The Death Of Blood Ushimawa

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She lived, she bled, she died...she said "fuck" a lot...

This is the climax to a long running feud. Thanks to those involved. We'll miss you Blood...

[18:34] SilverMartin Zhangsun peers in the window of the Titty Twister and growls as he sees Blood in there first. He sees her heading to the door and starts to walk off.

[18:36] Blood Ushimawa steps out of the doorway, seeing a familiar flash of a white suit. She yells loudly. "HEY MARTIN YOU MOTHERFUCKER. BLOOD GOING TO KILL YOU" and pulls the knife out that's tucked in her panties, and starts running to give chase.

[18:37] SilverMartin Zhangsun growls and keep swalking. He pulls out his hunting knife from his suit jacket and pulls his jacket off. He waits around the corner around the back of the Titty Twister.

[18:39] Blood Ushimawa sees him in the alleyway and grins evilly. "Hey one ready to lose you head fucker?"
[18:39] SilverMartin Zhangsun waits around the corner for her. Ready to throw his jacket at her as a blinder. He tosses it at her and charges behind the heavy fluttering fabric.

[18:41] Blood Ushimawa stabs out viciously at the coat, thinking its him, the knife going through it and the jacket getting caught on blood's arm. She spins around, crouching low. "you're a sneaky rat, one eye" she hisses, yanking the jacket from the blade, letting its point shine.

[18:43] SilverMartin Zhangsun takes advantage of her being tangled up and slashes down, aiming for her neck and shoulder. He just grins, he knows if he can kill her here, with no witnesses, he can play it off as murder in self defense. He intentionally leaves his right side open for attack to try and bait her into stabbing it so he can try a back swing at her if she does.
[18:44] Blood Ushimawa sees the blade coming down and takes a step backward, letting it slice through thin air. Thinking he's a dumb ass she lunges in with the wicked blade.

[18:45] SilverMartin Zhangsun he turns his body as she stabs his side, to keep the damage to a minimum. "Gotcha." he says quietly as his right arm swings from left to right across his body, aiming for Blood's neck.

[18:49] Blood Ushimawa feels the blade cut her skin and she lets out an animal snarl, loud enough that it reverbrates through the alley. His knife tears her skin from the shoulder close to the base of her neck, leaving an ugly tear. Blood grins as the crimson red liquid spills down the front of her dress, her eyes shining with compete madness. "You gonna' kill me, one eye?" she giggles like a crazy old bag lady "not without losing something else first" and she makes a stab for his groin.

[18:50] SilverMartin Zhangsun jumps back from her attempt to stab his groin. His left hand holding his right side from the stab wound. "Sorry, but that's too precious to let a little witch like you steal it from me." He tries to smile but the pain in his side was just too much to bear.

[18:53] Blood Ushimawa lowers her head like a bull ready to charge. She feels a little dizzy from the blood loss but shakes it off. "It no fucking good anyway. Limp dick motherfucker" she says softly, her breath wheezing. Suddenly, she runs for him, knife out, aiming for his heart.

[18:55] SilverMartin Zhangsun takes a step back to brace for her charge. His left arm swinging out to deflect her blade and getting cut in the process. A long gash along his left forearm and cutting through the sleeve up past his shoulder. Her body collides with his, knocking him over. He lands on his back and yells out in pain, rolling to his right to try and get away and back to his feet.

[18:56] Blood Ushimawa seeing him fall blood raises her foot and attempts to bring it down on his skull. "DIE MOTHERFUCKER" she shouts in pure, animal joy.
[18:57] SilverMartin Zhangsun jerks his head out of reach and slashes with his knife at her leg in pure instinct as he rolls to his knees and props himself up. His focus was totally on Blood for the moment as adrenaline flooded his system.

[18:58] Blood Ushimawa feels the blade pierce her thigh like an arrow. "AYIEEEEE" she screams as it punctures the skin and an artery, a jet of blood spraying out and splattering the walls, the ground, martin himself.
[19:00] SilverMartin Zhangsun figures out why they call her Blood. He takes a half step then swings his left leg out at her in a roundhouse kick. His boot slipping off mid kick and flying down the alley at the dumpster, creating a loud bang as it hits.

[19:01] Blood Ushimawa sees his foot coming and she attempts to grab it with her free hand, all sense forgotten. ifshe manages to grab it she will sink her teeth into his foot like a rabid dog.

[19:03] SilverMartin Zhangsun his kick connects, but to his surprise he feels her teeth digging into the back of his ankle. He stands there trying to keep his balance and yelling out obscenities as he tries to pull his foot from her grasp. Wondering how long she has til she bleeds to death.

[19:04] Blood Ushimawa an't hold onto his foot for too long but she tears some skin off and then staggers backwards, the dizziness consuming her for a moment. She looks at the blade in her hand like she doesn't know what it is, and then just throws it at him.

[19:05] Lila Handrick frowns, moving toward the door and looking out it. She'd heard yelling earlier, and something didn't feel right- something in the air smelled foul. "Something's wrong.." she mumbled, to berry, walking out the door and around the corner, seeing Blood in the alley covered in well.. Blood. " Oh no..." she whispered, looking at the man struggling with her. She discuss gangs with berry in a few moments. Oh boy..gangs...

[19:07] SilverMartin Zhangsun is able to hobble back away from her and is hit with the blade, but not the sharp part. It sorta just flops against him before falling to the ground. He stands there, resting all his weight on one leg and looking at her. He holds his knife out in a defensive position as he pulls his cell phone out to call 911. His eye never leaving her as he does. He waits for the opperator to answer. "Hello? I need medical and police assistance. I'm being attacked by a mugger and me and her both have multiple stab wounds. Send someone before one of us bleeds to death."

[19:09] Blood Ushimawa stares at him blankly, no longer recognising who he is, just her eyes filled with animal rage and hate. As he starts talking on the phone she runs at him, hands formed into claws, teeth bared like some vicious hellion. "SHINDE" she screams, DIE!!!!

[19:10] Lila Handrick goes AFK while they beat the shit out of each other. This scene calls for a sammich

[19:11] SilverMartin Zhangsun he stabs out at Blood as she comes at him. He tries to redirect her attack off to a side and steps to his right to get out of the way.

[19:14] Blood Ushimawa claw catches the side of his face and tears a big flap of the skin away but at the same time his blade sinks deep into her abdomen. She gives a surprised jerk like a rag doll and blinks, looking down at the hunting knife sticking into her. She then turns curious eyes up at martin. And then gives him an evil smile.

[19:14] Blood Ushimawa: "You killed the baby" she says, as some blood trickles from her lips.

[19:15] SilverMartin Zhangsun twists the knife back and forth as he lurches away from her. His left hand holding his scratched cheek. His eyes a blaze in annoyance. . o (Damn she would have looked great pregnant) he thought. Too bad she forced him to kill her.

[19:18] Lila Handrick was back, standing in the alley watching the blades fly. She stepped closer, her own blades close by as she tried to listen in on their conversation. The man's white jacket was now blood red, the little doll looking as if she was torn to precious stiches. She only wished berry would come outside to see this. Maybe Lila could use it as an example of why living through violence was no way to live
[19:19] Blood Ushimawa gurgles as the knife is twisted inside her, blood being screwed by him one last time. The crimson draps splatter around her feet like a heavy rain and her head tilts back as she looks up at the sky and then shrieks, a triumphant scream that rips through the air. Her head begins to slowly loll to the side, but her face carries a small, satisfied smile.

[19:21] Berry Soup tus since there was no bartender so she walks out through thet door and shudders as shehears a shriek and rushes round the corner and looks at Martin and the girl on the floor "The fuck you do this time martin?"

[19:21] SilverMartin Zhangsun wonders where the hell the police are as he stands there, watching as the last bit of life leaves Blood like a vampire being staked. He just looks down at her. Suddenly the pain from all his wounds hits him like a truck and he drops his knife and falls to his right knee. He starts to rip his blood soaked shirt off to make make-shift bandages. He hadn't even notices anyone else int he alley until then.

[19:21] Blood Ushimawa: "Baka yarou, one eye" she giggles softly as her body staggers back againt the wall. "you fucked our baby" she laughs as a bubble of blood bursts in her mouth, and she slides down the wall, looking pecefully asleep.

[19:23] Lila Handrick widened her eyes, her lips tight in a frown. "No.." she whispered as the life started to run out of the little Asian girl, who just moments earlier had tried to make a mockery of Lila. "Noo..." she whispered again, closing her eyes and chanting to herself. The girl's soul would need guidance- and Lila feared that because Blood was unpure in this life, she'd be punished in the next. The asked for a swan, just as they had discussed, a beautiful swan with a normal life- something of a Heaven for the girl after she passed- anything but a hellish form of torment like that of a rat or snake.

[19:24] SilverMartin Zhangsun looks up at Berry and through gritted teeth he answers. "Killed the little bitch. She tried to kill me for knocking her up." he wraps shredded clothe around his ankle and then his arm. He wasn't sure how to bandage his face.

[19:26] Lila Handrick 's eyes flashed open when she heard Martin's explaination. She, the girl of peace and understanding was ready to run forth and try to gut him herself for what he had done. Instead she rushed over to Blood, leaning over her and trying to pull her against her so she could cradle her in her arms. "You will be a swan.." she told her, fearing she was already dead. "Get help!" she called out to Berry. "Please! Get someone..anyone!"

[19:27] Berry Soup chuckles and nods "Nice one man" she hasnt noticed Lila until she runs up to Blood and she puts a hand on her shoulder "Cmon girl. Its too late" she sighs and looks down at the blood soaked girl
[19:28] SilverMartin Zhangsun "WHere the fuck are the cops? I called like 20 minutes ago." he says in response and holds the last bit of bloody clothe to his face. He sits down looking over at Lila hold Blood's body like a real doll. The only thing he can think about now though is, what will the other girls of SIK do to him when they find out?

[19:29] Berry Soup tries to pull Lila away "Cmon you need to leave. I'll get the proper people" she sighs and tries to bend down and rumage the body for any valuables when Lila wasnt looking

August 21, 2009 at 10:43 am
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