Natilde stumbled clumsily into town last week, tripping over her own feet is her preferred method of travel. She was relived to arrive in Hathian, it would hopefully be her final stop on her international search for information on her sister.

Natilde was cautious, guarded, but optomistic when she arrived. That's all changed now. She is scared, and losing hope. If she can get out of town, she would probably be fine - unfortunately it doesn't look like she's going anywhere.

She realized her own research wasn't going to help her in this town, so she decided she would have to get her hands dirty. After witnessing an assault outside geinburger (which she was too petrified to report.) She enlisted the help of a local renegade, both to help her find protection, and her sister.

In just her first few days in Hathian, Natilde has smoked pot for the first time (unintentionally), been witness to an assault and an armed robbery, and if that wasn't enough, the police rally's graphic images of dead bodies have been burned into her mind. She is confused, scared, and wants to go home.
She'll soon realize there's no turning back.
Natilde is now panicked, lonely, and terrified. She'll begin to seek comfort and safety in anything - and anyone - she can before long.
OOC: Hi everyone! I've been camming the hell out of you all the past few days so I'm sure you've noticed me around perving! lol!I'm always down for some RP, so if you see Natilde before she sees you, try bumming a smoke or saying hi, she's friendly - for now! >:D