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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 13 years, 5 months ago.
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vladislav ogrimundsaid((The following represents a video ICly uploaded on Youtube by a new user with the random name of "hpdbrutality39371" through a public computer. For the video not to be removed, the uploader censored any words requiring censorship with the all too familiar 'bleep' noise.)) *-* I beg to be kicked The following is recorded: [15:42] Ganchinua (vv01f.hermans) raises his eyebrows when he hears Katja insisting on someone having died. What the hell? He knew this could be no good, so while Kay tried to send off the coppers in her own way, he walks off towards the counter, pulling out his cheap digital camera from his messenger bag. He sets it to record video, just in case things got nasty and they needed proof. Then he sets it down in the corner of the counter, covering most of it, apart from the lens of course, with a cleaning rag from next to the sink. When he hears the male cop mention Kay was wanted for questioning he walks back over towards the door, the camera recording, and asks, "Do you have a warrant to prove that statement, Officer?" He'd drop the Mongolian accent at that point. [15:45] Katja Sixx looks a bit confused when Kay opens the door, shouting all sorts of curse words at them " You mad, bro? " she asks her dryly. She still remembered their last encounter, the one where Kay acted all demented including slobbering all over her pants and shoes. She nods after what Chompa said " Yeah we are here for an APB that was out for you. So if you please would walk with us you most likely won't get hurt. " something she just can't promise, that someone makes it safely to their destination. People falling, after being pushed hard, just happens a lot. With narrows eyes, looking at the man suspiciously she asks "Oh, where the hell did your accident suddenly go?" [15:46] Kay (littlepunky.varnish) snorted "If the ugly boot fits huh pig?". She tilted her head "Well, lucky for me, I'm a brit, and a *bleep*. So it's *bleep* tea time.". She just shrugged "What am I being questioned for exactly? Hm? Where I got my fab boots from? You guys need better boots that aint so clunky and vile? Sure! I can help with that.". But then, Gan said something, she knew she should have kept her mouth shut, but, she couldn't help it. She'd give a defiant little nod "Yeah. Where's this warrent?" she had no idea how that shit worked, she just got carted off normally. And normally was passed out. She'd narrow her eyes at Katja, remembering how silly she had been to fall for Kay's act before, but shrugged "What is this apb about...Bro. Gotta tell me before I do *bleep* for you." she had done too much shit recently, she didn't know what it was for. [15:53] Chompa Kimagawa: "Christ now my boots are ugly?" looking down at them in mock-terror, "I treasure these kicks," and then lowering his voice close to a growl, raising his eyes to Kay: "maybe if you tasted them?" Kim nearly facepalmed hearing Kay's rapture about warrants, but kept his composure: "All Points Bulletin, Kay Varnish. You're coming with us, so drop the warrant bull*bleep* . Welcome to post 9/11 America cupcake." [15:56] Ganchinua (vv01f.hermans): "My accident?" he asks, taking advantage of Katja's blunder with words not to answer what he assumes her question was meant to be. "I'm sorry Officer I have no idea what you mean," he adds with a shrug. As Kay starts hurling insults to the Officers he tries not to lose his cool, but she was not making things any easier. So he tries settling his left palm on her shoulder to tug her gently back away from the door. "Go call your lawyer... I will look over these fine policemen's warrant before letting them in," he proposes, more as a way to get Kay out of the way so she couldn't make things worse than anything. He makes sure to speak loud and clear enough for the camera to properly record his words. He was not used to dealing with cops, but he tries his best to keep the panic at bay. He had done nothing wrong, but something told him these cops didn't care about that. When he hears the male cop speak of 9/11 he perks an incredulous brow. "Uhm... Officer, I'm afraid unless Miss Kay Varnish is wanted for terrorism, which I doubt, you /still/ need a warrant. Perhaps you should consider revision Law classes here at CU... they're pretty good," he says, unable not to be sarcastic at the cop's blatant ignorance or disrespect of the Law he's sworn to uphold. [16:05] Katja Sixx tries to remember what the APB said again, while skillfully twirling the baton on her hand. obviously she had been practicing in front of the mirror with it, trying out various poses and ways to test which one looks coolest "it just said to bring you in for questioning. And that you're last seen on CU campus. I went through your record and found a video that connected you to MAD. So here we are. So the APB is out for your little psycho person, and we are here to bring you to the station. Perhaps afterwards you get a yummy wowwypop is you've been a good girl "pretty much explaining it all and mocking her at the same time. With an annoyed voice she turns to the man " oh shut the hell up about the *bleep* warrant. How about I write out a citation for interfering with officer duties " as she takes out her little notebook. [16:07] Kay (littlepunky.varnish) laughed "Yeah, they are a bit rank.". She sighed and shook her head "Nah I'll pass. I dunno what *bleep* piles ya been walking through with all the crap that comes out of Andel's mouth.". She pondered for a second, and wrinkled up her nose "Who is Kay Varnish?" she said obnoxiously "Sounds like a lovely person..Muffin." and nodded about 20 times, she couldn't help but laugh. She felt the hand on her shoulder, and just moved back as Gan pushed her "Alright." she couldn't call her lawyer, she owed Green a shit tonne of money! She'd step back though, tugging out her screwdriver, to toss over to the sink, she wasn't having that taken from her. Her phone went off, which she'd swiftly send a text back to aswell. She blinked as Gan spoke, he really knew his shit! It impressed her. She folded her arms across her chest and couldn't help but look, smug. She'd smile to Gan though "That's Rabbi Kay to you G." and laugh even more, she should take it all seriously, she just couldn't now. Her head snapped to Katja as she spoke "I aint a psycho." totally was "*bleep* off. If you can't tell me what it is. You aint got *bleep* on me. So take your yummy wowwypop, and ram it up your diseased cesspit of a *bleep* ." She scowled as Katja told Gan to shut the hell up "How about you just *bleep* off away from my door. You aint got *bleep*. Once again the HPD just wanting to ruin teaparties cause they don't get invited no where." she did a big loud sniff "Maybe if ya showered once in a while huh? Back the *bleep* off and leave us alone.". [16:11] Chompa Kimagawa: "Oh you're a lawyer now, are you?" Kim was very quickly fed up with Gan and so took a single step forward, his best-most-cheerful smile, even a wink, before extended his arm at lightening speed hoping to bip poor Gan right in the chops with the scarred knuckles of his fist. "Shut the *bleep* up you piece of trash," if the blow connected, "say another word and I'll have you in the tank for obstructing justice." If Kim had laid Gan out, he'd rest his boot on the apple of his neck, pinning him to the ground and flashing his eyes to Kay: eyes that meant business, small fires in their pupils, the bloodlust of war suddenly returned to him, "got beef? We've got plenty on you, Kay, and I know exactly who you are - we've met, you idiot." Later he'd feel bad for it, since Kay was a friend of Shar's, but right now his blood was lava. [16:14] Ganchinua (vv01f.hermans) tilts his head to the right when he's threatened with a citation. "Sure Officer, you are free to write the citation. Which I will contest in court since this is not official Officer duty you are carrying out. If it were Official, you'd have a warrant and let use see it before dragging anyone off for questioning, or even stepping inside the house," he replies to her. Yes, he was a nerd and had read a lot about American Law, especially after hearing he would be sent here to study. Of course he does not expect the cop to attack him - he still hadn't had any experience with how corrupt and violent HPD was. He's about to answer the male cop's question about him being a lawyer, but is interrupted with a punch to the groin. He was no fighter, so he goes down easily, a boot pressed to his neck which he tries to lift up enough so that he could breathe, coughing and spluttering in pain and lack of oxygen. "Hey... ger'off me," he mutters breathlessly. Fucking Hunter. Good thing he was recording all of this. [16:19] Katja Sixx starts to write out her citation, not really listening to what the guy has to say to her " APB is official you *bleep*. Everything we do is official. And you are about to receive an official citation " She looked how Chompa used his awesome skills to bring down Ganchinua. She moves closer, and tries to search his pockets for a wallet that contains an ID, so she could throw the citation his way. [16:20] Kay (littlepunky.varnish) threw her phone onto the couch after sending one last text as Chomp went to smack Gan "Oh my *bleep*ing god! More of this police brutality.". Her eyes narrowed at Chomp "Yeah I got *bleep*ing beef. I know who the *bleep* you are. I remember from the Shitney thing." she wanted to wipe him out but, Shar..Gah! She'd tug off her bat and bag, but toss them to the ground "Alright. What you got on me? Tell me that, and I'll come. No more hitting him. He's *bleep*ing innocent and aint done *bleep*." She should have gone to see if he was okay, but she was trying to deflect away from him. She'd call to Gan though "You okay G? I'm sorry man." she did feel guilty she'd dragged him into the po po bullshit. [16:24] Chompa Kimagawa: "We don't gotta tell you jack. If you wanna complain about that, good luck finding someone who will give a *bleep*," Kim pulled his cuffs from his waist belt and tossed them to Kat: "cuff da *bleep*," keeping Gan pinned with his boot. Hearing Kay's concern for Gan: "Come, easy, with us - and I promise your friend won't have nothing more than the print of my boot in his neck... elsewise," turning his horrid stare to Gan now, "I'll take care of him reaaal good for you." [16:25] Ganchinua (vv01f.hermans) was too busy clutching his aching balls to teach Law to Kat. Even though an APB was official, PD still need a warrant to bring in a suspect for arrest or questioning, unless that suspect came of his or her own accord. She'd find no ID in his pockets, since all the ID he had was his passport, and it was safely stored at home as it should be. He glares up at Kay when she apologises, knowing that her insults and taunts had not helped the situation at all. And since his player needs to go to bed real bad, we'll say Gan passes out due to lack of oxygen under Kim's boot. Yeah, he was a sissy like that. Katja Sixx sighs when she hears Kay " Listen you retarded *bleep*wit. Like I said before, the APB doesn't say that. All we know is that you are a person of interest, not meaning that you actually did something. maybe you just saw something suspicious. Anyway, please step out of the door so we can escort you to the HPD. as she kept looking for an ID. However, unfortunately for her she didn't find one. She put away the notepad and stepped closer to Kay with tha baton in her hand, a few stickers falling on the floor "Step the *bleep* out " she says simply. Kay frowned "Don't need to cuff me. Just tell me what, and I'll come. And even behave." she said with a nod. She scowled more as he said that "Wow. Big man. Big man. You treat Shar like that?" she spat out, cause, what if he did! Even though Shar would just slap him with Hersen, still worried her. She sighed as Gan glared at her, and would like, make it up to him by telling Hunter to give him a shit load of points. Then he passed out, and her brow furrowed "Seriously he needs to go to HGH. *bleep*ing po po. You're all mother*bleep*ing dipshits!". She scowled back to Katja "Person of interest. Yeah. That's me.". She didn't want them in the house, so did as she said "I better get to ride shotgun.". She'd look to the baton "That give you your cheap thrills on a night? The only thing that touches the side of your *bleep*?" and would limp out of the door if able, probably catching some stickers on the bottom of her boot. [16:37] Chompa Kimagawa: "Yeah?" looking down at himself and brushing his chest with both hands, feigning stupidity, "yeah, guess I am a pretty big guy," and then, "nah, I treat Shar even worse," he chuckled. "That lil *bleep* don't need medical. He'll be fine, it's called a choke out?" just to make sure, Kim reached down to check his pulse; still beating: "He'll wake in an hour or two. Don't you worry your little head missy." Losing patience since he had business elsewhere, "now lets roll. Cuff her if you want, Officer Katja, doesn't matter - I'll walk with you," and pulling a smoke from his shirt pocket. [16:40:58] Katja Sixx can't help but to laugh " Ride shotgun? Well I've got some bad news for your lazy *bleep* then. You get to WALK with us to the jail. ... " and steps in closer after getting her cuffs out. If Kay let her she would try to handcuff her. Her gaze travels to the passed out guy on the floor, relieved to hear that he is still breathing " Goddammit, we get to pick up the *bleep*wits, and other people get to have all the fun of the interrogation probably. it's like we are little *bleep*ing slaves to the higher ranks " she suddenly starts ranting. Kay rolled her eyes hearing Chomp "Yeah. Compensating for something Chomp?" she snorted hearing he treated Shar worse, she knew it was bollocks. She'd look back to Gan "He better be alright." she snarled out. She'd put up a bit of a struggle being cuffed, but eventually let it happen "Yeah. Have to have me in cuffs, cause you're a little *bleep* eh?" and went to snap her teeth at the air infront of Katja. At the mention of jail, she furrowed her brow "Hey this is meant to be..I don't know. Happy visit to fun land? No *bleep*er said jail." she'd look around "You better *bleep*ing carry me there." she couldn't walk all that way with her bum hip. She'd roll her eyes once more hearing Katja "Yeah, never gunna get promoted. Andel likes *bleep*. Sucks eh?" *-* The Police Officers then drag Kay out of the door, and the video ends. *-* |
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