Saj Zenovka (formerly Sažiko Brankovič)

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Profile photo of gigglespit84



Age: 25
Birthday: March 14
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Specific Traits: Speaks with a thick Serbian accent, low smooth voice, chain smoker, quiet and stoic, a small scar sits across his left eyebrow. Is known for his obvious display of disinterested benevolence and slow burning temper.

Sažiko Brankovič (pronounced – Sazh-ee-koh Bran-koh-vich) was born March 1983, the second child and youngest son to a wealthy family in the city of Belgrade, Serbia. His father, Mihajlo (Mee-hi-loh), was second hand man to Milorad Petrovič (Mee-loh-rod Pet-roh-vich), the head of an extremely prominent narcotics ring in Eastern Europe. He rarely saw his father growing up, but was very close to his mother Milja (Mee-li-a) and two siblings, a brother 6 years his senior named Radomir and a younger sister named Aleksandra.

By the time he was 12 years old, Sažiko's brother had been inducted into the “family business” as head of the organization’s security. Introverted as a teen, he spent most of his time drawing and writing music, which of course his father saw as useless; therefore, at the age of 16, Mihajlo Brankovič introduced his youngest son to the organization, wanting him to learn under the command of Radomir. Shortly thereafter, Mihajlo passed away due to heart failure. For the next two years, Sažiko became a favorite among the organization, rising quickly to replace his father as second in command. This situation caused bitterness in Radomir, who having been the oldest was expecting to be the one to replace his father, as per tradition.

Due to this bitterness, Radomir betrayed his brother, as well as the organization, by conspiring with a rival organization to take over Petrovič’s operation. Radomir, having been promised a high-standing position with the rival organization, set up a hostile encounter during a major shipment, during which all of Sažiko’s men, save for two and Sažiko himself, were killed. This encounter backfired however, for after assassinating Petrovič and most of his flunkies, the rival organization turned on Radomir, murdering him and the rest of his family, burning the family home to the ground.

Having escaped the ordeal with a few men, all harboring only minor injuries, Sažiko fled to his house hoping to protect his family. He was too late and could only watch from a distance as his family’s home went up in flame. That night, with the help of Petrovič loyalists, he and those that were left of the organization fled Serbia. Sažiko and the loyal few made their way across Europe, eventually using the little money they had between them to make their way to the United States.

After arriving in New York City, the group decided to change their names to avoid traceability; Sažiko Brankovič became Saj (Sazh) Zenovka. Broke and homeless, Saj and his followers used the knowledge they had to reconnect to former Petrovič suppliers in both Europe and the US. Using these connections, the group established their own ring, building clientele and making enough money to live comfortably again. Two years later, aged 22, another unfortunate chain of events led Saj to again flee, this time alone, finding his way to the obscure city of Hathian. Despite his ordeals, he has kept most of his connections in Europe and New York, which has helped him stay afloat financially.

During his three years in Hathian, Saj has built his clientele yet again and thus his reputation as the man who can get anything. His motto is “Da potreba, moći dobiti,” which roughly translates to “If you need it, I can get it.”

((That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Looking foreward to RPing with you all 0_-))

January 12, 2009 at 9:11 pm
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January 13, 2009 at 10:37 am
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January 13, 2009 at 8:21 pm
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January 31, 2009 at 12:17 am
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