Another dream, another sleepless night. I awake and stare at the clock my body temperature is on fire yet I am cold, Sweating and wrapped in nothing but a sheet. Afraid to close my eyes for fear I would return to that place in that dream, that old house with the chipped paint and dead lawn all over again. Maybe this time I would be trapped there never to awake or escape. Memories so vivid couldn't possibly not be real right ? Then I wake up to this empty house feeling empty inside, shit if it wasn't for the drugs I'd have ended this long ago. What of the first time "It" happened, the lines between reality and sub consciousness began to blur themselves. Least when I'm fucked up I have an excuse to black out and even then I just wake up next to someone I have no idea what their name is. Sometimes I wake up alone and cold on the floor stirring in my own vomit. That's best case scenario in contrast to when "It" happens ... suppressed emotions and memories DEMONS that will forever haunt me. No one must find out who I am, what I've done what I'm capable of doing. It's been 3 years since my last incident, maybe it's over. Time to get up put on my game face there's money to be made in these streets let's focus Roman....