The Hellions MC

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Like most of the motor clubs in america, the Hellions were born with a gathering of bikers that ended up as friends and decided to ride together. All of the current members are stuck in Hathian for particular reasons right now, making the small town and Louisiana the birthplace of the chapter.

Their objectives are unclear as a group, being only 'hang around and defend each other' in a general manner, but the amount of goals of each individual members of the chapter right now creates possibilities and leads for the club to follow different roads, including of course, as a collateral effect from their twisted personalities, breaking a massive and diresome amount of havoc and destruction to anyone that crosses their way.

Waiting on gang application approvement.

Current members:
Brandon Lanzlet - President
Marcello Pausch - Vice-President
Scorpio Frost - Secretary/Treasurer
Ratien Rainmaker - Sargent at Arms
Stix (XXXPIXIEXXX Bloodbury) - No particular role claimed/Enforcer and first Betty.

Bullies, brutes, goons, and pricks. The Hellions main goal is to actually act and look like a realistic Biker's gang. They aren't the psychoes, they aren't the killers, nor the mafiosos. They are highly dangerous and angried individuals, with no regard or respect to anyone but themselves and their bikes.

Inner relation:

Being mostly composed by close friends, the future expected behavior for the club is a brotherhood, loyality, companionship and union will be highly expected, of course with a bar brawl or another to spice up their circle.

Other gangs and people's relations:
They hold no current alleigeance to any particular group or person, as a group. Individual relationships includes a parcel of Ace's and the Titty Twister. Having a quite notable history of run-ins against the Police Department as well.

The main pursued pattern for new members, also held by the current members, is obviously being a biker or related to bikers, like mechanics or bunnies(some kind of a 'biker's groupie').
Other traits related with some of the current members range at neo-nazism and satanism. As much unpleasant as it is OOCly, racism is highly prospected as an interesting scene hook by some of the members. Other characteristics includes women disregard, vigilantism, mercenarism and the legendary big fat bastardly prick badassnism.

Initiations and new members:
While still not entirely clear as an official gang, anyone interested on joining the motor club would find it particularly hard. The gang's brotherhood-like internal connection works as a closing circle against newcomers, creating a requisite of being close to a current member to be able to become a prospect. The club isn't looking for numbers, they are dangerous enough right now. The initiation to the gang, in the future, will envolve ritualistic and symbolic ceremonies, related to bikes and brotherhood binds.
(As an OOC adding for this topic, people interested on joining the gang in the future will find a hard time like in every RL biker's gang, ICly, but the members plan on creating coincidential situations in RP to give the prospects a chance to prove themselves loyal and enough worthy to be a part of the gang if needed.)

Weapons and offense tactics:

From the wide range of common meele weaponry expected from bikers as knives, chains, wooden boards and garage tools, to a strange tendency of combat creativity on using props and unusual weapons, such as concealed blades, the 'Louisiana's dragon's breath" (an unpleasant mixture of pure moonshine, a lighter and a large flame being spat on you), and mainly anything pointy of hardened they find in their ways, the gang recently found itself slowly poured by shady firearms, thanks to their sargent's army connections, as last resort on fights and most of the time using non-lethal or less-than-lethal ammo.

Future projects:
- Offering CD the new perspective of a biker's club against the default hoodlum related gangs.
- Muscle for hire! With no relations to any one, and a touch of mercenarism, the Hellions make the perfect thugs for enforcement.
- Car parts stealing. Hell yeah, baby.
- Arms dealing. Due to the army connections of the gang, the possibility of dealing guns was in thought. Still, some ideas to avoid filling the sim with guns and bang bangs are being created, including selling broken and old weapons.
- Bounty Hunting. Helping the law isn't exactly the gang's goal, but a few of them saw themselves lured by the money and a chance to spank people offers.
-The Moonshine Business. A project for the future, placement of a still somewhere in the sim and cat-and-rat chases between cops and bikers in the good and old Dukes of Hazard style.

The club's logo, worn in custom made jackets and vests, the graphism in the middle means "HH" - Hathian's Hellions. The gang's colors are black and white.

-Why the hell are you staining my forum with this stupid thread?
To offer and read the communitie's opinion of the gang, to receive hints and ideas for it as well. 😀

- Why do you think you're special enough to come to MY community and start a gang?
Oh... Yeah... I huh... I love you, you know? Don't need to get moody! But our plan is definietly offer the sim and the roleplay new hooks on stories, including bike chases, bar brawls, new conflicts and shake some things up in the slow times. Refresh the perspective of the roleplay, start a realistic looking variety and point of view to a gang based on RL motor clubs.

- Bike chases?
A custom attachment was created just for the sim and the gang, the bike is worn and not rezzed on the ground, it works as an AO and it shall be offered to distinctive members. Three models of custom shaped bikes were created until now.

-Doesn't these attachments cause lag? Are you willing to pay for a vehicle permit?
Everything causes lag in SL. Like everything causes cancer in RL. But the bikes are composed by prims, and a single AO script attached to the avatar, the same thing as that bycicle or wheelchair attachment. It is supposed to cause the same lag of a scripted hair you have. Probably less. They won't be used all the time, only in certain pre-prepared scenes and always at the surrounding sim, not in Hathian. And yes, the vehicle permits will possibly be bought if we aren't allowed to wear attachments at the sim.

- Are you finished? Because if you didn't noticed until now, genious... I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU!!
Not finished! In this last moment, I just wanted to say thanks for the attention, and a personal thanks for the great sim and stories, as always. And a plead as well... Please, folks, comment in this thread! Your opinion is very important! 😮

July 23, 2009 at 6:56 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 7:24 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 7:30 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 7:36 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 9:04 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 9:05 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 9:17 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 10:58 pm
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July 23, 2009 at 11:21 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 12:08 am
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July 24, 2009 at 12:40 am
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July 24, 2009 at 7:44 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 7:56 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 8:55 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 9:27 pm
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