Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals READ ME — PROPOSE A FACTION

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Nadir Taov


Please read the following post in complete detail when thinking about proposing a group in CD. If you have questions or concerns, use the RP Discussion forum or contact an admin for help.

Current List of Active Gangs:



This is mostly for criminal groups. If you have a non-criminal group you want to start that doesn’t connect to a business, please submit it via the business portal. If you are unsure, just contact Stu Canning. Some of you may ask why the introduction of the notion of ‘factions’. It’s simple. It’s a general term and we have had to deal with a wide variety of ideas that don’t always fit perfectly under the word ‘gang’. The new wording now includes, rather than excludes the many ideas that players come up with.


Factions are not just cool groups that aid in your personal stories, rather they are groups whose overall purpose is to enhance the sim and community RP; they also provide avenues for new and old players alike.

Interactions with factions should never be overbearing and players should try to be sure that their RP is welcome when it comes to large group scenes. Each member of a faction is expected to ICly and OOCly hold up the standards of the sim and be able to roll with incidents that may not be in their favor. We have a no drama policy and it extends from the faction leader down to faction affiliates and prospects.

Remember, factions shouldn’t always be on the winning end. The following is just to answer some of the most common questions we have - don't be afraid to propose something that is not along these lines!

Faction Types

These are just examples of common types seen. Don’t be afraid to propose something new or different, in fact, we encourage it!

Crews - This is the general term for a small group with a common goal that engage in criminal activity. This is what ALL groups/factions will be starting out as when approved and when they grow in IC activity, they will progress to the later stages and be able to attain their full status in the Den, whether that be as a gang, crime family or anything else that is approved.

Gang - A criminal group of like-minded individuals who follow “Street code”. They aren’t the most organized of groups and while they bring in money, they aren’t as business savvy as others. They are usually more prone to random violence and havoc. We ask that no real-life gang names be used (spin offs are fine).

Syndicate/Crime Family - This is the CD version of organized individuals operating as a single network or group and/or criminal organizations running common illegal businesses. We don’t like to use “mafia’ since they usually allude to broad/famous and well-funded organizations. What exists in Hathian are small sects with none of those cushy connections. We ask that leaders do not use real-life crime family names for their groups. Any affiliations with those bigger names should be “loose”. This means no straight Yakuza, Bratva, etc.

Cult - Every cult that has appeared in Hathian has had a very dark and thus illegal element to it so they now will co-exist with the other factions even if you choose to not go down that dark alley. Cults usually share the bond of shared and extreme beliefs, rituals, philosophies etc. There is always an element of ‘brainwashing”. Be creative. We prefer original cult ideas. Cults will finally have the ability to attain turf if they get through the stages

MCs/Biker Gangs - Yes, they are allowed. No they won’t get special vehicle privileges. That being said, every biker gang that has based their RP around their bikes... has failed. Do your research and be sure to not get too hung up on making it realistic or about a physical bike.


  • Proposing leader must be an active player in this sim for at least 2 months. If you are proposing on an alt you may privately reveal that alt to Stu Canning or Nadir Taov.
  • Faction leaders or their members can operate a CD Official business (and it is now encouraged) .
  • Founding members must have earned the ‘CD Deviant’ tag before recruitment.
  • Founding members must be in good standing with community management (ie. no drama, no security issues, etc.)
  • Faction leader must be willing to collaborate with other leaders and community management on a regular basis via the forums and in world. Having fun and creating new opportunities and stories, for both new and current members, is the primary goal.
  • Faction leaders must become active users of the forums.
  • Faction leaders should develop hand signs, graffiti tags, slogans, or any other kind of communication method to help represent the faction on the street.

Proposal Process:

  1. Begin with the Group Proposal Portal - submit your idea for review and it will be posted to the group proposal section by Stu Canning. This is where you proposal will go under community and admin review and your responses will be required for it to be approved.
  2. If your idea was reviewed and approved, you will begin with the Trial phase at stage 1, which starts your group out as a “Crew” of only 1 leader and 3 founding members and limited recruits. If rejected, feel free to revise your plans and re-submit. The numbers of your crew will be watched, recruiting heavily will result in disbandment. We want new groups to seed their stories and connections first. We prefer quality over quantity. You will be allowed to create an in-world group, but not display any group titles. You will need to post to the Faction Discussion thread in the forum. You will not yet be invited to the RP leader forum or group. Once you’ve progressed beyond the “Crew” stage, as determined by admins, you’ll receive more abilities and recruitment slots.
  3. Email [email protected] any logos or graffiti (512x512) to represent your gang and a 300 character bio on the gang. Textures may be changed as seen fit.
  4. We strongly suggest leaders and/or their faction buy land for hideaways and places to take their victims to since the HPD and Good Samaritan presence has really stepped up. Because we feel you all serve a vital part, land used for factions will be given an overall discount of 20%

    Propose Here

    CD Group Registration & Proposal Portal

    February 18, 2011 at 12:10 am
    Profile photo of Nadir Taov

    Nadir Taov


    Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

    September 30, 2012 at 7:59 am
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