Now wash your hands!

Home Forums Introductions Now wash your hands!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lexi Morrison lexi-ella 15 years, 6 months ago.

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(Uhm..where to start..and ty to all for the amazing RP so far, and for welcoming me!)

Name: Lexi Felismo
Age: 19
Student Nurse - Pre Reg

First Impressions:

Looking at Lexi you would see a well presented, neat and ordered young woman. Her hair is always clean, and her appearance spotless. She wears minimal makeup, and doesnt drink, or use drugs. She is in good shape, and can often be seen jogging around campus and keeping herself fit. Not vain, she is just terrified of falling ill. Her beloved uniform is always immaculate, she is a pro at bleaching, and starching and ironing spendng hours perfecting it. Often alone, apart from when she is in class or working, so no one gets close enough to know the real her.
She hides her inner demons well, always polite, kind and helpful. A natural carer, she is never happier when wearing her shield, her uniform.. and caring for patients, whether they want her to or not. Eager to please she looks up to the stronger figures in her life, for guidance..always wanting to impress. Especially the Dr's at the hospital, or her Uni lecturers. She admires anyone who is mature and in control, idolising them.

Hidden observations..
Look closer however..and you see something else bubbling beneath the surface. Her debilitating OCD ensures her skin is red raw from the constant scrubbing and cleaning she does for hours each night. She would wear her mask and gloves even when not necessary, to keep the tainted air and fluids from her -protection against the world. If she gets a question wrong in class she is distraught, and would study for hours to try to make up for it. Ill health is dirty to her, it needs fixing.

Her small single dorm is her safe-haven, she would take nobody home. Doors covered in locks and bolts and windows heavily shuttered to keep the world out. Intensely private she is afraid of what happens if she lets anyone inside.When not working... she avoids crowds, the social scene is too much for her to handle.
She likes to pretend...that she is the daughter of a rich Doctor, from England. She has a large, loving family who miss her, and beg her to come home, but she must stay in Hathian and help the less fortunate, to make her father proud and follow in his footsteps.
She sleeps with the light on, still terrified of the night.

The dirty truth:
Born to a prostitute mother, she was unwanted from the start.
Her mother told her she had no idea and did not care who her father was, and neglected her most of her life. Working on the streets at night, she would lock Lexi up in the small back room of her boyfriend pimps house till the morning.
At 4, she barely remembers a baby joining her silent prison, her brother. She became his main carer, even at a young age she learned to sneak and store food for him and make him laugh, to make sure he didnt cry.
The misery of neglect went on for years, her mother was clever at avoiding the authorities, parading herself as the perfect mother. Lexi loved her too much to ever open her mouth and tell anyone she barely saw her.

One day she overheard an argument between the pimp and her mother, something about HIV. Aquired after her and her brother were born, she was lucky but, the risky sex was again to blame. He beat her mother then, and she always remembers how dirty the word sounded, the disgust in his voice when he spoke to her mother.
She would watch fasicnated, wide eyed as her mum turned to drugs for the pain relief, injecting herself daily, turning from a shaking shivering wreck, to a relaxed happy woman, she thought the needles were magical. They seemed to take away the pain and she watched the ritual each time from behind the couch. She sometimes was allowed to go to the Doctors with her mother, and saw him as the saviour, his tablets and calm nature seemed to relax her mum and make her happier.

A lot of this period she blanks out, but she does remember the day her life was over. The day she woke up to find her mother dead beside her, slumped over the couch, the AIDS finally taking her combined with the heroin.. a twisted look of horror on her face. She remembers the vivid flash of police lights, the red and the blue making the scene even more terrifying as they barged in and took her brother away, then her. They questioned her for hours, she had lots of tests. she didnt say a word. Not even able to cry, she watched helpless as her younger brother was adopted, taken away from her care. She was too young to stop them. Still, at least they said, she was clean.

As usual no one wanted her, she was too old they said to adopt. Instead of disappointing her carers she worked hard, wanting to please them to stop the rejection. Getting good grades, she lost herself in the studying, her brain was thirsty for knowledge after the many years cooped up inside that room with no toys or other children to play with.
She thought about her mum and brother every night, feeling somehow she could have helped, if only she could have stopped her mother dying everything would be safe again.

Studying to become a Nurse, to try to prevent anyone feeling pain or dying. It gives her a sense of control.
Phobic about death, / ill health tying it into the horrible experience of seeing her mum dead when she was a child.
She keeps herself healthy to make sure she rarely falls ill, seeing this as weakness and loss of control
If she can heal people, surely she can make them happy!
Idolises , if a little scared of older Doctors and Senior Lecturers at Uni , never having had a father figure.
Wants to be needed and craves affection but too terrified of casual encounters.

Will start to specialise her career in preventing unwanted pregnancies...and abortions..verging on illegal if it means stopping an unwanted baby being born. She will distribute contraception and harp on about unsafe sex whenever possible - even if people dont want to hear. Undertakes STI testing when qualified.
Eventually this obsession with health will lead her to venture into the world of risky and maybe illegal clinical research..and organ donation, led astray by certain people.

July 24, 2009 at 5:47 pm
Profile photo of ava-delacroix



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July 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 7:30 pm
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July 24, 2009 at 10:41 pm
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August 5, 2009 at 12:43 pm
Profile photo of Lexi Morrison



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August 21, 2009 at 12:30 pm
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