On the run…

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Mia is a typical blonde. Sweet, funny, ditzy, a bit of an air head.

She grew up with her multi-millionaire father in New York.
Her mother died when she was a baby & as she was her fathers 'little princess' she got whatever she wanted.

She wasn't sure of what he did for a living but he told her that he was the CEO of a multi million pound Import/Export company. To those that knew better, he was the head of a company that smuggles guns & drugs into the country, sometimes even bringing in girls for human trafficking.
He is smart, ruthless and has absolutely no morals, he does what he needs to to get whatever it is that he wants, be it money, women, or business.

He keeps his daughter happy by supplying her with a constant stream of money, expensive holidays and presents, though the best present he ever bought her was her new breasts.

This is her life, as she knows it. But unknown to her there is a dark secret lurking in her past.
It's simple. The mother she knew wasn't her real mother.

Her real mother was a street whore her father had an affair with.
When her father found out his lover was pregnant, he visited her with his bodyguards & ripped the child from her arms, taking her away with him with a threat to the mother to stay away or lose her life.
He bought up the girl with all the refinements & luxuries that he believed she deserved & seemed, to her, the perfect father.

He heard word that her real mother was planning to snatch her one day from school & he sent a bunch of men in his employ to her home, to give her a warning.
After walking out of the hospital six weeks later, she called him to tell him that she didn't care how long it took, she would get her little girl back. By the time she got home, they were waiting for her.
Later that night, a scream was heard as a neighbor noticed her door ajar, peering in to see her broken, bloody body lying in a pool of blood, staring straight at her with glassy, unseeing eyes.

Of course Mia knew nothing of this, her life was perfect, if not for her controlling father. He had her followed, monitored all calls & letters to her, had her room searched regularly & warned her to stay away from 'that' side of town. He told her that it was for her own safety, that there were many out there that would target her for his millions, but secretly he was afraid of her finding out the truth, knowing he would lose her if she knew. And he doesn't lose things. Ever.
Unfortunately for him, Mia has always had a rebellious streak, most likely a trait from her Mexican mother, & she defied him, losing her bodyguards so that she could go to 'that' forbidden area.

She was approached one day, by someone who claimed to be her aunt, & she finally learnt the awful, harrowing truth. Shocked to the core she ran home & finding her father out, she went into his office, searching through his things to find some proof of what her 'aunt' had told her.
The file containing photos of her mothers bloody, broken body, & her own birth certificate literally fell into her hands. She read everything, twice, three times, unable to believe the awful truth of her father.
She went through the rest of his things, wanting to know everything & she found out what he really did for a living, as well as a huge amount of cash in the safe.

Knowing that she couldn't stay now she packed her bags, grabbing the file along with the cash, hiding them amongst her things before sneaking out of the house, running for her life.
Moving from town to town, never drawing too much attention to herself she finally rolls into this place where she pauses long enough to catch her breath, needing a rest from all the running.

It remains to be seen what will become of her in the months & years to come......

Her Look:

Mia has the look of a typical blonde socialite.

Light blonde hair, pale smooth skin, false eyelashes & minimal makeup, perfectly done.
Her body is on the petite side though she has natural curves, & her breasts are fake, though not very noticable as they have been done very tastefully, to look natural.
Her big, wide eyes are an oceanic blue, clear & innocent, though at times they may contain fear, a wariness and sometimes, even a haunting sadness.
Her makeup is always perfect & you will never see her looking a mess, it's just something that she doesn't do.

Her Character:

Shy, sweet, caring, compassionate, friendly, fun-loving, gullible, mischievous, naive, trusting, innocent, wary, cautious, nervous, fiesty, spirited, clumsy.

Sweet & cripplingly shy, this girl is finally on her own in the big bad world, & it remains to be seen how she will handle what life throws at her.
In the main she is kind & gentle, she will help anyone should they need it, even at a detriment to her own health. It's just the way she is.
She can be flirty but it's a front put up by her fear that people may actually realize how little she really knows about all that sex stuff, & if faced with the serious threat or promise of sex she will withdraw or freeze, every-time.
Because of her past she can be very wary & cautious, nervous even around people, a fact that makes her very shy, usual observations are that she seem to be like a mouse, skittish & fearful.
She does have a feisty side, though that only starts to emerge once she begins to get to know someone, or becomes relaxed in the place where she lives. Very wary and nervous of cops or people in authority.

March 25, 2012 at 10:36 am
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