Recruiting Guards

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lexi Morrison lexi-ella 12 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of Lexi Morrison



(Firstly, apologies for my ic absence around campus, and overall CD. After a minor break from Lexi due to various reasons, I am back now and eager to rp and create some stories 🙂 I have spoken to Tessi and Danni who are eager to generate some activity over in CU side, so instead of me looking to start afresh with a new business venure for Lexi, I have decided to continue and put effort into the Security Business 'Ella Enterprises' and aim to boost numbers over there. )

The reason for Lexi's ic absence has been "Maternity leave" and I will say she has had npc cover during this 6 month break, but would have run the business on a skeleton staff and not taken on any extra external 'jobs' in her absence.

For those who do not remember Ella Enterprises or the business, it is a Security business based in Black Bottom, tasked with managing the Campus security. It also takes on extra outside jobs such as body-guarding requests, extra security for events, and as before, is not intended to replace the police. Before Lexi left for Maternity leave, she ran the security at the temporary Quarantine zone by the beach, which was a fun rp, and paid high money for temporary guards to help log and deal with people coming through the camp.

There was also some fun antagonism with the HPD, and a couple of interesting scenes with them framing Lexi and trashing her old SIK sorority house, and doing extra 'patrols' on her campus patch to p*ss her off, which made great rp.

Now she is back, she will be looking to recruit guards, who will patrol the campus and get involved in any extra security job rp.

She will also advertise in the Hathian Observer.

If anyone has any comments or ideas or would like to link in some rp, please hit me up 😈

(oocly, please bear in mind CU is a little quiet, so don't expect this to be high activity just yet! But hoping to improve.)

June 14, 2012 at 6:55 pm
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