Shadows and reflections

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Profile photo of jin-sunflower



As I sit here in the dark, dimly lit room. I can't help but try and find new ways to pass by the time. By sitting here of course I clearly must have made it through my youth somehow, for if not this page would be blank. It's felt like weeks since I arrived here, but it may just feel like that. Could have been just hours, I don't really know. All I know is that its a bit chilly in here and that little breeze I feel doesn't help at all. Sure, I pull my jacket closer around me, but its gotten ratty over the years. I almost wish someone would give me something, but this place I am in, doesn't exactly allow luxury. Hell I am lucky to be writing this right now. A man came by the other day and left me this notepad, which I admit was a really nice gesture. The basic marble composition book, much like most like me had used back in high school as a journal. I had a choice suddenly, I could write down my thoughts and try to maintain some sanity here or just doodle in it. Obviously I never was much of an artist, so I figure it would be great to try and reflect back on the past some and write down some of my better memories.
Now here's the hard part, my mind was messed up years ago...most of these memories I barely recall now. So if I get a fact wrong, I may correct it over time. Just draw a line through it or correct myself in a later entry. Not like anyones gonna read this anyways. Anyways, I don't really see much worth mentioning before I ran away to a place called Hathian. I was born in Korea to a rich business man who made it big operating some steel press company here in america. My mother was korean as well, but was a united states citizen with dual citizenship. He had apparently met her while over in the states opening another factory and one thing or another happened and I came along. He married her though and well, for him marriage wasn't a partnership, it was ownership. He was always ordering her around and physically and mentally abusing both of us. When I was five he moved us permanently to New Orleans, near her parents house. Her mother treated me great sure, but my dad just got worse over the years. He was always beating me and kicking me around the house. Mother, she was slowly losing it too. One day I came home from school and she had just literally ran off with some rich banker that was supposed to be my dads friend. He was livid of course, suddenly having to raise me alone with the maid.
He took out all his frustrations on me from that point forward, making sure I knew I was a failure and would never amount to anything. That I was weak like my mother. Things got worse after grandma died, she was the only one up until then who had treated me with civility. Dad though, he just seemed to hate me. I ran away a few times but social services would always bring me back, to which my dad would just laugh. It paid off being rich I guess. One day though, he had kicked me around the house really good. Nearly broke my ribs at which point I said I was running away again. He slapped me and said go ahead and go. This time I will not allow you to come back. You are on your own. I had trouble believing it, but sure enough I made it all the way down to Hathian without being brought back to him. Even when cops stopped me, they just let me go. He seemed to finally let me free.
So the problem was suddenly that I found myself starving to death in the city of Hathian. What a rough place to spot right off the bat. People screaming in the distance and sirens non stop. No wonder my dad really didn't come looking for me. He probably had saw me running off to that direction and assumed the city would do what he wanted, get rid of me for good. I remember spending my first few days digging through the garbage and sleeping anywhere I could. It was when I was about to hit rock bottom that I saw the prettiest face I can recall at this time. Sunhi Gavilan. She was in the chinese restraunt, from which I cannot recall the name of the place, but she saw me digging through the garbage. She yelled at me, making me jump. I thought for sure she was gonna be a mean kid and make fun of me, instead she invited me inside to eat with her. She bought me food and talked to me about my life. I was so shy around her and felt a bit silly about myself. We was both korean too, which was something we could easily relate to each other with.
After we ate she led me back to a barn she had stayed in when she was a runaway. Got me some food and told me she would rent the place to me, that she was my landlord. It was always the joke with us, but I kept it up for the longest time. Calling her my landlord, still makes me smile a little, even in this place. After a few weeks she took me around to meet her family who all treated me great. Her mother, a really great doctor at the hospital even fixed it up so I could eat free at the hospital and shower there freely. In more time they invited me to stay with them. I really liked her dad, he was just a really nice guy. Would have helped anyone when the time came. Then there was Doe and Hiro, whom adopted me eventually. Doe was so caring..but I will cover that more later maybe. Hell looking back, I am shocked. At first I thought Lake and Tony would be the ones to try and adopt me. Wouldn't have been able to date Sun then, she would be like a sister or something. Plus the fact that me and Sun had started to date and they still allowed me to live with her? It was more than I ever expected. I fell in love with Sun and we made all kinda plans. She talked about getting married and having kids one's too bad Hathian spit on us...

((The writing stops there for now. This blog is written from a futuristic point of view, as if he is looking back on it from an unknown date in the future. I purposely left some details blank as his future is still technically being written as we speak. Should the character ever be killed or die, there will be no more blog posts, there for meaning his future went blank and all pages written before may have came from a time when he was younger. Everything that happens to him will affect the details of this blog such as its setting, his age and current situation. Right now, its written from a vague point of view cause Jin is at a big cross roads..or dead..find out through more rp lol Hope its I am trying to present this differently than other blogs and am trying to work out the bugs without ruining the rp by saying “This is his future, its gonna happen period” which isnt true..cause like in rl..the future is always changing, therefor this blog will too :D))

December 25, 2010 at 1:15 pm
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January 15, 2011 at 2:50 pm
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January 16, 2011 at 2:17 am
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January 16, 2011 at 2:50 am
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January 17, 2011 at 7:21 pm
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January 19, 2011 at 12:45 am
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January 19, 2011 at 4:29 am
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