Nick DiPietro

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Profile photo of Alexander Brown

vladislav ogrimund


Category:Character Profile

Making contacts and bonding with people who might be useful to him. Looking for 'Ace'. Trying to find something to occupy his time instead of sitting around in Lou's Bar all day long.
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'''RP Character Bio:'''
*Age: 24
*Weight: 250lbs
*Height: 6'10
*Ethnicity: Italian American
*Known Alias(es): Nicky

==Background Story==
===Before Hathian===
Nicky is a twenty four year old American-born Italian guy. His father was part of the American Cosa Nostra and although he didn't live with him and his mother, he came to visit a lot when he was younger. His young Sicilian mother, raised in the old-fashioned way, was raped and murdered while Nicky was out with friends. Nicky found out who the scumbags who raped and killed his mother were and killed them in turn, but had to leave San Francisco to escape the Police. Not without, however, the bag full of cash they were preparing to give in exchange for a shipment of drugs. He is now roaming the dangerous streets trying to keep a low profile so that any SFPD Detectives who start looking for him to question him regarding the multiple murders cannot find him here.

===Begin Hathian===
Upon his arrival he descended from the bus and looked around the town. Grim, dark and dead quiet - the perfect place to hang around in when you do not want to be found. He was still wearing the fancy gray suit he had put on in San Francisco to be mistaken for some businessman on his way to work. He tilted back the fedora he had bought to hide his face as much possible so that he could take a better look at his surroundings.

He could see a shabby motel not far from the bus-stop and went directly for it with the half-empty briefcase containing the few clothes he had taken with him and a fraction of the money from the drug dealers he had murdered - the rest he had locked up safely in a safety deposit box at a bank not far from Hathian, who valued customer privacy above all else and didn't ask what was held in their safes.

He rented a cheap room, not wanting to pass for a rich guy - it was dangerous to be rich in a society full of starving people and addicts looking for money to buy their next fix. He took a quick shower and dropped on the squeaky bed as his mind started racing to form a plan. As he thought about how to survive in this seemingly dangerous town, about how to make contacts in case he needed anything, about whether he should befriend a group of people so as to have backup in case of trouble or not... did this place have gang wars? He asked a hundred questions to himself trying to answer them in the most logical way possible, until his eyelids closed and he fell into a deep sleep and started repaying some of the huge debt he had with sleep.

The first few days were quiet in Hathian. Nicky would walk around the place exploring it and trying to memorise all the deep dark alleys and abandoned buildings, in case he ever needed a place to run through or hide in. He tried to stay invisible for as long as possible, but boredom was settling in dangerously quick - he wasn't the sort of guy to stay as far away from the limelight as possible.

He found Lou's Bar and started hanging around there a lot, sitting on his favourite stool - the one closest to the wall where he used to sit, back against the wall so he could see both front entrances and so nobody could sneak up behind him. He made a few acquaintances in a short time, he was quite charismatic.

It didn't take him long to decide what to do. He would attempt to make contact with a man known as 'Ace' and his crew. He had been told he was running a prostitution operation by one of his girls. Why he decided this he didn't really know. Perhaps he imagined the guy to be some sort of modern-day Don Tattaglia from the Godfather movie, which was always one of his favourites. All he knew is that he had a good feeling about this guy and about working with him.

===Current Hathian===
At the moment Nicky is making contacts and trying to build up relationships with all sorts of people. Bartenders, bouncers, strippers, civil servants and even the wierd and wacky folk of Hathian - you never knew what you would need and who from. Whenever he thinks the moment is right and the person he is socialising with knows something, he would ask about Ace and where to find him.

At the same time however these connections would sometimes bring trouble and danger his way - that was quite a normal thing in a town like this. But running into a burning club after a bomb had exploded inside to save some broad he barely knew was going too far... what the hell was he thinking? He was lucky to get out alive and unhurt from that inferno, with only a few burnt hairs and a sore throat from the smoke he had inhaled to show for it.

Father: Nicola DiPietro - Location unknown, he had cut out all contacts when Nicky was 20 and going to college.
Mother: Maria DiPietro - Raped and murdered by a drug-dealing gang in San Francisco looking for a night of fun.
No brothers or sisters. His mother never remarried after her marriage with Nicky's father was annulled - Nicola had married Maria only to grant the death wish of his birth godfather and legal guardian since the tender age of 10 when his parents had been murdered in front of his eyes.

===Extended/Adopted Family===
Father's side Grandparents: Pietro and Angelica DiPietro - Murdered when Nicky's father was still a kid.
Mother's side Grandparents: Alberto and Anna Zirilli - Living peacefully in their tranquil neighbourhood in Sicily, only met a couple of times when his mother visited them and took him along.

==Criminal Activity==

''((This information is considered IC information to any persons (i.e. Police Officers) that has access to his records, if you want to obtain his records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''

'''Hathian Police Department Criminal File '''

Never arrested.

==Medical File==
''((This information is considered IC information to any persons (i.e. hospital staff) that has access to his records, if you want to obtain his records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''

'''Name:''' Nick DiPietro

'''Date of Birth:''' 25/07/1985

'''Blood Type:''' O+

'''Address:''' Room 2, Master Bates Inn, Main Street, Hathian

'''Phone Number:''' *Master Bates Inn phone number. No cellphone number given*

'''SS #:''' 706-68-7291

'''Sex:''' Male

'''Emergency Contact:''' None


'''Chart and Notes:'''


*'''Reason admitted:''' Smoke intoxication from a burning building.
**'''Tending Doctor:''' Dr. Jonathan Anderson ((NPC))
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' Patient was kept under observation for the night after he was brought in with severe smoke intoxication caused by a bomb-related fire in "The Dollhouse" club. No burns or other injuries diagnosed.

*'''Case Update - (09/05/09):''' Patient awoke early and got out of bed against the nurse's recommendations. Insisting to be released from hospital and that all information about him be kept private and confidential, even and especially from the patient he was brought in with.
**'''Tending Doctor:''' Nurse Emily Jones ((NPC))
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' Released against Dr. Jonathan Anderson's recommendations, still coughing occasionally and with a sore throat but seeming quite alright.


*'''Reason admitted:''' Stab wound on the right shoulder & six pellets from a sawnoff shotgun to the right side of the chest.
**'''Tending Doctor:''' Dr. Pixie Bloobury
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' Patient was brought in after a tussle with the local law enforcement. Shotgun pellets removed from his chest, no vital organs hit. Blade wound sown up and fixed. Patient will be kept under observation for a night before being released to the HPD. UPDATE: Patient not found in bed about an hour after he was put there. The bed railing he was cuffed to was dislodged and he got away. Some patients described a large biker with white hair lead two patients out - suspected to be one of them.


*'''Reason admitted:''' Grave stab wounds on either shoulder, slash with a knife across the stomach, slash with a knife across right cheek, multiple bruises and other small cuts caused by melee attacks on face, torso and skull.
**'''Tending Doctor:''' Dr. Jonathan Anderson ((NPC))
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' Patient was brought in by Ambulance from a dorm at Peenhook Park after he called 911 himself. Found bleeding heavily from the multiple knife wounds. Stabilised and places in bed after stitching up for observation. Scarring does not appear to be permanent. Patient claims to have been attacked by two afro-american males but refuses to give any more information or to press charges.

September 5, 2009 at 9:40 am
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September 5, 2009 at 5:42 pm
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September 14, 2009 at 3:06 pm
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