it. Without a further notice, Gypsy fell limp onto the grass, onto her side. A cough was forced out as her arms wrapped around her stomach. It was pain stakingly beautiful. And just like that, she released Jimmy's Chicken Shack into the yard in a pile right next to her face. Her eyes were drifting shut as another moan was released. It almost seemed like she was enjoying it... she was... despite the excrusiating pain rushing through her body. She felt like she was suffocating, like she couldn't breathe, like her lungs were collapsing inside of her ribcage... she'd never felt so alive in her life...

[21:17] Kizzie Bravin approached with a big smile on her face even when she heard what Gypsy said. She opens her mouth to say something, and her eyes move to the plunger and needle. It was as if the world stopped infront of her as she stared hard at the instrument. A shiver was sent down her spine as she places her hands into her pockets. Enviously, she watched as Gypsy began to glide off into her la la land. Kizzie took a small step forward as she fell on the grass but did not move any further. Kizzie had some demons she was fighting hard as she watched without knowing that it was truth serum. It had taken all she had in her not to inject shit into her veins since her move here in January. In a small voice, she finally gets the nerve to talk as Gypsy spews her lunch all over the lawn, "What is that?" The jealousy still sharp on her words.

[21:24] Carpe Diem ”thats it,” she said soothingly to Gypsy as she emptied the syringe into her then slowly removed the needed from her arm, placing it in the wooden box on the ground; she would keep they syringe as a souvenir, even if she had to fight Gypsy for it later. “hey Kizzie, its an experiment,” she said, not taking her eyes off of gypsy, she could tell the toxin was already affecting her. “Tetro..” she started to tell the girl the name of the poison, but but sound of Gypsy hurling up her lunch interrupted her. “Thats it,” she said calmly while reaching forward to hold Gypsy hair away from her face as she puked. “tetrodotoxin,” she said simply to Kizzie.

[21:33] Gypsy Queller could only hear an echo of the voices surrounding her as the drained out. It felt as if every intestine was being stabbed over and over again with pins and needles. THIS was Gypsy's drug. THIS was why she didn't bother with the small time shit... This was ecstasy, every ounce of pain she felt through her system. The streetlamp down the way was suddenly the only light she could see as everything faded to black, then reappeared like some warped camera effect. Another moan was released as a shot of pain rushed through her chest. Her fingers clawed along her breasts and up to her neck which she began to pull against, violently as if trying to pick herself up by the neck, then finally moved back down her body again. Admist all this, only one clear, audible word was muttered.... "...Orly..." "About fucking time you spoke to me again, fucking bitch. Where the hell did you try to shove me down to, huh? Your fucking anal so you wouldn't have to hear me again? I'll fucking kill you..." A familiar voice answered(C)
[21:33] Gypsy Queller (C)back in her head. "Sure. You're about to fucking die and you call on me like I'm Jesus. I can't fucking save you. Now I get to watch you suffer and laugh my ass off... You should have never stopped listening to me..." it carried on... it brought a strange level of comfort to Gypsy just hearing the voice she normally associated with her plushbot which she'd chosen to not carry around any longer... She was paying for it now. Go figure something as fucked up at tetrodotoxin would bring Orly back...

[21:46] Carpe Diem “christ,” she murmured to herself at the sight of Gypsy clawing her neck. “Clam down now,” she said in a low tone, some what hypnotic, as she she slowly yet firmly grabbed Gypsy's arms and used her body weight to pin the to the ground, in an effort to restrain her, which was not very hard. Carpe knew Gypsy could not hear her, Gypsy was somewhere else right now, but she spoke anyway. Watching curiously as the stages of the poisoning progressed before her eyes, this was nothing like reading about it in a text book in some boring lecture hall. Capre strained to comprehend Gypsy's mumblings, but she could only understand one word, Orly. “What is an Orly,” she whispered in gypsy's ear, still restraining her arms as she spoke, she could only hope somewhere in there Gypsy heard her

[21:55] Kizzie Bravin steps closer as she snaps out of her daze. She reaches crouches down to hold onto Gypsy. "Dude, what the fuck is this shit all about?" She maneuvered so she wouldn't be knee deep in chicken barf, as she held onto Gypsy's shoulder. "What the fuck did you do, Carpe?" She was watching Gypsy die. How was she going to tell Cyrus? She'd go to jail for being there. Her family would probably hire a big shot lawyer but who gave two shits about a teenage girl with a record. Instead, she gave a few slaps to Gypsy's face. "Come back to us, Gyp." She was strangely bonded with the girl on the ground, and it wasn't just that her potiental fuck was related. It was weird but she didn't want her to die.

[21:59] Gypsy Queller felt the arms on her, trying to hold her down, and she strangely couldn't do anything about it but writhe under her hold as she suddenly saw a face from her past... the man that tried to rape her as a small child, holding her down. She was brought back to that moment in a flash, it was even the moment before her brothers had busted into the room and literally beat the man to death. No. In this moment Gypsy was suddenly revisiting, it was merely the man... holding her nine year old body down. "No. No. NO! GET TH' FACK OFF ME!" she screamed, her back arching as she tried to get the man's hands off of her. "DECLAN! DECLAN!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice turning hoarse as she did so. And in a flash, the image was gone, and she was hearing a delayed whisper from Carpe about who Orly was. A faint cackle of a laugh caught up to her head before she could answer. "Tell that fucking bitch to get her hands off of you. She'll rape you just like that asshat was going to. Pity your fucking brother(C)
[21:59] Gypsy Queller (C) came in to save your pussy ass. Such a shame. That would have been a show. Tell her to get her fucking hands off or I'll have you saw off her breasts and sell them on ebay..." Orly growled in a low hum through her head. Gypsy released another moan as a shot of pain rushed through her system. "Mm- Orly doesn' like ye'...." she managed to release to Carpe without looking at her. The taps to the face from Kizzie felt like merely that... taps... compared to the amounts of immeasurable pain rushing through her system.

[22:05] Carpe Diem leaned forward in an effort to push Kizzie back, “don't fuckin slap her, whats wrong with you” she said simply shaking her head. “She will be back soon,” she assured the girl. Carpe had not given Gypsy a lethal does of the poison that was running its course. Carpe's eyes grew wide a Gypsy began to incoherently scream while violently squirming on the ground before suddenly going completely still, then uttering something about someone not liking Carpe. “Why not,” she asked in a calm tone, even though she was beginning to second guess this whole thing.

[22:08] Kizzie Bravin frantically, she let go of Gyp's arms as she began to scream. She glances at Carpe. "What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you? You gave her some titroboxmocin." She garbles the last of her sentence as she just watches as Gypsy began to experience this strange high. Kiz rubs her hands on her thighs nervously as sort of a bad habit, and then bites her lip as if she were waiting for the next thing.

[22:12] Gypsy Queller "hah...ha...hahaHAHAHAHA! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Orly released another cackle of laughter into Gypsy's head which forced her to wince her eyes shut, releasing a hiss through her teeth as if it hurt her ears to hear the inaudible voice. Another moan escaped as more pain shot through her body. This.Was.Beautiful. Chaos and all... Gypsy was on cloud nine. She never could explain this sort of thing to anyone... one just had to feel it. She tried to clear her hoarse voice and speak audibly for Carpe to hear. "Orly is me' friend..." she mumbled, turning her head away quickly as more vomit added itself to the pile near her head. She finished the fit with a few dry coughs which eerily turned into a hard laugh. She doubled over from the pain yet continued to laugh. "I'll fucking kill you if this shit doesn't, Gypsy. You don't deserve to see another fucking day after this shit. PULL YOURSELF THE FUCK TOGETHER!" Orly continued to taunt in her head. "Ye' need me..." she managed to release vocally.

[22:15] Carpe Diem “theres a lot fucking wrong with me,” she said calmingly, seemingly unaffected by the whole situation. “if you want to be a help go get some water for her,” she said nonchalantly to Kizzie, nodding with her head toward the house,. “Go on,” she urged Kizzie before turning her gaze to Gypsy as she spoke. “who needs you,” she whispered in response to her. “Orly......she needs you?” she asked, her face beginning to contort with concern as she watched the girl.

[22:23] Kizzie Bravin pulls herself up from her crouch, and moves stiffly towards the house almost in a hurry but not quite. She knew this shit was heavy, and not in a good way for her... maybe for Gypsy, but not for her. They were into some crazy shit over here.

[22:25] Gypsy Queller managed to nod her head into the dirt at Carpe's question, another eerie laugh beginning to release heartily. "She fackin' needs. ME." she laughed again, her hands shooting to her sides suddenly as another wave of pain shot through. "Facksake..." she mumbled out. That one had hurt worse than the others thus far. "Like hell I fucking need you, Ugly Bitch. I flew into your life, I flew out. But here I am again. Mother fucking surprise, bitch. You're worthless without me. You think YOU come up with all those fucked up ways of killing people? What about that little boy?" Orly continued. "FACKSAKE!" Gypsy yelled out of frustration as the memory came flooding back to her. The young boy's blood all over her hands, all over her pretty white dress. She was 22 and most of the psychotic tendancies followed after the event, leading up to being carried away in a straightjacket to the ward. Orly released a low, eerie cackle of laughter in her head. "YEAH! You remember that, don't you, worthless cunt? HOW COULD YOU (C)
[22:25] Gypsy Queller (C) MURDER A YOUNG CHILD!? HAH HAHAHAH! The Irish Butcher wouldn't EXSIST without ME!" Gypsy let out a low rumbling moan. It was filled with agony, shame, held in from years and years before any of this had happened. Her deep blues, glazed over suddenly shot up to Carpe and she stared blankly, emotionlessly.

[22:35] Carpe Diem 's gasped a bit as a different voice began to emerge from Gypsys mouth, a voice she had never head before. All she could do was stare at Gypsy as she seemingly had a fight with herself and assume all this evidence of the experiment working, but now a new problem lie at hand with every new fact uttered between the voices in Gypsy's head. Who was the Irish Butcher? Was all of this true? Capres experiment was only causing her more questions that it was giving her answers. She could only stare down to Gypsy as she suddenly shot a blank stare up at her, she did not know what to do, so she did the only thing she knew how to, talk. “It will be over soon,” she said to her, knowing full well the toxin would soon over take Gypsy, causing her to pass out; she would remain ill for days after as well. Carpe stared into Gypsy eyes, and was amazed by the nothingness lying behind them, Gypsy was gone now, something else in her place.

[22:42] Gypsy Queller didn't even blink as she stared up at Carpe. Her face remained blank. Completely void of any emotion. A living dead. "I fucking swear, Gypsy. Tell that bitch to shut the fuck up before I make you pour gasoline down her throat and strike a match on her fucking teeth..." Orly growled into Gypsy's head. Gypsy's expression suddenly changed to that of worry or repression. Her eyes slowly closed as she forced herself to look away, feeling it harder to open her eyes again. "Orly reeeaaally doesn' fackin' like ye'..." she managed to release, shaking her head. "Tell her I said to let you fucking die, stupid bitch." Orly added. Gypsy winced as the words were mumbled between her ears. "She wants ye' te' let me die..." Gypsy repeated for Orly, not entirely sure why or how it slipped from her lips. "Facksake!" she suddenly released at another shot of pain. She curled into a ball and began to find it harder and harder to keep awake.

[22:52] carpediem420 Strom: 4 “tell Orly that no one is dying today,” she said to Gypsy, her eyes growing wide witch confusing over the whole thing, even though Carpe was a psychology major she had no idea what was going on right now, but whatever it was, she had opened the door to it. She watched her friend begin to drift off, she would have to stay awake all night to make sure nothing went wrong, but she did not care, she would not sleep anyway. “Why doesn't she like me,” Carpe couldn't help but ask, again her curiosity getting the best of her. She would stare into her eyes, looking for Gypsy, as she waited for an answer.

[23:01] Gypsy Queller "I fucking swear, Gypsy. One more fucking word..." Orly threated in her head. Gypsy was slowly but surely dozing off, feeling content in the pain she was feeling. She didn't know how much pain the human body was capable of feeling until this night, yet her mind still got the best of her in wanting more. Literally. She managed to speak once more, it was low and barely audible. "...Don' take it...mmph... personal... She doesn' like... anyone...." she managed to let out a weak smirk at her own comment, and it was the absolute truth. Orly hated all of mankind. Her smirk faded as quickly as it had appeared. "Move me inside..." she mumbled. Her sensible side was taking over and she wouldn't be caught dead outside in the state she was in with so many enemies running abroad... as contradicting as that statement may have been. "You want her to move you? Tsk Tsk... so fucking worthless. Worthless, ugly bitch. Im going to make you use that fucking gun on your own head. No. Better yet. That blade you love so much(C)
[23:01] Gypsy Queller (C) is going right to your wrists..." Orly continued to taunt. "You're as good as your dead fucking mother." Gypsy suddenly released a loud yell. "ORLY! FOR FACKSAKE!" The yell broke something in her and she began to sob into the ground, her tears mixing with the dirt, creating a muddy mess on the side of her face. All her defenses were down in this state, and she hated that, but she wouldn't take back this experience for anything.

[23:06] Carpe Diem knew what she was about to do was a very bad idea, but before she knew it she cold hear her words escaping her mouth. “Tell Orly I am going to kill her,” she whispered in her ear before standing up and grabbing her arms, she would try to pull Gypsy up on her back and take her into the house, she would probably only make it to the couch.

[23:10] Gypsy Queller Luckily for Carpe... Gypsy (thus Orly) had finally completely passed out and hadn't heard the threat to Orly. Mud stained face and all, was lifted as she was dragged toward the house, her mind only a faint echoing of what had just happened. This was indeed a can of worms... pandora's box... reopened. She wouldn't remember how she'd gotten into her house in the morning. Hopefully Carpe would have remembered how to keep Midas happy while she was passed out and unable to keep him at bay from the girl. Fresh limbs...dead cats... or beer... Or maybe a faked Irish accent saying "Midas, no." might work. It was worth a shot...

March 22, 2009 at 9:05 pm
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March 26, 2009 at 5:56 pm
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March 26, 2009 at 6:39 pm
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