Nykolas (Nyk) Alderton

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This should of been done a while ago but meh .. here goe's ....

Name - Nykolas Alderton
Alias - (Nyk , Kaiser Nyk )
Age - 30
Place of Birth - Dresden , Germany

Nykolas Frederick Alderton was born in Dresden , Germany in 1979 .. born into a criminal organised family , Nyks father was a well known drug trafficker , known to have flooded the german state with over a estimated billion euros worth of cocaine and cannabis , Nyk's mother herself was a known figure in the criminal underworld undertaking various tasks including kidnap and several unconfirmed counts of murder.

Nyk's childhood was spend on both ends of the socal spectrum , his weekdays would be spend at relatives near the outskirts of Berlin who lived far less dangerous lives then that of Nyks parents . Grandparents , Aunties and Uncles all took there part in brining Nyk up as they saw fit , giving him various forms of education and outtings like any normal child should have while his parents 'worked' all week long .

On weekends his parents would travel up to see Nyk , being an only child Nyk was when the time allowed spoilt rotten but is high income earning parents , big lavish presents and dinner out in fancy Italian resturants , trips to the beach , Nyk had it all on weekends .. but that was it .. just two days a week Nyk saw them and it wasnt until the summer in 1990 Nyk found out why.

August 1990 was a month that would change Nyk's life forever , now 11 yrs old Nyk was able to spend the odd weekday with his parents and on this occasion it was to be his last with his parents . A knock at his parents detached house door a tall dark haired figure would lurch over the porch , Nyk still really being too young to understand was told by the man that he needed to see his mother and that he was an old school friend . The mans smiling to Nyk helped pursade him to talk to the man , even though his relatives had warned of the danger of strangers.

Nyk informed the man that his mother and father were out working and that the next door neighbour was in charge of Nyk until there return , the man gave a small nod and left Nyk with a card and instrusted him to give it to his mother upon her return , the candy bar also given was again more then enough of a pursuasion for Nyk who as asked by the nice man gave the card to his mother when she returned some few hours later .

The card contained no words , just a picture or more accuratly a black spot stamped in the middle of the card ... the black spot causing panic and fear as it meant to his parents that there lives were about to be cut short . Fearing for little Nyks safety they sent him to live with his relatives on a more perminate basis , this unknown to Nyk would be the last time he ever saw is parents , who on there last drug run were caught by the German Police and Drugs Authorities and were now sentanced to death for a catalog of crimes including Mass-murder , Kidnap , Drug Trafficking , Extortion and Weapon Trafficking.

Nyk's parents had promised him they would be back to him after this little business trip , a heartfelt session with his mother had Nyk being promised that his mother would be there for him to make up for lost time , a teary promise with the presence of another candy bar was more then enough for the young , gulable Nyk to take that as gosple . and with his parents on an extended vacation , Nyk enjoyed life with his relatives .. dispite in there early 60's were still playing around with Nyk in the park and taking him to the country on picnics and outings .

the year 2000 saw Nyk become an adult of sorts , his life or riley with his relatives cut short due to illness , forcing Nyk to find his own lodgings and tackle the world himself , his life now was revolving around drugs and weapons , his parents life of crime were slowly wrapping around Nyk like a warm blanket , already in trouble with the law over possesion of dangerous weapons Nyk was earning a minimal living , carting weapons and drugs into Dresden city boundrys to the local gangs and underworld fiqures , robbing food from the local convience store just to live day to day.

the day that began the year 2007 would also be a day that would live forever in the mind of Nyk , not to mention the families of the lives he took that day . The Dresden Tube Bombing shook a nation to the core , the world watched in awe as every TV News Station was covering the relentless and unprovoked attack on the public subway station claming the lives of 62 people and injuring hundreds more , the attack itself was planned in every detail and angle , it was supposed to be the final action for Nyk , who was drafted in by the very gang he had been dealing for to make a hit on there biggest gang rival leader.

The plan was to hit the leader the second he left the subway train which was pre-arranged for him to travel on . The remote controlled explosives in a suitcase were left by the platforms edge , somehow unnoticed by the attendends or guards for the hour or so it was left there . The attack was a gamble , a gamble which paid off when for the next few days the countrys newspapers were reporting the deaths and wounded found in the station and the massive rescue effort taken on by the German Fire and Medical services , even US Presisdent George W Bush promising the german people that the USA would aid in the fight to bring these terrorists to justice.

For Nyk his life in the Fatherland was coming to an end , he couldnt remain in the country with the German Police around every street corner in Dresden , not to mention the arrival of the FBI from America and MI5 from the UK to aid in the capture of those responable of Germanys single most loss of life since the second world war. Due to the bombing his trafficking had also dried up meaning Nyk had no more source of income , he needed to get out the country before he had the law enforcement of three nations gunning him down.

America seemed a rather stupid idea but one Nyk had thought about for a while , the vastness of the country crawling in drugs and crime seemed like a safe haven to someone of Nyk's calibre , and getting there wasnt a difficult task , a week or so on a fishing boat in the Atlantic ocean seemed like a holiday for Nyk , dispite the constant threat of storms and the sighting of a Navel Battleship from an unknown nation hovering on the horizon Nyk had a pretty confortable trip which lastest eleven days , the end location was the beach of a small town , the wooden pier and the revolving light from the nearby lighthouse was all that illuminated the night sky .

Nyk slid ashore with his rucksack and a few hundred dollars in fake money with which to establish a new life . the beach he landed on harboured around the town of Hathain , Louisana and this now was Nyks home whether the local populace liked it or not.....

August 4, 2009 at 10:56 am
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