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geoffrey welders


People tend to read things, if there's sex in the title. I narrowed down the lengthy 17 page Microsoft Word document of the entire chat into several categories for easy referencing.

[14:45] Kyo Runo: CD needs to be less Happy Ville, and more Crack Den.
[14:49] BeBe Pink: We need to get the drug dealers back dealing. We need hookers that stand out on the corner and hook.
[14:49] Giacamo Dagostino: A touch of realism? Such as, maybe not having everyone immune to prosecution?
[15:01] BeBe Pink: People aren't role playing out their roles. Nobody does their "jobs". [15:01] BeBe Pink: Nobody at Gein burger flipping burgers! If everyone would show up for their jobs, it wouldn't be boring
[15:02] Benjamin Stoneage: Vast majority don't, and when new people come in, have to interact with them.
[15:02] BeBe Pink: Everyone would be there rp'ing and working. I am saying, the RP is getting old and stale. People standing around and it’s not realistic. All that happens anymore are people being superman, fighting cops.
[15:08] Rottengirl Elswit: I think it would be nice if people had some sort of knowledge about the job title they're applying for.
[15:21] najah Sloane: Oh can people also not walk in and shoot up people while still in the hospital? Realistically hospitals have some form of guards.
[15:21] BeBe Pink: The unrealistic stuff is going to stop.

[14:49] BeBe Pink: When people get arrested, they need to be charged. We need judges and lawyers.
[14:50] Kendra Coakes: No more super civilians!
[14:50] Giacamo Dagostino: You mean finally using the court?
[14:50] BeBe Pink: Yes.
[14:50] Benjamin Stoneage: judges and lawyers make for annoying and boring police RP
[14:50] Giacamo Dagostino: wow
[14:50] BeBe Pink: I am going to be going on trial soon
[14:50] Kyo Runo: I'll have Kyomi be a syndicate hooker
[14:50] Geoffrey Welders: I'll give each case coverage!
[14:50] Kyo Runo: with Chase as my p!mp
[14:50] BeBe Pink: How so, Ben?
[14:51] Giacamo Dagostino: Ben...there needs to be some realism
[14:51] BeBe Pink: Not all cases need lawyers and judges, obviously.
[14:51] Benjamin Stoneage: Cops have and always been corrupt and an in and out thing. You get collared, messed up little or allot and cut loose; anything longer is killer on rp because of lack of people, time and coordination.
[14:51] Giacamo Dagostino: And the good cops do what?
[14:52] Benjamin Stoneage: Turn a blind eye as they have always done.
[14:52] Giacamo Dagostino: That get's old
[14:52] Giacamo Dagostino: I’m saying there has to be a certain amount of realism.
[14:53] BeBe Pink: there are a lot of people who play superman and hero and it really has to stop. Like, the people who talk shit to the cops. First of all, if you were getting arrested by a cop, you wouldn’t fight him; because, in real life, if you did, he’d fucking shoot you. End of story.
[14:54] Benjamin Stoneage: Tazer you, pepper you, ect…
[14:54] BeBe Pink: Exactly
[14:55] BeBe Pink: That cop is going to haul you in no matter what.
[14:55] Benjamin Stoneage: He's dealt with shit bags like you 100 times.
[14:55] BeBe Pink: Guys, please listen to Ben and me.
[14:55] Benjamin Stoneage: and if he doesn't, 10 of his friends on the RADIO will!
[14:55] BeBe Pink: Obviously you can struggle, but you aren’t going to beat him or her. You are going to jail. Another thing is, people walking around in the street with guns and sword on. If a cop saw you like that, you’d get hauled in.
[14:56] Benjamin Stoneage: Its not a 100% thing obviously, but yeah stuff like, assaulting the police station, or thinking you can shoot the place up and because there is only 1 cop around nothing will happen?
[14:59] BeBe Pink: As Ben also noted, you can't run in the police station and just shoot up the place. That glass in there is bullet proof. You shoot, it's going to bounce off and hit you.
[15:00] Benjamin Stoneage: even if you did, the amount of police that would respond to such an attack would be like... an army...
[15:00] BeBe Pink: Nobody can break that glass, period.
[15:00] Benjamin Stoneage: Nah bulletproof glass just absorbs the bullet, it doesn't bounce back, but yea it doesn't go through.
[15:00] BeBe Pink: I like my idea that it bounces back. Anyway, Ben is right, it's not going to break, period. You can’t get in the door, it’s locked. Cops got to take you though.

[15:15] BeBe Pink: and we have a great family of RP'ers here. We just need to branch out of old habits. We need to remember, this is a forced fantasy place. Forced fantasy is going to happen around here. We need to respect the people that RP it, even if you aren't into it. I know everyone isn’t' into it, that’s fine, but don't be the hero and try to save the people that do like it.
[15:18] LyricElizabeth Jewell: Last night was a good example. Not only did I see role-play interrupted, this person went and dragged others down to the scene with all this 'somebody help that girl' shit. All parties involved were very annoyed.

[15:19] Intricatelace Gagliano: Yeah the "intermissions" I like to call them. When they go right into OOC talk and argue. That’s annoying and messes it up for those role-playing.
[15:19] BeBe Pink: When someone does that, walk away. Don’t fight back. Just don’t role-play with them anymore.
[15:20] Benjamin Stoneage: If you need to go out of character, use IM's.
[15:20] BeBe Pink: Yes, or go up to the ooc area; that is what it's for. Paulo made a real nice one for us, use it.

[14:43] Geoffrey Welders: Anyhow, new goal for me - RP with atleast one newbie every day.
[14:43] Benjamin Stoneage: Geoffrey - thats a good goal
[14:44] Geoffrey Welders: CD is growing, we gotta get enough people to fill it up. I'd love to see all three SIMS packed full.
[14:44] BeBe Pink: That's right, we have three sims to fill up now. There are role-play places on all three.
[15:05] BeBe Pink: Also, I sent out a notice today about how new people are being treated. I dont' like it. I've seen some pretty shitty stuff and I am not happy.
[15:06] Rikki Lytton: As long as they RP well, I couldn't give a shit how new they are. I try to look past cheap skin etc. Some brilliant role-players looks awful, some SHIT role-players have all the flash crap.
[15:06] BeBe Pink: Not everyone is going to come here knowing how to role play. The first time I came here, I had NO idea what role play was. I had to learn. Sometimes, they need help.
[15:07] Benjamin Stoneage: BeBe is still a noob.
[15:07] BeBe Pink: I am, really.
[15:15] LyricElizabeth Jewell: that’s why its so important to be kind to the den noobs, new blood, fresh ideas.
[15:15] BeBe Pink: Exactly.
[15:07] Vin Dollinger: Can the welcome thing say that it helps for them to actually observe a little first? Or have a sample scene?
[15:07] BeBe Pink: I know that some people come here just looking for trouble and are just totally jerk faces. Vin, that would be great if we had time to do it, but I know I don't.
[15:08] Benjamin Stoneage: Could setup a role-play school of some sort.
[15:08] Rottengirl Elswit: I would love to help anyone too.
[15:08] BeBe Pink: I am working on a role play guide for newbies. If they don't read it, their fault. What i am saying is give new people a chance.
[15:08] Vin Dollinger: What I'm finding sometimes is people get in a real jam in character and then go, ((uh yeah, I'm new... now what?)), which is sort of a turn off.
[15:08] BeBe Pink: Like for example, when I got here, Paul Stein and Christabel gave me a chance and helped me out. Taught me stuff. I am very grateful to them both.
[15:09] Brandon Dragonfly: Yeah, the crows gave me a chance even though I blew nuts at role-play.
[15:09] Vin Dollinger: So it'd help if they could see some short examples of different scenes, how to use the emote thing, etc.
[15:09] BeBe Pink: The will be in the role-play guide.

[14:29] BeBe Pink: You police don't forget, you have a prisoner in the holding cells at the station
[14:30] Giacamo Dagostino: So?
[14:30] BeBe Pink: Need to RP with them. The cops need to remember when you have a prisoner, you need to RP with them. Prison gets a bit boring. Need to interact with them. Maybe arrest couple other people, throw them in there.
[14:32] Kyo Runo: We need to fill the jail and the prison.
[14:33] Geoffrey Welders: I was thinking about making an alt, that's a permanent prisoner in the jail. Is CD's jail even fit for that?
[14:33] BeBe Pink: The prison is, it has beds, showers, etc. Police need to rp with the prisoners.
[14:33] Kyo Runo: Not really, theres rarely police in there and when there is, they generally do paperwork
[14:34] BeBe Pink: We need more jail guards. That's their job really, to watch the prisoners and interact with them, feed them, take them out in the yard.
[14:35] Benjamin Stoneage: If they are working with a prisoner, stop coming to the station when you know there's only one cop dealing with someone in a cell.
[14:36] BeBe Pink: You know there are going to be guards that molest prisoners and stuff. Also the prison is going to get a make over.
[15:21] Vin Dollinger: and can we please fix the prison so it's no longer possible to lockpick your freaking way in?
[15:21] BeBe Pink: Nobody can do that.
[15:21] Vin Dollinger: Well, someone did that, and the door inside is pickable.
[15:21] BeBe Pink: Only way out, is if you bribe cops.
[15:21] Intricatelace Gagliano: Someone who jumped over the prison walls, they would be shot on sight.

[15:03] Rottengirl Elswit: I want to know why it's alright for someone who is legitimately dead to be able to get back up as the same exact person and continue on in CD like nothing happened
[15:04] BeBe Pink: No. When you are dead, you are dead. If you come back, you must be someone new. You don't have to be a new avatar, just act different and be a new character.

[15:17] Benjamin Stoneage: oh yes, and those of you who think you can jump between buildings, will be shot if I see you.
[15:17] BeBe Pink: That too. Thank you for bringing that up Ben. You roof top people, cut it out. You can not jump from roof to roof or from the ground to the roof. every building in the den has a way up to the roof. Be real about it, you aren’t super people.

[14:30] Tammi Ball: Is it finally time for guns to be less used!?
[14:30] BeBe Pink: Guns are going to be less used
[14:31] Tammi Ball: I still think people resort to them too much
[14:31] Kyo Runo: I have mine as a prop, I never actually shoot it =p
[14:55] BeBe Pink: Another thing is, people walking around in the street with guns and sword on. If a cop saw you like that, you’d get hauled in.
[15:25] Lee Adria: Dual weilding pistols, also unrealistic.
[14:57] GrrBrool Lykin: No no, I meant I do the gun wearing, but hell, I’ve been WAITING for someone to call me on it.
[14:57] Kyo Runo: Same here
[14:57] BeBe Pink: Okay, that's different then. If you wear it out in the open to get arrested, that’s fine.
[14:57] Kyo Runo: I sometimes wear mine to test the Cops to see if they're competent.

[14:57] BeBe Pink: The gas masks, everyone and their Uncle Tom has one. I have one. If you had worn a real one, you'd know, you can't talk through 'em
[14:58] Geoffrey Welders: And the random SWAT gear by non-SWAT and non-Police
[14:58] Kyo Runo: I haven't xD I thought It died out.

[15:22] LyricElizabeth Jewell: I get annoyed by things, like judges who look like the are 19 and dress like hookers, but that’s just me I guess.
[15:23] Vin Dollinger: That's another thing.
[15:23] BeBe Pink: What's that, Vin?
[15:23] Kendra Coakes: I saw a psychologist with a mini and a halter.
[15:23] Vin Dollinger: FBI agents running around looking like crackwhores is fine, just don't be surprised when I treat you like a crackwhore, then.
[15:23] Intricatelace Gagliano: Yeah i got chased by a cop that looked like a hooker. I was suppose to take her seriously?
[15:23] BeBe Pink: No. You should dress the part of your character to the best of your ability.
[15:24] LyricElizabeth Jewell: Nobody does though.
[15:24] BeBe Pink: I know not everyone can afford to get all fancy, but just do the best you can.
[15:24] LyricElizabeth Jewell: Dont have to be fancy, just job appropriate.
[15:24] Intricatelace Gagliano: When I’m doing my secretarial job, I have on pants suit or dresses. If I’m at the theater I dress in a hoodie and jeans.
[15:25] BeBe Pink: that's perfect Lacey
[15:25] Vin Dollinger: Also, people on stiletto heels, chasing me around on sneakers, somersaulting over me, twisting my arm on my back, flipping me over and slamming me into three walls before their spider web pulls me back, all in one sentence, can suck muh ballz.
[15:25] BeBe Pink: You can wear what you want in off hours.
[15:25] BeBe Pink: This is one thing we could do; if any of you make skins or clothes, donate them to me, I'll make a newbie pack for the nooblets. If you know any good places for them to get freebies or cheap stuff, good stuff, send me the landmarks. I'll put them in a notecard for them.

[15:31] Vin Dollinger: Hey, do we need to wear our titles all the time? I find people avoid me when I do or act differently cause they can read I'm a cop, even though they have no reason to know I actually am.
[15:32] Kendra Coakes: I hate that.
[15:32] BeBe Pink: Well, it would be nice if you did when in uniform.
[15:32] LyricElizabeth Jewell: That’s a good point
[15:32] BeBe Pink: I need to stress the no name tag rule; can’t use people’s tags in role-play.
[15:32] Vin Dollinger: Then again, people also get pissed off when I suddenly flash my badge and wear the title saying “If I knew that, I wouldn't have punched you in the nose,â€￾ but I think that makes it a lot more realistic actually.
[15:32] LyricElizabeth Jewell: I hate having to point out that in real life, people don’t have their name and occupation over their heads.

[15:11] BeBe Pink: one idea Nadir had, that I think is good; Someone teach a role-play class at the college.
[15:11] Intricatelace Gagliano: Call it drama?
[15:11] BeBe Pink: Alco and I had a class to show a proper DCS gun fight role played out and people showed up.

[15:29] BeBe Pink: We don't want to be like the other RP places. Lots of places are falling apart, because the community forgets we are here for the same reason. We all have a common hobby: role-playing.
[15:30] Vin Dollinger: I think the radio shows help a lot with that group/community feeling thing.
[15:30] BeBe Pink: And everyone here is pretty smart folks. I have all your applications you sent to get approved and to be honest they are stellar, if you get in.

September 14, 2007 at 3:24 am
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