[Official Business] Backwater: Laveau Clinic

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [Official Business] Backwater: Laveau Clinic

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alexandra Markus Alexandra Melune 1 year, 7 months ago.

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Alexandra Melune


Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work: http://thecrackden.com/discuss/topic/group-and-business-proposals/

BW Clinic
By Omegaslayer Resident



BACKGROUND: I would try and make it work as a mini hospital for the area of Laveau, offering a variety of services and due to it being in a poor area i would like to try and offer a sort of free medical help, but not completely free i would of course expect something in return eventually. Alice has been doing back alley medical work for people for a while now, patching up and doing small operations for a lower price than one would expect in the hospital. Also if need be i would be willing to also dispose of bodies if given a bribe per say, seeing as it is a clinic and injured people may die there she would be willing with a bit of cash to keep things between them. As far as events fundraisers would be a good idea, working with other businesses to raise funds for the hospital, maybe having markets where other stores can join in all in an effort to keep the clinic on it's feet.

UNIQUE: I want it to stand apart from the hospital in Hathian itself, i would like it to fit the area, to be suitable for people with a low income and also i want it to be corrupt as hell, the more fucked up the better. And maybe also encourage other corrupt activities such as selling organs to the black market, with a sort of yeah your removal of a kidney was totally necessary when in reality it's out the back being sold.

EXPERIENCE:I have been a moderator in Dead End before after being nominated by my peers who believed me to be fair and calm. I have also helped run a cult (adherents of belial) within dead end that i was a part of for 6 long years. I have also helped run businesses before too, being a second in command sort of

IDEAS:I would make sure to engage them whilst i am there, make sure they know i am there. I as always will help anyone who needs my help as i already do, i'm not an ogre and will not bite anyones hand off.

OTHER:I would offer free check ups for the whole day on the house, anyone needs a boil looking at, an STI test, bloody tests the lot, it would all be on the house for the whole day as an act of good will.

June 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm
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ming yheng


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

June 14, 2023 at 12:19 pm
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