Pistol Mixmaster

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of pistolmixmaster Anonymous 15 years, 4 months ago.

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Profile photo of pistolmixmaster



Howdy, new to CD so I'm throwing my girl out there for visual digestion. 🙂 Nom nom.

Name - Abigail "Pistol" Mixmaster (Shed birth name after leaving orphanage.. does not go by Abigail)
Age - 22
Ethnicity - Caucasian
Orientation - Bisexual
Hair - Brown, black tips
Eyes - Blue
Status - Single, not looking

Distinguishing Features:
Has snakebites, a septum ring, and a pair of pistols tattooed on her lower stomach. Also has tribal work on upper back, around shoulders, and down arms. More to follow.

Background Story:
Let me tell you a story, about a girl.. in fact, lets make her a fairy dressed in ribbons and pearls. She played with her dolls, her Ken and her Barbie, dreaming of a day she'd have a Mommy and Daddy. The years flew by, the girl became older, no one was interested in a crack whore's daughter. Eventually the time came, the nun's once kind faces now cold. She was eighteen, and now alone in the world. Quickly she learned how to fend for herself, for these Kens had knives and the Barbies had guns. Drunk in an alley, tattooed and pierced, she lost her Abigail to a cold, hard Pistol. Now she wanders from place to place, her gypsy soul never at rest.

Additional Information:
Pistol is artistic. She draws, reads, and writes. She spends majority of her time wandering with a sketchpad, scribbling this and that. She smokes, drinks, and dibble dabbles in the occasional drug. Pistol has a tendency to develop elaborate stories about her childhood, and will often tell the same person several different versions of her life. She has a habit of touching new things, and sometimes people, to ensure herself they do indeed exist. It's difficult for her to remain still, and is constantly fidgeting. She behaves rather childishly at times, and is attracted to playgrounds, carnivals, and plush animals.

September 27, 2009 at 5:05 am
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September 27, 2009 at 7:05 am
Profile photo of pistolmixmaster



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October 27, 2009 at 7:17 am
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