Priest O

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Priest O, as known as Priesto, is an orfan, he was found waiting over the train station for the person that left him there. He was nicelly dressed, hair done, with this lil teeth brushed. He waited there for 1 whole day before fainting.

Soon, he was forwarded to an orphanage, always quiet and peacefully, there, he found a good place, a library... he didn´t know much, never read a book, always looking over the old lady, the librarian. Always falling her steps, organizing everything, as she always told him "Organization´s the salvation for lost people". Some years passed, the old lady died, but still Priesto used that quote to live his life. All his days were all planed in scale. Where to, how to, when to, why, with who, everything as a brilliant plan.

Priesto left the orphanage with a recommendation letter to work over the town library, he did a hell of work, made everything organized and easy to be used for other. Until that day, when the young Timmy(11) entered the building... timmy was a spoiled kiddo, son of rich parents, they didnt care for anyone nor anything. Timmy entered that building on a rainy day, he wasnt looking for a book, just some fun. Priesto asked him about his parents, and he was just screaming "GO AWAY U FREEKIN A**HOLE" and started to throw all the books around, Priesto followed the young boy all around, trying to get the books back on the right place, he kicked out the young boy.

Hours later, and the books are again organized. The other day, another day of work, Priesto was at his desk, a young lady goes close to him and whisper "mister, i found a book on a wrong place", Priesto couldnt even breath, he looked up and asked her, with his hand shaking, "Where?!", she said, over there, on geography, than another Man goes to him and said there was another book out of place. Priesto soon tought himself "all the places, the young boy ran over". He stood up very calmly and quietly, closed the place with all the 41 readers inside, and re-organized everything. As soon he opened the doors, he was covered in blood, all the books were fit, as the bodies, he murdered everyone and organized them over the chairs by their Height, and then fainted.

The cops arrived and got horrorized, but still, there was a lil hope in there, there was one surviver. Priesto. Found with a knife over a man chest after falling in desperation. The last man, the taller one, another reader maybe.. no, a serial killer known as "the reader", a serial killer who killed his victims in libraries around the country. Priesto was a hero, he got the murderer.

After his collapse over the ground, he got his head knocked, and forgot what actually happened in there. Surelly no one can actually say what happened over there, everyone died, the murderer too, the doors were closed.

Priesto received many thanks, and the town´s key in appreciation, but was a lilttle lost, and quit his job as librarian, he knew there was something wrong with that history, he was forcing himself trying to remeber, but nothing came to his head and than he left the city, nobody know where Priesto had gone, some tell he´s a librarian somewhere, some say he died after all that experience...


A week ago, Timmy died by a car "accident", a car ran over him "accidently" 11 times. The car was heading the road out of the town. His blood on the tired was seen over 34 miles. The car was found, clean, everything in the right place, and car manual, even the mirron was set to center, nothing could be found in there, digitals, blood, hair, it was like, a ghost was driving it.

September 21, 2009 at 1:58 pm
Profile photo of agnes



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September 21, 2009 at 2:42 pm
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