Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work:
Sam'n Ella Dinner
By Lumielle Resident
BACKGROUND: I wish to make the diner(which is located in Backwaters) an adult theme diner, black tinted windows, +18 sign. Basically a more spicy version of Hooters that involves nudity but no sexual services. Waitress are encouraged to work wearing skimpy tops or even topless. Events would include happy hour meals/drinks.Perhaps a day where roller skates are used by the waitresses.
UNIQUE: By making it adult oriented.
EXPERIENCE:Had a similar diner on Santa Ramona Valley sim. There I'd do events at a different location to promote and steer clients towards the diner
IDEAS:By making events, where players can help with the cooking, waitressing.
OTHER:I'd offer free samples of burgers either on site or downtown by setting a temporary stand
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