R.I.P Johnny BBQ

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion R.I.P Johnny BBQ

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Profile photo of kylarai



Well... I think this is my first post on the forums, and it's probably a shame I have to start my activity on here on such a tragic note. Some of this might be OOC stuff, but I didnt know where else to put it, since most of the Crack Den community got to know Johnny from RP there, and well... he was quite the character. But I suppose this could be treated as an appreciation thread.

So.. the news said "At 12:10AM, Hathian Police found the body of local citizen, Johnny Barbecue, dead in the alley. Witnesses say the body was found propped up against the brick wall with a bottle of Johnny Walker Black beside him. Initial findings from coroners report that the victim died from liver failure."
What a way to go... he lived by the drink, and died by it... Despite living one hell of a crazy and adventurous life...(having an extensive criminal record... being the father of many potential children... being one of those secret (but drunken) pyromaniacs... being the worst driver in Hathian (even killing his own sisters lesbian lover)... as well as being the typical victim of numerous gun crimes...)... it's sad to say Hathian has lost one of it's most praised residents through one of the few things he sought comfort from.
Ky and Johnny came to Hathian after being forced out of their previous home. It didn't take too long for them to settle in...they both had bumpy lives in Hathian..more than what they were used to... but Johnny successfully gained a cosmopolitan social network being highly thought of among his friends. Even though he was an alcoholic and he killed some one close to his sister, Ky never lost faith in her brother... she knew she could trust him (but not when it came to driving of course), and he was *the* best friend she was lucky enough to have. Being the only family member she knew... she was greatful to have him, she wouldnt have wanted any one else for a brother, and now that he's gone no one will ever take his place.
Left alone in Hathian, with only a few friends, she feels lost and only partial. She and her brother were looking forward to one day returning to their original home, but sadly she's been left to wait on her own now.
Hearing the devastating news, Ky has recently sought excessive comfort in the killing substance... she'd recently gone to rehab for drug use and bulimia already (Those recent week long periods when I couldnt get on SL) and now with another blow to her life and mentality who knows how she'll cope... or even if she'll be seen in Hathian again...

[I know it's still early... JB only left yesterday... and I have to say this is probably the third time he's tried to leave. But this time it seems more definate especially with him killing his character off. Although... I still look forward to seeing him again even if thats never gonna happen.
It might sound lame to admit it, but Johnny was an amazing friend of mine, my brother in RP and in SL. We both met in Crimson Falls in our first week of playing SL (what I refer to when I say our original home), we were both noobs and immediately we got on... he had the same impression on me as i'm sure he had with many of his friends - he was one hell of a joker.
He and I literally grew up together in SL and ICly and now that he's gone I feel like part of my avatar is missing lol :/
Yeah, ok maybe I'm being melodramatic, but its how I feel... even though he;s still walking around in California getting drunk and partying and whatnot... I can't get over the fact that he's gone. I'll miss the offline messages I always get from him where he;s telling me about the funny shit thats happened isl and irl... I'll miss RPing with him and being a victim to his awful crazy accidents... I've only just gotten used to him leaving surprises in my house such as the Mel Gibson picture hanging over my bed lol. :/ what can I say? He was the only and only Johnny Barbecue and no matter what I'm proud to have had him as a friend and sibling in SL.
I know from hearing other people and from reading other peoples profiles (lol) that he was loved by loads of people and I hope will be missed just as equally.
So... here's to appreciating the priceless entertainment he brought to all our SL's and wishing him the best of luck to his future IRL 🙂 ]

January 16, 2008 at 4:22 pm
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January 16, 2008 at 6:34 pm
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January 16, 2008 at 7:35 pm
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January 16, 2008 at 9:36 pm
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January 16, 2008 at 11:21 pm
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January 17, 2008 at 8:44 am
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March 14, 2008 at 6:51 pm
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March 15, 2008 at 3:47 am
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