Need someone for ongoing RP and backstory

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Laurel Dempsey Eevie Haiku 11 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Laurel Dempsey

Eevie Haiku


I am looking for someone to play a key figure in my character's current RP and as part of her backstory. This is a brief list of requirements for said individual...

1. MUST be interested in long term RP. You won't be required to play them all of the time, as I'm aware people have mains,lives, etc.

2. MUST be ok with RPing very dark undertones or themes. You would be surprised at how many people get all bajiggity about extreme violence etc... Even though they are RPing in a technically dark sim. I have already had one person back out before any RP even started lol.

3. MUST be patient and not mind waiting for decent posts... I do not machine gun para post... If you are the type that requires everything to be rushed... You will not enjoy RP with me, or my friends who are also involved...just a heads up.

For specific character information, you can contact me in game (Eevie Haiku). I am leaving a lot of the information open until I find someone, because I'm looking to let them help decide on some of the character traits and plot. I want whoever plays it, to have an interest and enjoy themselves. Please contact me even if I'm offline. I WILL get back to you if you leave me an IM.

August 12, 2013 at 8:02 am
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