Sowa Mai (Have you seen Chrissy?)

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of mimzy Anonymous 16 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of sowa-mai



A stranger climbs down off of the bus and stops on the pavement to catch his bearings. He knows not to stare as he drinks in the surroundings of this the latest stop on his search for Chrissy. You see Sowa is from Glasgow, Scotland, where if a cat walks down the street with his own tail he's a tourist. Knifing capital of Europe Glasgow is no mean city and it's where Sowa cut his teeth.

He doesn't quite fit the picture here in Hathian yet he still seems nondescript. Large white pointy hair over a jailhouse pallor framed by the straps of his overalls Sowa Mai ambles slowly south toward the waterfront. His movements precise and slow at first appear to be the result of age but on closer inspection one might realize this is a man who knows how to handle himself and every movement is casually calculated. A man on a mission.

He says he's here to find his runaway sister, at least thats what he told Featherhead Fall of the AAcme detective agency in Voudou. He claimed to be walking past on his first night here and noticed the sign. Within hours Sowa's "guid Scottish tounge" had secured him a place to stay for the night and the services of a dedicated detective and his lovely secretary Mimzy Runningbear.

That was two weeks ago a stranger in town. He now lives at the detective agency with an office overlooking the waterfront and a secret room where he drops his head when it suits him. Well trusted even when challenged as a liar by his estranged sister Sowa has proved to be an intelligent, witty, companion and formidable advisory.
A thick Scottish accent forces him to talk slowly in order to be understood and his guttural tones are often mistaken for anger but a quick grin belays that notion and puts most who meet him at ease. Then why is it that when he walks in to the room the hairs on my neck stand at attention?

((Sowa really loves this place and feels at home here more than any place in SL. He is still not finished with the search for Chrissy but is now thinking that if he can't get her in to a decent rehab in Hathian he may have to create one))

June 5, 2008 at 3:09 pm
Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


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June 7, 2008 at 8:22 am
Profile photo of sowa-mai



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June 7, 2008 at 5:12 pm
Profile photo of mimzy



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June 10, 2008 at 9:52 pm
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