The Diary and Life of a Whore

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of ava-delacroix ava-delacroix 15 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of alessa-wynikow



It was a Friday afternoon at the "Sunny Days Rehabilitation Center" and for once, Alessa had some free time. Unfortunately, that was a rare thing between group therapy/one-on-one therapy and the multiple other activities they planned for her. So really, she had no idea what to do with this rare free time. Sighing, she resigned to going to the rec room and to kill time by watching TV.

The rec room was teeming with patients and staff alike. Most were playing board games, talking-- although She caught a few staring off into space with a blank look upon their faces. She shrugged inwardly and headed over to the tv area, where there was about three others watching some documentary-like programs.

"What's this?" She asked one of the patients, a young girl with stringy brown hair who couldn't been more than 14 years old.

The girl glanced up, shrugging slightly, "Some show about missing kids or something. Bernie loves these things- god only knows why." She answered dryly, nodding towards and boy laying on the floor in front of the TV, watching the show intensely.

"Oh." was Alessa's response as she plopped down on the couch next to the girl, stretching her long gangly legs across the couch. She barely gave the TV a glance before turning her blue eyes back towards the girl,

"So um, whats your name?" She asked.

"Lily." The brunette answered, "Yours?"

"Alessa. Whatcha in for?"

Lily smirked, "Oh i got hopped up on some heroin at a party and tried to fly.. off the 5th floor balcony at a hotel. How about you?" She replied, giggling slightly.

Alessa blinked, unsure how that could possibly be funny. She twirled a loose strand of silvery blonde hair around her finger and paused, "Similar.. The cops busted a party where I was fucked up on Heroin, Weed, Alcohol and some other pills that I don't even know what they were..." She answered, shrugging a little.

Lily grinned widely, "AWESOME!" She said in excitement, her dull green eyes sparkling.

"Huh?" Alessa said, not getting how that was amazing. At that moment, the tv caught her eye. They were showing the picture of a little blonde girl, who was probably about 2 or three years old. The girl was grinning at the camera, big blue eyes wide with happy innocence, and silvery blonde hair pulled back into curly pigtails. Alessa's eyes widened, somehow the girl looked very very familiar to her.

"Hey turn that up," Alessa said to the boy, Bernie.

He nodded and leaned forward, pushing the button and turning the volume up.

"Little Anastazja Zajac, daughter of Cecylia and Aleksander Zajac was out shopping with her mother when a day of fun and laughter turned into something much more sinister."
The TV narrator said. The show then switched to a clip of a pretty blonde woman, who spoke with a thick accent.

"I vas shopping vith Ana, and I vent to put tha cart away." The woman began, distress and sadness on her face. She began to choke up a little as she continued, "I stupidly left my little girl in tha car, and tha keys while i did so." She paused, brushing a stray tear from her deep blue eyes, "Vhen I turned around, those.. criminals were pulling out of tha space in my car with my little girl inside. I ran after thems, screaming for them to stop but they did not.." The woman trailed off and the show switched to a clip of the giant mansion where the family must have lived.

Alessa held her breath, staring at the screen intently. She faintly heard Lily commenting, 'Hey that woman looks a lot like you." Before she returned her attention to the screen.

They showed a clip of the little girl, opening presents at her birthday party, while the narrator spoke,

"Little Ana lived a happy life with her mother and father before she was ripped away from them unfairly. After sixteen years, her parents still have no clue as to who it was that took their baby girl, or where she is. If you have any information regarding this place please call us now at-"

The TV was suddenly shut off by an attendant, "Alright everyone it's time for dinner, get your butts to the cafeteria." The attendant said cheerfully.

Alessa sighed, frustrated that she hadn't caught the number and wearily got up, following the group to the cafeteria.

May 14, 2009 at 6:03 am
Profile photo of alessa-wynikow



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May 14, 2009 at 8:22 am
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May 14, 2009 at 8:19 pm
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May 14, 2009 at 10:45 pm
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May 16, 2009 at 9:45 pm
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May 17, 2009 at 6:22 am
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May 18, 2009 at 7:56 pm
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