
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of trinus Anonymous 12 years, 12 months ago.

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New character, new thread.

A pocket-size notepad, the kind with the spiral binding at the top--vital for a lefty who can't be bothered with that pesky metal biting into the side of his hand as he's hunched over the bar jotting notes all night long. It's bad enough that he has a perpetual ink stain along the outside of his pinky, forever branding him as the writer type. These are his notes.


March 2.

Got settled into the motel. It's not much, but it's peace and quiet ... Well, for the most part. Excluding the medley of gunshots and sirens, domestic disturbances and the occasional drunk knock at the door thrown in for variety ... It's Hathian. What can I say that the papers haven't already?

Guess I'd better start thinking about that even more, now that I mention it. That is, after all, my job now. Or do I come in and just keep saying what they've been saying for months? Cops are corrupt, gangs run the streets. Plague, oil spill. This place reads like an HBO drama. A bad one.

On the bright side--if there is one in all this--that means there's even less a chance of anybody looking for me here. Folks back home are pleased that I'm gone, and any that are curious as to where I've run off to, well, this isn't the sort of place they're apt to go visiting. Totally different territory, and that's fine by me.

Sure, I'll miss the quiet life, if you can even call it that. Quiet on the surface, turmoil beneath that placid veneer. And little old me just had to go and open my big mouth. They always said I did better with a pen in my hand or my nose in a book, but that wasn't true either.

Forget it. I need to get to work. Start writing something worthwhile. This isn't going to pay the bills.

March 3, 2012 at 12:06 am
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