Sarah Shinobu

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Profile photo of Sarah Blaisdale

sarah shinobu


Name: Sarah Shinobu
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight (for the most part)
Race: Japanese-American
Family: Hiromi and Hitoshi Shinobu of Upstate NY. She wont tell you much about them other than they're rich.
Birthday: June 14, 1986
Birthplace: Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Social Status: Upper Class
Graduated: Has a Bachelor in Business Accounting, top 25% of her High school class
Hair: Black, Long
Eyes: Green

Likes: Hot guys and music with a beat, any kind. Yes, country included. Caramel Cream candies. Fresh white sticky rice with a dash of soy. Good Friends.

Dislikes: Egomaniacs, those who exploit her, those who harm her friends.

Skills: Math/Accounting, running (Cross country in HS), information gathering/research.

Gear: She carries with her a small pendant Ephesians 2:8-9 carved into it, She's from a posh neighborhood and lifestyle and is not used to this lifestyle yet, no weapons as of yet.

Sarah came to Hathian to escape what she considered to be a suffocating existence in NY state. On her quick exit from the house, she managed to get one of her parents' bank accounts transferred to her name by digging up dirt on a bank manager. She has a good amount of money to her name now, but doesn't like to advertise it. She's good at math as well, and has much of it shuffled away into CDs and "investments". She is quick to share the money with friends who need it, to an extent. She's not stupid, and she knows when someone is playing her.

On her first day in hathian, she auditioned to be a stripper and got the job, although now she's positive that the man she auditioned for wasn't even an employee of the bar... She then met Gypsy Queller and Kendra Coakes and a certain other gentleman and was "initiated" into the Hathian lifestyle over a filling meal at the beach.

Sarah feels she is ready to take on the Hathian Lifestyle with her new job as one of Gypsy's Assistants at the Poison Apple. However, she is inexperienced and needs to meet more people to get her information network to form.

if you see her around, she seems friendly and warm and naive. Come say hi 😀

March 12, 2009 at 12:57 pm
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March 25, 2009 at 4:12 pm
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